A New Strategy for Knights!
We did quite well organizing on FA at the 8pm EST event, not sure how the 9PM went. People just need to learn two knew things. There is limit to the buffs the encounter will provide (indicated in the right hand event description how many synergizes are left), and if they can’t get a buff to move to the other events. It took sometime to move people around, we started with 15 slots remaining at green and then had 0 near 75%. The most difficult part of the encounter is getting people to stay if they are at blue. I was in a 9PM overflow where the blue zerg just ran right away to green. We went from needing 17 to 0 quickly and then the event scaled drastically.
The encounter just changed so I’d give it a time. Arena Net swiped the rug out from underneath quite a few people by letting them learn the “wrong way” of doing the encounter for a few days and then changing it.