I feel like I shouldn’t need to say this, but the various patches to this event have made it clear that I have to: not every server has the population to max this event, so please try not to design and scale it based on the assumption that they do.
Please understand that the “zerg assault knights individually” strategy did not develop (entirely) out of greed, but of necessity. On Ehmry, at least, I can say that we weren’t doing it to get 3x the loot. We were doing it to clear the event at all. Splitting up resulted in never having enough people and we failed every attempt to do it as you intended. That is why we started zerging it in the first place. Even doing it that way, we never came close to things like Six Minutes to Knightfall – we squeaked out wins with two or three minutes to spare on a good run, less than a minute on bad ones. Knightfall was literally beyond us.
Except one or two times a day, if that, we simply do not have the numbers you expect to run this event at one time. You forcing Ehmry to split does not result in 150 people dividing 50/50/50 to do the event as intended. It divides 70-80 people into 30 or less person groups who can’t beat the Assault Knight at all on their best day.
Please do not assume when you’re designing this content that all servers are peak servers doing it with the perfect numbers you have in testing. It is incredibly common for the middle or lower servers to either not have 150 people doing it, either because there aren’t that many people on the map at all (either because it’s too early, too late, or they never have those numbers at all) or because a good third of them are doing your other content like searching for Peter, grinding heirlooms, etc.
A top tier population server like Blackgate can deal with people doing other stuff and still split up to win. A middle server cannot. There just aren’t the numbers.
You didn’t force lower end servers to split up to win. You forced them to not be able to do it at all with the numbers they have. I know that’s not your intent, but please try to account for it in the future. Even if it means having the bosses scale more generously at lower populations. I really don’t want to encourage the idea that you should just guest to and abandon your server for ones who are actually big enough to clear it. I’d like for us to actually be able to do it on our own homes.
Thanks and I hope this is constructive.