anyone else disappointed?

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ellesee.8297


anyone else disappointed by the patch? it was pretty kitten cool at first but after 3-4 runs it’s just the same laggy zergfest that we’ve seen over and over and over and over again just in a different setting. we run from event to event and pray it’s not bugged so we can mash 1 and hope we have enough aoe damage to pick up loot. then the event’s over and you fail no matter how well you did and this process repeats for the next 2 weeks. to me it’s mindless, repetitive, tedious, and i personally have no desire to go back inside.

i would’ve rather seen lion’s arch turned into a dungeon where there’s no lag and what you do actually matters. it might’ve been actually somewhat challenging. there would also be the possibility of turning it into a pretty cool fractal later down the line. o well. i suppose i’m just disheartened and tired of the mindless zergplay that this game’s pve has become. anyone agree or disagree?

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


Personally, no, I’m not disappointed at all! I love it! And it’s really huge, I think. Basically a whole new zone with lots of new events. And even more than that, this update combined with the past updates have really gotten me invested in the story.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


I think if you do the same thing 3 to 4 times every day no matter what it is you are going to find it boring. Make sure you diversify you GW2 play for fun.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


Not sure what this lag is that you speak of, I played all night from when the patch hit and never experienced any lag or even saw any complaints of lag in map/guild chat. This patch went as smooth as it could have gone, Anet has really gotten their stuff together finally, really excited about season 2. I have noticed that the people that do have lag it must be coming from your end because there hasnt been any server lag on Anets end.
I do agree though that this should be made into a dungeon and/or fractal, that would be a great addition to an already great update.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


What I do like is the rewards. The Spinal Blades is great. The way you craft it, and it having multiple layers that must be completed. I hope Anet does more things like this in the future. The gameplay content though is just standard zergy stuff, not bad just meh.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ellesee.8297


sorry i wasn’t talking about server lag. i was talking about playing on highest settings and having 800 people around you fire their spells. it’s just unavoidable when you have giant open world content like this. i have to set my graphics to the lowest to avoid crashing and i hate how everything looks.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

If you spent any time checking out the forum before posting then you would know the answer to your question is, “Yes, there any many people who are disappointed.”

So yes, there are.

There are also many people who enjoy the differences between this event and the other events that, while mechanically similar in many fundamental ways, were still entirely different experiences.

Some of us don’t mind the zerg. I like running in a crowd of people who are all intent on accomplishing the same basic goals as me, and who I can be reasonably assured will attempted to back me up as I will attempt to back them up. I also really enjoy who the game scales to make things ridiculous when that happens. I find it exciting to start running against mobs that can potentially oneshot me.

I also don’t find it mindless. There are strategies that even the “zerg” must adhere to if they want to survive. If you’re just running in and auto attacking whatever happens to be in front of you at the time it’s no wonder you’re bored and not enjoying yourself.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Palador.2170


I’m disappointed, but I expected to be.

I want to poke around, and take on solo fights. Be the wandering hero that finds the stray person trapped in the rubble and pulls them to safety.

I tried the events normally at first. It’s zergy, and I hate that. Too much stuff going on at once, and trying to track it all gives me a headache fast. (It’s one reason I don’t like to team.) I also felt like I wasn’t really making any difference at all unless I stayed on Rez detail, at which point I wasn’t really getting anything for my efforts.

Taking off on my own, I found that I kept running into groups too tough for me to take out alone. So, no poking around or exploring for me. I might try that again later, but… very disappointed.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

sorry i wasn’t talking about server lag. i was talking about playing on highest settings and having 800 people around you fire their spells. it’s just unavoidable when you have giant open world content like this. i have to set my graphics to the lowest to avoid crashing and i hate how everything looks.

Still not following. I always have my graphics all the way up and I’ve never had an issue. If the graphics are crashing your computer, or even just the game that’s probably your computer, nothing else.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: bobomb.5209


I was roaming around Lions Arch alone save the few times I went to a side event and fought alongside other heroes. I loved the event personally. fighting for my life most of the time, barely hanging on as I tried to save the citizens of Lions Arch while the Scarlet Alliance ravaged Lions Arch. Fantastic update.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


I have to agree with Kal, if you are just running around spamming auto attack its your own fault that you arent having fun, and is in no way Anet’s fault.
Although Kal if you take out the people of the “many” that r disappointed that are just complaining about stupid crap and not real problems, then no there isnt that many that are disappointed. The actual real problems/bugs are not that many or that big.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I have to agree with Kal, if you are just running around spamming auto attack its your own fault that you arent having fun, and is in no way Anet’s fault.
Although Kal if you take out the people of the “many” that r disappointed that are just complaining about stupid crap and not real problems, then no there isnt that many that are disappointed. The actual real problems/bugs are not that many or that big.

