Heirloom Count
The achievement counts unique piles of rubble you collected from, so repeated piles don’t count.
You have to get them from unique piles to get the achievement. In other words there are what, I think 40 of them in the map. You have to get one from each until you complete the achievement. So for example you can’t loot the same 5 over and over to get the achievement.
Are you rummaging through the same 16 piles? For what it’s worth, I thought I could get away with that having started right before reset and continuing right after it when I worked on the achievement. I quickly found out I had to check other piles to advance the counter despite the increase in heirlooms in my possession.
edit: Oh, sorry, I saw no replies when I clicked to make my post. I just said the same thing they did.
I thought I’d been checking unique piles, but evidently not. I’m going to have to go consult a map and try and figure out where they all are.
This might be helpful: http://dulfy.net/2014/02/19/gw2-memories-in-your-hand-pile-of-rubble-achievement-guide/
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
My only grief for the heirlooms is that it doesn’t help with the civilian escape activities at all. They should have put civilian hiding there instead of rubbles and every save counts towards number of civilian evacuated.
[HK] Hammer Kult – Jade Quarry
My only grief for the heirlooms is that it doesn’t help with the civilian escape activities at all. They should have put civilian hiding there instead of rubbles and every save counts towards number of civilian evacuated.
The path to several does have a bunch of civilians. If you visit all the rubbles you also run by most of the major areas with big clusters of civilians.
How long do I have to get one of the two tonics? Will we stil be able to collect heirlooms after next release?
How long do I have to get one of the two tonics? Will we stil be able to collect heirlooms after next release?
You have until March 4th, plenty of time.
Try to join up in civ rescue teams, if the event is a success (1200 saved) thats 9 extra heirlooms!
How long do I have to get one of the two tonics? Will we stil be able to collect heirlooms after next release?
You have until March 4th, plenty of time.
Try to join up in civ rescue teams, if the event is a success (1200 saved) thats 9 extra heirlooms!
I can’t play in the upcoming holiday and weekend (1st of March until 10 March) so I after this evening I have 3 days to get 127 heirlooms :s I hope we can get more during the next release
You have more than enough time.
Rescue 1200 citizens repeatedly. Heirlooms are pretty generously dropped via Citizen bags.
well, when I say ‘day’ I actually mean ‘an evening where I can play 4 hour tops’
Do I still have enough time or should I lose hope on my halo
and I only got to 1200 once :p
You just need ~30 min per day for ~7 days if you follow a guide.
I brainfarted and deleted some heirlooms the first day of patch, still manage to get my halo within 6 days and some more to spare.(only got 1200 once as well)
well, when I say ‘day’ I actually mean ‘an evening where I can play 4 hour tops’
Do I still have enough time or should I lose hope on my halo
Well since you can get 40/day just from the rubble that is 120 heirlooms. It shouldn’t take more than an hour to get those. In the process of getting them you should get at least 2 more from the bags so that is a total of 126 in 3 days. Just hang around for a bit in one more run and you would have 127.