Wurm's Bane title

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Thareen.5471


Offended or just no sense of humor? Don´t get me wrong, i appreciate Vabbi and it´s population, because they are always friendly and grateful when we sponsor them some kills, on which we invite them. It does not matter if it´s Tequatl, Wurm or Marionette. But on that kill were not very many of them there.

(edited by Thareen.5471)

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vegadonis.9154


ATT world first Wurm’s Bane

Really? We got the title at yesterdays kill

Yup, we got it yesterday… the 19th. 7pm PST spawn.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vegadonis.9154


ATT world first Wurm’s Bane

That title still belongs to Deso. No matter what the achievment tab says

BTW: I just got a reply for the ticket I opened with the support for the title not being awarded retroactively. As expected it was a generic “thank you for reporting this bug….we have forwarded your report to our QA team…bla bla bla” mail. So not much hope there.

We knew it wasn’t going to be rewarded retroactively. Worlds first Wurm’s Bane, is worlds first Wurm’s Bane… whatever way you try and justify it

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


ATT world first Wurm’s Bane

That title still belongs to Deso. No matter what the achievment tab says

BTW: I just got a reply for the ticket I opened with the support for the title not being awarded retroactively. As expected it was a generic “thank you for reporting this bug….we have forwarded your report to our QA team…bla bla bla” mail. So not much hope there.

We knew it wasn’t going to be rewarded retroactively. Worlds first Wurm’s Bane, is worlds first Wurm’s Bane… whatever way you try and justify it

Not trying to justify anything here. I wasn’t at the world’s first wurm kill, so I really don’t care if you or Deso get it. But if you want that title to be worth anything, it should be given to Deso, if not by ANet then at least inofficially by the community.

Also, we still don’t know if it’s going to be awarded retroactively, since there’s been no official statement from anyone at ArenaNet yet.

(edited by CorneliusCoffin.3169)

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vegadonis.9154


ATT world first Wurm’s Bane

That title still belongs to Deso. No matter what the achievment tab says

BTW: I just got a reply for the ticket I opened with the support for the title not being awarded retroactively. As expected it was a generic “thank you for reporting this bug….we have forwarded your report to our QA team…bla bla bla” mail. So not much hope there.

We knew it wasn’t going to be rewarded retroactively. Worlds first Wurm’s Bane, is worlds first Wurm’s Bane… whatever way you try and justify it

Not trying to justify anything here. I wasn’t at the world’s first wurm kill, so I really don’t care if you or Deso get it. But if you want that title to be worth anything, it should be given to Deso, if not by ANet then at least inofficially by the community.

Also, we still don’t know if it’s going to be awarded retroactively, since there’s been no official statement from anyone at ArenaNet yet.

Its not going to be awarded, I know officially. Also, it simply would of been awarded already from this current patch if Anet intended it to be that way.
Its simple logic, if you’ve done it once.. you can do it again. My guild and I have done it (twice in a row), I’m sure Deso can too.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Geekfox.4267


Another +150 players just gained the title. Fissure of Woe recently made the kill.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Alugjen Darlas.5329

Alugjen Darlas.5329

Another +150 players just gained the title. Fissure of Woe recently made the kill.

Not rly xD TxS was there ^^-

[SC]Nine Inch Nose -205 Precurssors .

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Seems a lot of servers are getting this title. The next tier should be “Wurm God – Kill the Great Jungle Wurm 10 times”.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Followedbyrocks.8751


My guild and I have done it (twice in a row), I’m sure Deso can too.

Deso seems to have completely given up on Wurm. There’s been no attempt since the Living Story update.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Thareen.5471


Seems a lot of servers are getting this title. The next tier should be “Wurm God – Kill the Great Jungle Wurm 10 times”.

10 times? Again?^^

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


My guild and I have done it (twice in a row), I’m sure Deso can too.

Deso seems to have completely given up on Wurm. There’s been no attempt since the Living Story update.

Yeah. It’s not the servers who are getting the kills, it’s guilds guesting on empty servers. And only 2 or 3 of them, none of which, afaik, currently accepting members. And at least one of them is still abusing a mechanic that we’re expecting to be patched in the future (I was made aware that this wasn’t actually the case and would like to apologize for this statement).
Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice for these people to have figured it out, but it’s not getting us anywhere closer to the wurm being on farm mode.

(edited by CorneliusCoffin.3169)

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Thareen.5471


Thats the point some Servers are usually empty. But the three guilds that are still killing the wurm are recruiting, but not all the time of course.
It takes time to train around a hundered new players and bring them up to speed.
Plus they are looking for members that are willing to participate in more then just one kill. No one wants achievement hunters that are gone after just one kill.
But that just got me an idea, thank you for that CorneliusCoffin.3169

P.s. about the guild that you mentioned that is still abusing a certain mechanic, can you please PM me the name of it?

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Followedbyrocks.8751


Thats the point some Servers are usually empty. But the three guilds that are still killing the wurm are recruiting, but not all the time of course.

Are TxS still recruiting then? I want to join for Wurm and Teq runs, but I’ve heard that TxS had stopped recruitment. If you don’t want to answer this publicly then you can PM me if that’s OK.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


I disagree with those who think they should get this title retroactively. It’s a new title, just go kill it again. You are too busy farming bags in LA? Then that is a decision you’ll have to make. However, the wurm isn’t going anywhere. It’s still being killed plenty, do some research and find out who and when it’s being killed.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: lekyii.9856


Seems a lot of servers are getting this title. The next tier should be “Wurm God – Kill the Great Jungle Wurm 10 times”.

Sorry already got that done.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


First of all I’d like to publically retract my statement that a guild I knew of was still using an “exploit” mechanism to kill the wurm. I’ve been assured that I was wrong and have eddited my post acordingly.

