Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vol.7601


I’m enjoying this patch but I feel like there are some areas that can be improved on for future releases.

The following are problems and possible solutions that will make events such as this more rewarding for different types of players

Farmers or players who do not save citizens are rewarded more than citizen-rescuers, despite the fact that citizen rescuers are the main reason for success.

Citizen saving right now is unrewarding to players who focus merely on citizens. If I were to strictly focus on saving citizens for 40 minutes and get to 1200, my max rewards would be the Ultimate bag and 25 alliance supplies.

But what if I’m a farmer? I get the rewards above, plus all the loot I get from farming events. That usually includes +300 alliance supplies plus all other loot.

So what can be done to combat this? Well, it would be unfair to reward loot to citizen savers since people would be fighting over citizens (and only one person would get them), so I propose that you reward citizen rescuers in another way – karma.

Karma right now is a scarce currency since the nerf and has actual value. To combat people fighting over citizens, I suggest marketing an entire ward of LA as an ‘event’ where you have to rescue all citizens in the timer alotted (2 minutes since thats the respawn time). And also give credit for players who clear mobs for safe passage. The karma reward for successful completion of this will be considerable – let’s say, 1000 karma).


Problem: AFK’ers leeching.

Unfortunately I do not think punishing AFK’ers is the appropriate way to go. I don’t like them either, but you cannot differentiate between intentional leechers and people who have to go away for 5 minutes.

We’re going to have to change map rewards slightly.

Everyone on the map will still be rewarded for 1200 citizens rescued. But they will be rewarded a Locked Chest.

How do you open it? By participating in all events in LA. Anet should include a token system that can be exchanged for better rewards. For example, all mobs can drop a token and from event completion. Citizen rescues can also be rewarded a large number of tokens using the event system described earlier above.

In order to open this Locked Chest, you will need to buy the key to this Locked Chest, which you acquire from exchanging your tokens.

So the AFK’ers get their reward, but it’s useless if they don’t help at all. People who have contributed get their Locked Chest AND the tokens to open it.

3.) Problem: Zerging
Zerging is naturally in all MMOs. The best thing we can do is limit it. From what I see from this event so far, zerging is caused for two reasons:
i.) farming is more profitable than citizen rescuing
ii.) certain mobs are easier than others

For i.), see point 1, which encourages rewards for citizen rescuing.

For ii.), I think Anet should include variety in miasma events. Everyone loves to do aetherblade and toxic since they are a lot easier than molten. Why would I choose Dredge/Molten with 35% protection when Aetherblades/Toxic are much easier to zerg? Miasmas should have been mixed with all three in one event. This way, events are evenly favored.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I would add one more, I dont know if this is a bug or not. When you are almost at 1200 citizens and you need to get out of the city the counter disapears but they do still count towards the total score.
So yesterday people leaving LA close to the exit did not get the 1200 reward chest while people who died in LA got it in the last few seconds. If you get out or not you still should get the final reward imo.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Groonz.7825


It should have been obvious from the start that there should have been some kind of small reward you could have gotten from rescuing citizens (not counting the tiered saved rewards or end reward). It had to be implemented from the start if Anet were really trying to combat against the “zerg” mentality and gameplay that has plagued GW2.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Soronthar.7236


To farm 300+ bags you really need a farming group able to scale the events AND with enough DPS to withstand the mobs. A PUG zerg will be annihilated in the miasma events, and take too much time to clear the escort and defend events.

For the rest of us mortals, it is possible to save citizens and farm 100+ bags (my record is 200 bags in a run) if we focus on small roaming zergs along the citizen paths. The mobs spawn by plenty, and you get to choose your targets (ie, skip elites if you want).

The easiest path is on the Aetherblade side (North). There you can do the Patrol the Trader Forum event, rescue dollys, and the citizen are just west if it. It is a guaranteed 100 bag run, and you’ll save about 12 citizens on each respawn.

