**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Rengaru.4730


I think the final instance could have been improved greatly by using illusion of choice.

Let me explain:

In the final instance Scarlet asks if we want to know why she did everything she did but Braham cuts her off.

The players have no word in this matter, and are just dragged along for the ride, rather than deciding (even if it is just an illusion) the outcome themselves.

I think it would have been way more interesting if the players had to make a decision, something like:

  • Hear her out: Which leads to Scarlet saying something along the lines of “(cough) (cough) come closer, and i’ll tell you” so the players approach her together with Marjory and Braham. But just as we get close she yells “Fools!” and blows you all up (leading to the cutscene with Braham and Marjory getting injured).
  • Finish her off: Which leads to the version we have now (Marjory and Braham closing in on her, ready to kill but she blows them up)

Too late for this chapter but please keep in mind how powerfull an impact a choice (and even the illusion of having one) can make.

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: jweez.7214


Not sure about those two examples but as an idea this is a solid suggestion.

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Yeah even I’ll admit that I wanted to slap Braham at that moment.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Wreave.2138


While the info might be useful, I simply wouldn’t trust anything that she said to be true, and more importantly, I’d be concerned about some last minute escape, evil button pushing, etc. Hence, immediate kill would be my choice.

I remember one game like that. Villain begins evil monologue, and you can just stand there and listen to it, or… rush right in and start whacking on the guy. Very satisfying kill.

And in truth, if the player hadn’t wasted time at the end, then perhaps s/he would have had enough time to turn off the kitten ed drill.

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Allanon.9072


While the info might be useful, I simply wouldn’t trust anything that she said to be true, and more importantly, I’d be concerned about some last minute escape, evil button pushing, etc. Hence, immediate kill would be my choice.

I remember one game like that. Villain begins evil monologue, and you can just stand there and listen to it, or… rush right in and start whacking on the guy. Very satisfying kill.

And in truth, if the player hadn’t wasted time at the end, then perhaps s/he would have had enough time to turn off the kitten ed drill.

What run she was already downed no fight involved you just fall down there and finish here in 2 sec..
Bad story is bad nothing more to say completely disappointed.

(edited by Allanon.9072)

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


While the info might be useful, I simply wouldn’t trust anything that she said to be true,

You don’t have to take a villain’s words for granted, but they may contain some useful information, especially given all the hints about the thing Scarlet saw. Simply finishing off a villain who’s drilling something huge and magical with a giant drill and calling it a day? Good luck with being a dragon’s breakfast tomorrow in your blissful ignorance, Braham.

20 level 80s and counting.

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

i think you hit it on the nail op a choice would have been better and it really wouldnt have changed much in the end juast gave us more dialogue to give us more info something that lacked this whole ls

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Carighan.6758


I don’t mind the current version at all (I think it’s really good), but true, an illusion of choice would have added a tiny bit to it.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: hedix.1986


Even the illusion of choice would be better than absolutely no choice.
The final instance was good for Anet, but too streamlined.

It was obvious we were gonna kill Scarlet in the end, but I expected some dialogue to make up for those months of random villainy since Queen’s Jubilee. It would have been character development/revalation, something that is desperately needed in Scarlet’s case.

[QQ] – ex RoS, current Piken Square
[DV] – megaboss community

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Yeah, killing Scarlet before we get any real answers, that seems like a mistake. I actually thought it was a little anti-climactic. This was their chance to redeem Scarlet as a villain, to give some satisfying answers, to explore her fall from Ceara to the person she was when she died. I wanted to know more about her struggle with Mordremoth, more about her descent and more about Scarlet as a person. Instead we get Braham’s silly comment and the shoehorned love plot (really? over a year of this villain and more prominence is given to a “progressive” kiss scene than what is given to the motives of the character this whole thing was about?). Now how are we supposed to get satisfying answers? Unless the Pale Tree’s connection was restored with Scarlet in the end, how are we supposed to see more about Scarlet?

I personally don’t care too much about illusion of choice (I like choice) but it would have been better if I could at least attempt to hear what Scarlet had to say.

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: HumaCarrionEater.8254


Honestly though, I think choice has become sort of overrated. Bioware titles did some great things there. I think they’re the stand out gaming company when it comes to that. But then it became almost a fad to cram choices in to every single game, even when they weren’t needed. See the end of Deus Ex Human Revolution, a totally terrible imo ‘choice’ ending.

**Spoiler** The lack of choice in the end

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: HumaCarrionEater.8254


I’m sure we’re going to get those answers. Scarlet wouldn’t have told the truth anyway.

Yeah, killing Scarlet before we get any real answers, that seems like a mistake. I actually thought it was a little anti-climactic. This was their chance to redeem Scarlet as a villain, to give some satisfying answers, to explore her fall from Ceara to the person she was when she died. I wanted to know more about her struggle with Mordremoth, more about her descent and more about Scarlet as a person. Instead we get Braham’s silly comment and the shoehorned love plot (really? over a year of this villain and more prominence is given to a “progressive” kiss scene than what is given to the motives of the character this whole thing was about?). Now how are we supposed to get satisfying answers? Unless the Pale Tree’s connection was restored with Scarlet in the end, how are we supposed to see more about Scarlet?

I personally don’t care too much about illusion of choice (I like choice) but it would have been better if I could at least attempt to hear what Scarlet had to say.