Too kitten confusing
Yeah, I’m not too fond of these new wacked gizmo style of play with hearts and barrels and triangles. But as close as I can figure you got to run through the 3 colored circles to turn white and that gets you through the portal to the holo battle when you kill the 3 knights. If you kill all 3 each knight area should get a colored circle to run through.
Then you get to the holo battle and you can only do damage to the holos while you are white. You need to keep running through the3 circles to turn white again and again.
I have a hard time finding the rings on the floor as they are hard to see and sometimes are under the go here you die areas. What I do is run through the red, green and blue rings when I can and turn white then I attack only. Then when it wears off I look for the colored lights and res players as needed until I can get to the 3 rings again.
Its a hard battle and very confusing and was really badly planned. Then if you win be sure and look for a chest in that area because like a dummy I just went into the next area and missed out. But you do get something for finishing the next area too.
To get on the drill you kill the three knights on the ground in lion’s arch. When they die, step in the color pool left on the ground if you hadn’t already and get the color above your head, before moving to the next knight. Get all three knights, do this, and you get white on your head. Enter portal to drill for prime holo battle.
That prime holo battle isn’t badly planned at all. Run around and get all three colors and turn white before trying to hurt it. If you can’t get all three colors, use whatever support skills you have to support the group until you can. Take down Prime Holo.
See three mini-boss holos spawn, one of each color. Step in pool of that color to be able to hurt that mob. Once you take down one mini-boss holo, adds spawn of their color. Take down at least some of these adds or their combined DPS will take out the group before you can take down the remaining mini-boss holograms. Make sure you are the right color to hurt your intended target and you are fine.
Its an extremely simple mechanic. The only hard part is coordinating.
On the knights, basically the way it works (or is supposed to, haven’t played since latest patch) is that you need to go to the colored circles before being able to damage them. From time to time a colored circle of the same color of the night (look at the icon under its name when you target it or the one on mini map), run over that circle, and you get a buff allowing you to damage it. After last patch there’s a limit to 50 people that can get the buff of each color, if you find yourself unable to get the buff maybe there are just too many people fighting that particular knight, go help with any of the other ones (note that the map limit is supposed to be 150, so you’ll never find yourself in a position where you won’t be able to fight any of the knights because there’s too many people on all three).
Everytime a knight is killed, a colored circle appears next to each of the transporters, if all 3 knights are killed, you just have to run over the three circles to be able to transport to the scarlet encounter.
Once in the encounter, there are 3 or 4 phases you have to go trough.
First phase: there’s a big hologram in the middle that you have to kill, it pops up colored circles (red, green, blue), to be able to damage it you need to run over the three circles. When you run over one circle, you see a colored symbol appear over your character, when you run over all three it’s replaced with a white symbol, so basically during this phase you run hunting circles, avoiding damage and helping where you can (ressing, healing, buffing and so on) and DPS when you have all three circles. Scarlet will pop up from time to time, but it’s really only a distraction, ignore her. If you attack the hologram without the white symbol you get a stacking debuff that will periodically damage you and knock you down.
2nd phase: There are three holograms this time, blue, green and red, and again circles, you can only damage the holograms if you have the buff of their respective colors, and each does a different attack. Note that if you kill all three at roughly the same time (kinda like wurm phase 2 or the ogre and pets guild mission) you’ll skip 3rd phase and go straight to the 4th, which is good considering it’s timed… but usually people won’t listen when you tell them to stop DPSing and wait for others to catch up to them, so don’t count too much on it.
3rd phase: each of the hologram splits into 6 smaller holograms when killed (if you didn’t kill them at the same time), 18 in total, 6 of each color. Basically the same than before, grab colored buff, kill hologram of that color.
4th phase: Again like phase 1, you need the three colored circles to be able to damage the big hologram in the center, the difference is that from time to time there will be adds summoned that attack in a single line and need to be avoided and killed, if you don’t kill them before they charge up their attack, they’ll do big AoE damage. So basically it’s running around looking for circles, avoiding attacks, attack big hologram if you have the white buff, kill ads if you don’t and they’re up.
After that Scarlet pops up wounder and tries to run away, you’re meant to run into the gate she escaped from before the timer runs out, but don’t forget to loot the big chest first, it’s easy to miss since if you’re following scarlet, it’ll spawn behind you. The next step after that gate is a solo instance and it’s rather easy.
BTW, if you just want to get the achievement (and mask skin) or just watch the cinematic at the end, you can go straight to the solo instance by having one of the spinal blade packs (even the basic blue one will work) and going trough the portal on the west side of the map.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
It’s not that hard. You go to fight one of the knights. There are 50 available slots to fight the knight and do damage. If you get the attunement to the knight’s color, then you’ve got a slot. If not, go to another knight.
When the knight dies, all three color fields appear. You do not have to go to the other knights to get the other colors. You do not have to re-enter the original (it lasts much longer now). So if you fight one knight, and people are able to kill the other knights, then you are able to proceed without running around. It’s quite simple.
The Prism fight is even more simplistic, although it’s hard to avoid the fields. You get the three attunements, and then you can do damage. That’s it. Once it splits in three, you split up and kill all three. When they go UV, you kill the UV minions. Then you win. If this seems difficult or too much, then I’m not sure you appreciate endgame raid-style events in MMOs, because this is actually very straightforward if you have the numbers. Other popular games require all sorts of complex strategies including specific gear tailored for the encounters. This, on the other hand, just requires people to read one buff description per enemy and to not stand in fire.
It feels like they pull these fight mechanics out of nowhere. I’m torn between, its nice that something new is around and what the heck where they thinking.
The event lasts longer version than that, so its normal you dont get the mechanics (though theyre quite simple). Red field gives red buff that lets you damage red assault knight and red hologram, blue lets you damage blue, green lets you damage green. If you get all three colors, you have prime light attunement that lets you board Scarlet’s ship and damage the prime hologram (you need to regularly refresh yiur buffs though).
You people would never survive Rift Bosses. This stuff is kindergarten in comparison.
I fail to see how a simple mechanism of “get in the circle and get a buff before you can damage the boss” is a worthwhile cause to post a qq thread. The mechanism is not confusing, but the dps/coordination required to succeed can legitimately be frustrating.
I am also confused/bewildered by this Living Story update. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on or what I’m supposed to do in it.
After the excellent “Escape from Lion’s Arch” LS update which I really enjoyed, this is just too confusing for me.
However, I was grateful I could bypass the whole thing by creating a spine backpack and using it at the teleport thingy in LA to just watch the end movie (thank you person in map chap who told me about this) to see what happened to Scarlet. At least I got to see the movie and Scarlet’s death. That’s really enough for me.
For the rest of the update, I’ll just work on the one daily achieve they offer and hopefully rack up 15 at the end of the two weeks (enough to complete it).
The rest of the what color knight first?/prismatic what?/what color do I need on my head?/what are we supposed to be attacking?/stand where? stuff I’ll be skipping.