Now RPers can make Kasmeer lookalikes.
Let the ERP begin. :>
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
My only wish is that the Jack Sparrow hair-do from the male asura would also be allowed on female asura… I love iiiiit but my character is a female. :P
Beautiful weapons:
Whoever designed these deserves some props! Just wanted to give a shout.
BTW hairstyles are awesome too, omg….
Awe, I want too many of them (like the axe, hammer, greatsword, bows, and maybe rifle)
Apparently they still don’t care for us with several toons…
Please give us a keyring…
Weapons look truly awesome…I’m just wondering if I’ll be able to get skins for all the weapons I like. .
Beautiful weapons:
Whoever designed these deserves some props! Just wanted to give a shout.
BTW hairstyles are awesome too, omg….
Awe, I want too many of them
(like the axe, hammer, greatsword, bows, and maybe rifle)
Apparently they still don’t care for us with several toons…
In regards to not caring about us with several toons….
This game really does need a wardrobe function. They would make 10 times the style sales in the store if we could wear and rotate multiple outfits in combat. I have talked to countless players that have said they don’t buy clothes and armor skins from the store for only one reason – no wardrobe.
This game really does need a wardrobe function. They would make 10 times the style sales in the store if we could wear and rotate multiple outfits in combat. I have talked to countless players that have said they don’t buy clothes and armor skins from the store for only one reason – no wardrobe.
Beautiful weapons:
Whoever designed these deserves some props! Just wanted to give a shout.
BTW hairstyles are awesome too, omg….
Awe, I want too many of them
(like the axe, hammer, greatsword, bows, and maybe rifle)
Apparently they still don’t care for us with several toons…In regards to not caring about us with several toons….
Not really, if its going to require t-stones/crystals. I see stones/crystals needed for weapons/armors we can get multiples of (like existing stuff) , but not for stuff like the single use single item meta achievement rewards (and gemstore armors). Those need to be put in the Achievement panel where we can use them as many times as we want. If wardrobe using the stones/crystals, its not any better than it currently is, in fact they might as well have not even worked on it.
Please give us a keyring…
By wardrobe, we all mean a function that holds all our armor skins and town clothes skins and keeps them in one location so that we can put them on, switch them out, and show them regardless of the armor and stats we’re wearing. This would not involve transmutation crystals of any kind.
Beautiful weapons:
Whoever designed these deserves some props! Just wanted to give a shout.
BTW hairstyles are awesome too, omg….
Awe, I want too many of them
(like the axe, hammer, greatsword, bows, and maybe rifle)
Apparently they still don’t care for us with several toons…In regards to not caring about us with several toons….
Not really. If its going to require t-stones/crystals. I see stones/crystals needed for weapons/armors we can get multiples of (like existing stuff) , but not for stuff like the single use single item meta achievement rewards (and gemstore armors). Those need to be put in the Achievement panel where we can use them as many times as we want. If wardrobe using the stones/crystals, its not any better than it currently is, in fact they might as well have not even worked on it.
I whole heartedly disagree. I absolutely agree with needing transmutation items to use the skins. The only ones I would want to see in the achievement panel would ONLY be the LS rewards.
re·skin [ree-skin] Show IPA
verb (used with object), re·skinned, re·skin·ning.
to replace or repair the exterior surface or coating of: The space shuttle had to be reskinned before returning to service.
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
This would not involve transmutation crystals of any kind.
And that’s why it won’t happen.
Loving the new Hairstyles
My Asura looks like Jack Sparrow now haha
Now, if only they were unlocks, so every time you changed to a new hair style going back to it had no cost, coin cost or a reduced gem cost…
And what about the skins? Are they unlocked like achievement point skins? Or are still they going at it with perishable single use stuff?
Most skins do not work like the achievement point skins. They are one-time wonders.
No underwater weapons? Again?
I take back my remark on the ugly rifle being ugly in game. It looks awesome from dulfy. It was my graphic settings.
This would not involve transmutation crystals of any kind.
And that’s why it won’t happen.
Sadly, this. I’m pretty sure transmutation crystals are one of the top selling cash shop items.
I’m shocked they didn’t make another reskin…
The weapons look really nice. They will be pretty rare as they are rewarded via tournament tickets, only 1st to 5th will be able to buy one of those awesome skins:
I can live with that.
What I don’t like is that these new and cool hair styles are locked behind – AGAIN – Gem store. Why can’t we use those hair styles upon creation or like in WoW going to a hair dresser and change our hair style for in game gold?
‘would of been’ —> wrong
The weapons look really nice. They will be pretty rare as they are rewarded via tournament tickets, only 1st to 5th will be able to buy one of those awesome skins:
I can live with that.
What I don’t like is that these new and cool hair styles are locked behind – AGAIN – Gem store. Why can’t we use those hair styles upon creation or like in WoW going to a hair dresser and change our hair style for in game gold?
There is nothing wrong offering cosmetic privileges to players who pay cash.
And you can convert game gold to gems.
I have to say I don’t really like them, maybe the mace but even that feels too flimsy.
My favorite GS is still the Ebonblade, why can’t Anet go back to more believable ones since we have plenty of this style already?
And don’t let me start on swords, the only good one is the infinite light that goes for about 1300 gold x.x every other is just way too chunky.
The weapons look really nice. They will be pretty rare as they are rewarded via tournament tickets, only 1st to 5th will be able to buy one of those awesome skins:
I can live with that.
What I don’t like is that these new and cool hair styles are locked behind – AGAIN – Gem store. Why can’t we use those hair styles upon creation or like in WoW going to a hair dresser and change our hair style for in game gold?
Doesn’t seem like it. Either you buy one directly, or you buy the Hero’s weapon and you upgrade it, no?
My only wish is that the Jack Sparrow hair-do from the male asura would also be allowed on female asura… I love iiiiit but my character is a female. :P
You can always swap gender to male and make him a prettyboy? :o
What I don’t like is that these new and cool hair styles are locked behind – AGAIN – Gem store. Why can’t we use those hair styles upon creation or like in WoW going to a hair dresser and change our hair style for in game gold?
Would you rather they’d sell weapons or armor that’d give you an edge in-game? WoW is subscription-based, that’s how they make their money. GW2 isn’t subscription-based and from the start, they said that the gem store would sell cosmetic and quality of life items. I’m fine with that, don’t need new hair to better enjoy the game (and I’m talking from the perspective of someone who’s had a fair share of uses of the makeover kids and hair kits.)
My only wish is that the Jack Sparrow hair-do from the male asura would also be allowed on female asura… I love iiiiit but my character is a female. :P
This. So much… I’d buy yet another hairkit for my tiny Asura girl if I could have that style.
Anet did a really awesome job with the weapon skins and some of the hairstyles this time. Still didn’t see any human hairstyles I liked, but I’m really happy with the messy-double-braids with the female norns!