(edited by Moderator)
Don't like the overflow
It is impossible to participate and complete events because everytime I enter the new LA event, it’s straight to overflow which is just doomed to fail.
Cannot defeat the legendary coloured bosses because notwhere near enough damage/people to complete even one of them to less than 50% hp in the time limit!!! That is how bad it is.
I mean come on, we all want to participate, we all want to get the achievements, we all want to get the items. But it is simply impossible when you force us into overflows of people from mixed realms that mostly cannot communicate nor work together as a group.
I’m already bored of this event and returned to other daily activities such as dungeons etc. I might, just might, be able to participate once other people have gotten bored etc and I can get into a non-overflow group.
I’m so glad I had the new back piece so I could at least cheat my way into the story.
I don’t see how am I supposed to do it the regular way. The overflow is empty. Only npcs are at the legendaries positions. In one overflow we managed to kill only one of them.
It’s like with LA under attack. If you didn’t manage to come into the main or closely following overflows, don’t bother going at all.
what should I do now? wait until the queue pops and I get into the main at about 5 a.m.?
I gave up on tequatl already as it wasn’t worth waiting for. Didn’t bother doing marionette if I wasn’t there already by chance.
this is so frustrating, I’m really mad about this and I can’t bare this overflow crap anymore.
I know overflows can be annoying but it’s either that or your PC and frame rate go so slowly that you may as well not even be there at all.
Try to make a party before you go in, at least that increases the chance of one of you getting in and then acting as a taxi.
Also, the watchknight events start on the hour, I’d say by xx:15 – xx:20 most people will have disappeared onto the airship with Scarlet (which I believe is a separate instance, correct me if I’m wrong) so you can enter LA then and hang about for a while until the watchknights come back.
Why are you upset that there are thousands of people trying to play the same event? You got put into an overflow that does not mean anything, you can still play the event.
Not even a full day of the event yet , you have two weeks to get a successful group.
After patch i was lucky enough to be in LA main. In the middle of the scarlet fight I crashed to desktop, only to end up in overflow when i logged in shortly after.
I we tried to get the coloured bosses down but we were not even close to being enough people in the zone to get them down in time.
I just logged off at that point.
During whole last week i did not manage to get into LA main even once and I played a lot during the period.
I love the idea of these kind of events, but they really do not work well with the current overflow mechanic.
Not even a full day of the event yet , you have two weeks to get a successful group.
In theory, yes. In practice, not so much. It’s often the case with these events that after the first few days – after the people most interested in completing these events – the events degenerate into farm-fests. This usually means those who want to but haven’t completed the event have trouble finding enough competent people to get things done.
There is too much of a stigma on the overflows. People assume that overflow = crap, when the truth is that on a day like today, it’s most likely to be filled with the same sort of folks as the regular instance.
If you’re in an overflow and that overflow is full, then be happy. You’re most likely just as well off as you would have been in the main. If you’re in an overflow and its empty, then kitten give people a chance to get home from work and log on!
Tell ArenaNet:
You are in overflow, log out and go to sleep … yeaaah
Tomorrow is another day, another try!!!!!