Sure, that was just my passive aggressive way of saying, “Why did you bother posting this thread, it’s been done before.”

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


I’m disappointed, but I expected to be.

I want to poke around, and take on solo fights. Be the wandering hero that finds the stray person trapped in the rubble and pulls them to safety.

I tried the events normally at first. It’s zergy, and I hate that. Too much stuff going on at once, and trying to track it all gives me a headache fast. (It’s one reason I don’t like to team.) I also felt like I wasn’t really making any difference at all unless I stayed on Rez detail, at which point I wasn’t really getting anything for my efforts.

Taking off on my own, I found that I kept running into groups too tough for me to take out alone. So, no poking around or exploring for me. I might try that again later, but… very disappointed.

It a siege…did you expect all her armies to come in one at a time in order to not overwhelm us? Of course there is allot going on, that is what a siege is. Anything else would have been rediculous. That is why there are zergs, in a real life siege zergs=life while solo=death.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Darkbattlemage.9612


Sure, that was just my passive aggressive way of saying, “Why did you bother posting this thread, it’s been done before.”

The same reason you posting in this thread. Because they can.

I’m the Asura Elementalist that stole all your cookies, well except the oatmeal ones.
Chaos always finds a way, who you think Evil learned it from?

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: roguenub.1409


I don’t get why people are calling this the best update. I’m not really caught up in the suspense of the destruction of LA. Is my heart supposed to be pounding at the sight of the fire and destruction with a big giant drill in sight, while you see children and soldiers walking as slowly as they possibly can to the exit?
For months we’ve been hyped up with the introduction of ‘new’ monsters, slowly learning their mechanics and how to counter them, only to find them all on one map , in large groups where the only real counter is a mass zerg, distributed amongst underwhelming events, with Scarlet spectating.

Best update? No bug fixes at all, and tons created. How are people calling this “SUPER EPIC” when you have all of Tyria flocking around playing hide and seek with children and bugged events, disappointing loot, and people that care more about the well being of the moa racers than anything else in LA.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Ikorolch.8421


So will this event have a giant boss like the Marionette in the end?

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


and people that care more about the well being of the moa racers than anything else in LA.

of course the moa’s are the most important. LA sucked to to begin with, and we are gonna have to feed the refugees some how aren’t we

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I don’t get why people are calling this the best update. I’m not really caught up in the suspense of the destruction of LA. Is my heart supposed to be pounding at the sight of the fire and destruction with a big giant drill in sight, while you see children and soldiers walking as slowly as they possibly can to the exit?
For months we’ve been hyped up with the introduction of ‘new’ monsters, slowly learning their mechanics and how to counter them, only to find them all on one map , in large groups where the only real counter is a mass zerg, distributed amongst underwhelming events, with Scarlet spectating.

Best update? No bug fixes at all, and tons created. How are people calling this “SUPER EPIC” when you have all of Tyria flocking around playing hide and seek with children and bugged events, disappointing loot, and people that care more about the well being of the moa racers than anything else in LA.

So we’ve gone from Disappointing to Super Epic? I have seen a lot of threads about Disappointing, and I’ve seen a handful of threads saying they enjoy the event, but I haven’t seen any posts, let alone threads claiming this event is “SUPER EPIC.”

It’s a fun event, I’m enjoying myself, but it’s still just another event. It is cool to see a zone so drastically changed but I don’t think many if any are rocked in the boots by this, and I certainly haven’t see anyone claiming to have been, so where exactly is this even coming from? Who is actually saying this?

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


I don’t get why people are calling this the best update. I’m not really caught up in the suspense of the destruction of LA. Is my heart supposed to be pounding at the sight of the fire and destruction with a big giant drill in sight, while you see children and soldiers walking as slowly as they possibly can to the exit?
For months we’ve been hyped up with the introduction of ‘new’ monsters, slowly learning their mechanics and how to counter them, only to find them all on one map , in large groups where the only real counter is a mass zerg, distributed amongst underwhelming events, with Scarlet spectating.

