How ANet can easily coordinate knight-fights

How ANet can easily coordinate knight-fights

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aimless.7251


So ANet insists that everyone play this part of the game their way, but it’s kinda hit-and-miss right now because many or most of the players who participate in the fights against the assault knights are

1. Uncoordinated, and

2. Difficult to coordinate

To help coordinate the large number of people not on TS or the like, not paying attention to map-chat or being able to understand the languages used, not understanding what has changed with the latest patch wrt scaling and strategy etc etc…

… I suggest ANet simply tell us, in-game, with audio, with text and with images.

Eg. have an NPC shout, repeatedly, in the appropriate languages, to some people, “You can’t help us here, this knight is immune to your juju! We need you to help fight the Beige Morose Assault Knight! GOOO!!!

And then you have a fairly visible tooltip in the upper right corner with the NPC’s picture, the above line, a clarifying instruction (“You can’t damage this knight, you must go to…”) and a link to the nearest waypoint.

This way, players will definitely know that there are too many players where they are, that they aren’t doing any good there, that they would do more good elsewhere, and that the closest place where they can do some good is X.

This approach may fix some of the most frustrating problems with the latest events as well as help mitigate future problems with borked events. It may even end up being entertaining, in that players will be able to take on events that are continually being revised, and feel like it’s a new challenge every day (eg. “I see, today we have to run counter-clockwise to beat this knight! Refreshing!!”) rather than feeling like it’s a new frustration every day.

Whatcha reckon, might this be a good way to bring order to the chaos?

How ANet can easily coordinate knight-fights

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


I’m against further supporting of this “having one community of all the players” and dumbing down the content by putting clues everywhere.

I want raid tools, or at least commander overflows.

How ANet can easily coordinate knight-fights

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aimless.7251


Okay, I was under the impression that ANet was at least officially going for an inclusive community and my suggestion is of course predicated on that being the case.