In Tune & No more tricks achi help?
I believe that it’s required to participate in all phases. So those who are just choosing to hide and AFK in a corner somewhere are wasting their time and everyone else’s.
So i should attack ALL of the mobs? Big holo, 3 smaller ones, 18 even smaller and the extra adds at ultraviolet holo? Jeez …
I believe so. The achievement is for using the proper attunement(s) on the holograms so not attacking kind of would defeat the purpose of the achievement.
What about the laser one?
Only the big holograms shoots those things on the floor and the small adds at the end. What else should i avoid?
A friend of mine tired to afk and got the no more tricks achi. I tried to do it non-afk, but the range of the beam/scorth is far bigger than the mere animation. i’ve been quite careful , but i’ve been hit even if i was quite far from the beam. i think i don’t understand how “in tune” works. does it works for the bigger hologram too, or only for the lesser 3?
Supposedly some of the beams don’t show up graphically to some players. It could also be that it’s not just the beams that you need to avoid. The AoE attacks may count as well which makes it very annoying.
Supposedly some of the beams don’t show up graphically to some players. It could also be that it’s not just the beams that you need to avoid. The AoE attacks may count as well which makes it very annoying.
the achievemnt tooltip says only beam and it’s scorches, but i’ve been hit by some invisible ones or range of beams are bigger than expected.