Terrible achievements
Ha – noticed you didn’t talk about the loot – oh yeah – it ain’t dropping so that is not a problem.
While the teleporting into the laser is very annoying, everything else about the two achievements is reasonable. I actually got the achievement by dodging so it is definitely not class dependent. The cutscene is annoying though.
It is not reasonable that the most effective attempt at the achievement is to purposefully avoid the boss, hence not contributing to the boss fight.
The worst is probably the achievement that is best gotten by /afking the entire fight. That is, IF YOU DON’T RANDOMLY spawn right on top of a lazer-beam when entering the fight.
This part totally kittenes me off. Each time I’ve gone to Scarlet’s ship to fight her, there have been between 3-6 players just chilling in the back and not participating. When I have called them out on this, I’ve been told that they’re doing it for the achievements.
That’s total BS. The game should not be rewarding players for (1) doing nothing and (2) making battles harder for the rest of their team by not participating.
It is not reasonable that the most effective attempt at the achievement is to purposefully avoid the boss, hence not contributing to the boss fight.
The achievement is not unreasonable because people don’t want to put the effort to actually do the achievement. The criticism should be shifted to those players rather than the achievement.
+1 Pipra
both of the achievements for the Prime Hologram are just illogical. Why would u have an achievement that makes people either stay away from the fight so that they won’t get hit or not hit the enemies only because if they do it without all attunements they will lose a chance to get the achievement (“In Tune” achievement).
I guess the idea of those achievements are made players being more aware rather than AA to victory, except it goes horribly wrong because the event credits everyone on the platform.
Can’t really blame people for doing it the easy way, those achievements are actually quite hard when doing it legit(especially In Tune). I have to do it in a similar fashion, just run around rez people and not hit the boss until the final phase(when everyone get white buff).
+1 Pipra
both of the achievements for the Prime Hologram are just illogical. Why would u have an achievement that makes people either stay away from the fight so that they won’t get hit or not hit the enemies only because if they do it without all attunements they will lose a chance to get the achievement (“In Tune” achievement).
Definitely agree with this one. Anet should have assumed if they create an achievement that requires you not avoid/not do something, players will find the easiest way to do it, i.e. hanging out in the back safe from any damage and not even risk attacking.
I just wish I was at the round table discussion on these achievements so I could kick whoever suggested them out of the room.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
+1 Pipra
both of the achievements for the Prime Hologram are just illogical. Why would u have an achievement that makes people either stay away from the fight so that they won’t get hit or not hit the enemies only because if they do it without all attunements they will lose a chance to get the achievement (“In Tune” achievement).I just wish I was at the round table discussion on these achievements so I could kick whoever suggested them out of the room.
The room? Oh…. right….
Tarnished Coast Server