The main problem I see with this LS is that the achievements are completely against the nature of the event: we need to rescue civilians, but are rewarded by camping at the rally points, removing miasma and wander around looking for small memorabilia.
The only achievement that makes sense is the “escort” one, and even then is one achievement for the 6 escort.

There should have been an achievement for civilians saved, perhaps tiered, and one achievement for personally encouraging civilians that grants you a bag every X civilians.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Problem: scaling at the miasma events.

The events are not doable if too many people show up. This promotes toxic map chat.

Solution: turn off scaling. If no champs (or fixed number of champs) spawn then the champ train Zerg doesn’t show up.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Dakota.4591


I’m enjoying this patch but I feel like there are some areas that can be improved on for future releases.

The following are problems and possible solutions that will make events such as this more rewarding for different types of players

2.) Problem: AFK’ers leeching.

We’re going to have to change map rewards slightly.

Everyone on the map will still be rewarded for 1200 citizens rescued. But they will be rewarded a Locked Chest.

How do you open it? By participating in all events in LA. Anet should include a token system that can be exchanged for better rewards. For example, all mobs can drop a token and from event completion. Citizen rescues can also be rewarded a large number of tokens using the event system described earlier above.


I don’t trust ANet to get the ratio right of chests to keys. I’d see a “black lion chest” situation where because of unlucky drop rates or poor timing, people end up with stacks of chests they can’t open by the time the event goes away. Then ANet decides to start selling the keys for gems.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: LoFidelity.2704


i wished some there was some guide you speak to at the entrance of each of the entrys of LA so you can funnel people to do something productive so everyone has an objective so you can build towards. its kind of silly that everyone gets the civilian reward—anything is better than the current system in place. players have to spend countless minutes trying to convince others to help save civilians—and its tiring. you spend half of your time talking to your players why they should do something when all they want doesn’t benefit you when you’re doing something you want and it benefits them….

…in an us vs them conversation i can wonder around for heirlooms myself and still get rewards for just running around with no accountability for helping out the city of LA. why can’t we get rewarded when we encourage or resurrect a civilian—something that none of the other players get unless the reward them? even if it was salvage scraps it’d be better than having 30 players spend an entire hour to only miss out on their reward because huge zergs refuse to spend a little extra time outside of the events to get karma… its so frustrating.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Exquisitor.5076


1) Given the poor loot in the “save the citizen” bags, I don’t really see this as an issue. Zergs contribute in some small way to saving citizens by keeping some zones relatively clear. The north door for Gendaren is a good example.

2) I’ve seen a few AFK, but not enough to worry about it. There’s always a few bad apples and too many rules to account for them. Maybe just have an activity log inside the zone? If inactive, DC in 5 minutes. If you’re afk for longer, then come back later.

3) Zergs are fine. Sometimes I like to go with the flow, sometimes I don’t. I’ve seen numerous people out and about away from zergs. This event has something for everyone.

4) Miasmas don’t scale well. They’re a challenge and I’ve only seen a few successful triple plays. Retooling their scaling would make them far more enjoyable as well as more winnable. I’ve seen the ground literally covered with fire zones, can only dodge so many.

5) My gripe is the useless currency. With every new LS we get more useless currency that clutters up bag space. The vendors now have more general stuff, but for the most part, the currency is useless. Why not just use sprockets for the blades? The heirlooms? Trash currency. The Lost items? Only good for tomes. Make them vendor for 1-2c each, everyone wins. Drawings? Please, just give us the phat loot and we’ll break what we don’t want.

6) Citizen saviors: this would have been a great achievement. Missed opportunity.

7) Minor gripe: paying for waypoints in LA seems like a slap in the face. We’re supposed to be heros helping the city and yet we pay for everything. I spend more silver switching to events than I do participating in them.

Escape from LA - Critique and How To Improve

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: xiraus.4716


You forgot the rubble thing, a lot of people running around collecting it to, that is also contra productive to the event. Those potion should have been achievement rewards…