Still patching

Still patching

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Tamasan.6457


Still patching…

Talking to guildies that have been in game for 15+ minutes.

Last file taking forever and downloading at very low speed (60ishKB/sec). Rest of download went by 200-400KB/sec.

Closed patcher and restarted. Still slow.


Still patching

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Yeah last file can take a while. Remember, lots of ppl are downloading at once.

Hang in there

Still patching

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: dkspins.4670


And, yet I still don’t understand why it is that GW2’s new content updates are 15 – 30 times the size of other MMO’s , such as FF xiv. And, they (FF xiv) SE can take away temporary holiday content without an update. Don’t get me wrong, I’m truly excited for the new update (altho w/my kitten isp may take hours), and am really sad about the changes & destruction in LA. After all, it was entertaining just to read map chat), but I loved the place, warts and all.

7k hr, 13k AP, 16 char, all classes 80 Sadly, 3.5k hr. Ranger

Still patching

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Daesyn.4781


And, yet I still don’t understand why it is that GW2’s new content updates are 15 – 30 times the size of other MMO’s , such as FF xiv. And, they (FF xiv) SE can take away temporary holiday content without an update. Don’t get me wrong, I’m truly excited for the new update (altho w/my kitten isp may take hours), and am really sad about the changes & destruction in LA. After all, it was entertaining just to read map chat), but I loved the place, warts and all.

They can do this because all of that content is already downloaded onto your HDD. Each individual map is pre-rendered for each specific holiday. This is good and bad. Good because it means you don’t need to update whenever an event begins/ends, bad because it can take up a huge amount of space to have all those pre-rendered maps. It’s also bad because it means there is no variation in each holiday event.