Where are they???

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Bablz.6875


-Hey! Where have you been?
-Exploring. I found another entrance to the sewers.

Someone please tell me those 2 skritt survived. I can’t find them anywhere and I’m freaking out!!!!
They were my favorite NPCs! Help! Does anyone know their location?


Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Moteris.5913


Maybe he took her down into the sewers and they are hiding. huddled together waiting for the worst to pass.

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Bablz.6875


I checked

It’s not fair how all the poobags survived, but skritt didn’t.


Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Dreizer.8712


They’re safe and sound in the sewers, making little skritt babies to repopulate LA

Too soon?

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Moteris.5913


All these where are they posts about our fave NPC’s have given me an idea for a fan fic..

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Mr Glum.1628

Mr Glum.1628

No Skritts at the camps, nothing in the sewers… where will we find them? I don’t even remember if they had names…

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Bablz.6875


This game has no love for skritt, it’s all about ugly, slimy quaggan who just complain and beg for help. We get 3 types of quaggan backpacks, endless quaggan potions, regular quaggan potions, quaggan minis, ghost quaggan, pirate quaggan… THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS NOT KILL 2 NPCS I CARED ABOUT if we already can’t have all these things in skritt version.

Sincerely, a sad skritt enthusiast.


Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

When the skritt fled the city, they coincidentally all headed for the same gate. That gate was jammed due to the large crowds of people all trying to leave at once. A lot of skritt got caught in that jam. A lot of skritt in one place, that’s when interesting things happen. A few meaningful glances shared, and a plan was hatched then and there, the ultimate weapon against Scarlet, the Elder Dragons and indeed, anything mean and shiny-depriving in the whole world. When the skritt return, there will be a reckoning.

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Bablz.6875


Manasa, I love you!


Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: kristof.7182


I’m afraid the worst…
I just have hope, that they found their shinies ;(

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Cyvien.8049


They will be saved, Asuras need test subjects.

I’m a scholar, thus I don’t take stance.

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Has anyone seen any skritt in the refugee camps? Now I am worried about them….

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Bablz.6875


I only saw one, and its a merchant that sells the horn potion. Theres one in Bloodtide, Gendarran and LP but it’s not the skritt that im worried about


Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


There’s no Grawl at any of the refugee camps either. Did the Grawl all decide to make one last valiant stand against Scarlet’s armies? Buying time for the other refugees to flee with their lives?

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Gabby.3205


There’s no Grawl at any of the refugee camps either. Did the Grawl all decide to make one last valiant stand against Scarlet’s armies? Buying time for the other refugees to flee with their lives?

Maybe they started worshiping the giant drill and therefore they were spared
Give up your wrong ways and accept the giant drill as your lord and savior!

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Let the Blessed Breachmaker into your heart! … Ow OW OW!

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Tanith.5264


Has anyone actually seen the sewers since all this started? It hadn’t occurred to me, but I haven’t even checked to see if they’re accessible. Been too busy looking for giant footprints, dodging giant lasers, and running after confused zergs.

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


I liked those two Skritt, hopefully they survived, perhaps they left to another city or a Skritt den somewhere.

I have my fingers crossed that they will make an appearance once this is all over.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

Where are they???

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

I went down in the sewers briefly to see if the Whispers HQ was still down there. No NPCs around at all, but they were eerily quiet except for the ambient screams and cries for help.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”