Liberator Rewards....
Towards your RNG comment if everyone got one for completing the event it would not be worth 100g. And no one would want it. So there is no quantification of valuable without RNG drops.
If it is something worth it you could spend the 100g to get it
Everything in this game is RNG and has been since the start; From the drops on mobs, to the items that ANET decides to bring back and suddenly make important, to the kitten players in the overflow you get. If you care about loot in this game you are going to be upset. Now, I just play for the story and don’t even bother changing the armor on my char anymore. Once I finish the content and get my taste of story I log off until the next patch
Welcome to GW2 reward system. I think if someone is playing GW2 for the reward then they are playing the wrong game.
I never forget when I was helping a new player running a dungeon for the first time and he got dusk from the final chest while I was stairing at my blue GS loot (When I asked him, he said that he only had like 20 hours into the game while I had something like 1.2k hours. )
GW2 doesn’t reward you for the efforts that you make. Meanwhile you can hop into the gems store and buy stuff there that are not RNG. isn’t great?
Towards your RNG comment if everyone got one for completing the event it would not be worth 100g. And no one would want it. So there is no quantification of valuable without RNG drops.
If it is something worth it you could spend the 100g to get it
A meta achievement is the wrong place for RNG though, dontcha think?
Welcome to GW2 reward system. I think if someone is playing GW2 for the reward then they are playing the wrong game.
I never forget when I was helping a new player running a dungeon for the first time and he got dusk from the final chest while I was stairing at my blue GS loot (When I asked him, he said that he only had like 20 hours into the game while I had something like 1.2k hours. )
GW2 doesn’t reward you for the efforts that you make. Meanwhile you can hop into the gems store and buy stuff there that are not RNG. isn’t great?
Chat codes exist. You can just pull them from the Wiki. This is the reason why I never believe rare drops – have you noticed that whenever people claim precursor drops its most often Dusk, the most expensive?
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Towards your RNG comment if everyone got one for completing the event it would not be worth 100g. And no one would want it. So there is no quantification of valuable without RNG drops.
If it is something worth it you could spend the 100g to get it
I completely disagree with you. I want an item because I like it, not because someone else values it. I’m not a flipper and 100g takes a long time to gather up by playing. Also, I don’t even like Scarlet’s Kiss. The topic is the disparity and value for our time spent playing.
Zylonite, I so hear you on that. That’s the kind of horrible experience you had that I’m referring to. For loot, I’d swear because I’ve bought a lot of gems with cash, that my account been set to a permanent “B” rate. Never a precursor, Asceneded weapon, rare dye outside of white. My best drop was worth all of 10g.
Though the drop rate conversation is getting us off topic. Our time, especially for the Living Story, should be rewarded more uniformly. I should add that it’s not the RNG as much as it’s the rarity and scarcity in game that’s the issue. Having such scarcity only increases the wealth disparity. I don’t believe it’s very healthy to have it this way.
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)