That being said:

I disagree with those who think they should get this title retroactively. It’s a new title, just go kill it again. You are too busy farming bags in LA? Then that is a decision you’ll have to make. However, the wurm isn’t going anywhere. It’s still being killed plenty, do some research and find out who and when it’s being killed.

I can only repeat what’s been said before, please stop trivilazing the wurm kill. It’s not something that’s in anyone person’s hand, because you need about 120 organized people. If only a fraction of those decides that they are no longer interested in the wurm, that’s bascially a “screw you” to the rest of those who originally killed the wurm. The only ones who are still consistently killing it are 3 guilds. Guilds who, still as far as I know, aren’t currently accepting new members. Yeah, we’ll probably do it again eventually. Still it would be fair to award the title to those who already did it. (And I am now actually speaking from a position where I did repeat the kill and do have the title, but still I think it’s unfair that those of us who couldn’t be there today or weren’t there for the kill but actually paved the way do not have the title now. Saying those people are undeserving of that title is actually really ungrateful).

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Fay.2735


My guild and I have done it (twice in a row), I’m sure Deso can too.

Deso seems to have completely given up on Wurm. There’s been no attempt since the Living Story update.

Actually we did the wurm fight today on Deso and won. See attachment.


•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Followedbyrocks.8751


Actually we did the wurm fight today on Deso and won. See attachment.

I know, I’m from Deso. That post was made before today when there had been no attempts up until tonight’s.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


I can only repeat what’s been said before, please stop trivilazing the wurm kill.

Who is trivializing it? It’s a tough fight but it’s not impossible. If you were able to get it once, then you can get it again. And now there are less bugs, and it’s been fixed and adjusted. It’s even better to kill it now. Loot has also been slightly adjusted. The wurm or this achievement isn’t going anywhere. People are still killing it.

Saying those people are undeserving of that title is actually really ungrateful).

I am not sure how my comments are ungrateful to anyone. That is actually a little offensive. I was there just like everyone else, put in the time and effort to learn and get the kill. New patch hits, and soon as our raid night came around, I was there again and got another kill. And now the title.

There are other bugs with some of the achievements I would rather have them look at first. If these players put in time the first time, then doing so again should not be an issue.

I do understand your point, I just don’t think it’s unfair or unreasonable to ask players to kill it again.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: MrsKryten.5104


Update: I just did a tri-wurm run tonight that did not result in a kill. However, the “Wurmicidal Maniac” achievement popped for me along with the “Wurm’s Bane” title. So for those who have successfully defeated tri-wurm prior to the new title, try another run and see if you get the new achievement as well. This may be the closest to retroactively awarding the title as Anet can get.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Fay.2735


Actually we did the wurm fight today on Deso and won. See attachment.

I know, I’m from Deso. That post was made before today when there had been no attempts up until tonight’s.

Ah yeah, I think everyone was just busy enjoying the new patch and more people tend to be around during the weekends either way

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: guardian.6489


The only ones who are still consistently killing it are 3 guilds. Guilds who, still as far as I know, aren’t currently accepting new members.

I assume by 3 guilds you mean TTS, TxS and Attuned?

TTS is currently accepting new members, they’re still using their open recruitment policy if you apply on their website. They had to freeze membership temporary recently in order to put in a new inactive policy and set up leadership to run another guild but everyone on the waiting list has been recruited and we’re getting everyone who applies into the guilds in a timely manner now.

TxS is built on a similar model to TTS so I imagine they’re also accepting new members though I can’t say since I’m not in there.

Last I heard Attuned plans to open up recruitment eventually however they’re a young guild and want to nail how they’ll structure their Guild in the future. That was a couple weeks ago though so they may be recruiting right now.

And even if all 3 of these guilds slammed their doors you can also found a 4th guild who will accept everyone who wants to do the wurm. TTS was only founded from random members in the forums who couldn’t get into their servers main or were from such a small server they didn’t have enough for tequatl.

There should be plenty of opportunity to kill the wurm for every player even today if you do your research.

Retired Leader of TTS

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


ATT is open for recruitment as well.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Followedbyrocks.8751


Deso just killed it on overflow, I’ve got my Wurm’s Bane now.
I still think it would have been better if Anet had rewarded it retroactively, as it was a bit of a kick in the teeth to those of us who had already killed it. Plus those of us who had the meta done already. “Oh you just spent two weeks on this boss, and thought you were finally done? Oh whoops no sorry we forgot to add this achievement here you go just do it again no big deal right lol?”
I would have continued trying to get kills regardless, as would many others I think, but it’s not the point. I can understand why Anet chose to do it this way, I just think it was a little bit sloppy.

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


To be honest though, even that last kill on Deso, wasn’t a real Deso-kill, but more of an [NiP] guild kill. There are still a lot of people on Deso who majorly contributed to anyone being able to kill the wurm at all, who didn’t get their title yesterday. I’m gonna stand by my opinion. Yes, the wurms will be killed again, eventually, but people who have done it in the past are deserving of a title that is handed out for slaying the wurm and not for “you’ve done it once, you can do it again”

Wurm's Bane title

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Alugjen Darlas.5329

Alugjen Darlas.5329

To be honest though, even that last kill on Deso, wasn’t a real Deso-kill, but more of an [NiP] guild kill. There are still a lot of people on Deso who majorly contributed to anyone being able to kill the wurm at all, who didn’t get their title yesterday. I’m gonna stand by my opinion. Yes, the wurms will be killed again, eventually, but people who have done it in the past are deserving of a title that is handed out for slaying the wurm and not for “you’ve done it once, you can do it again”

I will correct you ‘’You did it once , don’t do it again greens evryhwere’’.

[SC]Nine Inch Nose -205 Precurssors .