Best update? No bug fixes at all, and tons created. How are people calling this “SUPER EPIC” when you have all of Tyria flocking around playing hide and seek with children and bugged events, disappointing loot, and people that care more about the well being of the moa racers than anything else in LA.

It’s true — I do care enough and have enough memories of Lions Arch for it to affect me for it to be destroyed. I’m sorry it’s not that meaningful to everyone.

On the last part though — sorry, but what?! o.O What kind of loot are you wanting?! How could it possibly be more rewarding without completely destroying the economy in just a few days?

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


I have seen the word epic used here and there, not as often as it should be though. This update is epic, no game in the history of gaming has ever destroyed their main central city. They are changing all the rules with this game, and to be honest it is about time.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


So we’ve gone from Disappointing to Super Epic? I have seen a lot of threads about Disappointing, and I’ve seen a handful of threads saying they enjoy the event, but I haven’t seen any posts, let alone threads claiming this event is “SUPER EPIC.”

It’s a fun event, I’m enjoying myself, but it’s still just another event. It is cool to see a zone so drastically changed but I don’t think many if any are rocked in the boots by this, and I certainly haven’t see anyone claiming to have been, so where exactly is this even coming from? Who is actually saying this?

Actually I do think it’s super epic. Along with lots of their other updates! And I’m rocked in my boots (whatever that means) enough to be gushing about it to all my friends, so there’s that.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


Actually I do think it’s super epic. Along with lots of their other updates! And I’m rocked in my boots (whatever that means) enough to be gushing about it to all my friends, so there’s that.

def get a +1 for that

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: roguenub.1409


On the last part though — sorry, but what?! o.O What kind of loot are you wanting?! How could it possibly be more rewarding without completely destroying the economy in just a few days?

Every update prior to this gave decent loot, obviously not enough to break the economy, but enough to keep you coming back. With this update, once you see LA on fire, what real reason is there to come back to this event other than to get AP?

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vol.7601


I’m a farmer. Here is my opinion about it

1.) The map is glorious. Very well done. Scripted scenes and VA are done well. The camps, and the Vigil especially are done well.

2.) The events are repetitive and could use some work. It seems you have three types of events. You have the miasmi events, the escort events and the special kill events. I think they could have created more interesting event dynamics that would cater towards both the zergs and the smaller groups. This also makes it feel less ‘grindy’ when you have more variety. Right now the variety in the miasmi events is strictly the type of mob you face.

3.) I wish there were more doodads on the map. Right now we just have ruined structures. There really isn’t enough strewn paper on the ground, destroyed carts, crushed apples (Tybalt god bless his soul), e.t.c.

It just feels as if before the invasion, LA was empty and everything you see destroyed is just structures. At least throw some corpses here and there.

4.) Anet could have implemented some events outside of LA. I understand that this is a patch mainly for LA, but it would be nice if there were supplementary events in the nearby zones.

Overall I rate this update 8/10.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ellesee.8297


I have to agree with Kal, if you are just running around spamming auto attack its your own fault that you arent having fun, and is in no way Anet’s fault..

i think you have unlocked the secret to personal enjoyment in these recent LS updates. i thought i had it when the patch first came out but i lost it rather quickly. how do you personally play when you’re with 100 other people vying for as many loot bags as they can carry? my method yielded great monetary results but as you can see i’m still disappointed. what can i do differently so that if i decide to go into LA again, i can start enjoying myself?

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aurrynthea.7581


To those people who have actually gotten the game to load please spare a thought for those of us who have yet to actually see anything cause we are stuck on the loading screen! Client keeps timing out. I have super fast internet access, I upgraded my gaming laptop and it worked right up till this stupid patch!

I have tried tweeting, I have used google+ and have so far gotten nothing, no response, total silence.

Disappointed doesn’t even cover it.

I’m not lost, I know exactly where I am…I just didn’t want to be here right now.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


i’m not……..i like that i don’t have to do it unless i want a back skin (which i do, but its not much grinding to get one). its fun to do one or twice a day….and it will reward me toward my goal of the skin whether we save 500 citizens or 1500. its nice to have a casual/ignorable LS meta achievement evewry once in a while.

that said…….i much prefer content like Marionette and Aetherblade Retreat over these total zerg events…….but i think there is room for both and i’m not going to kitten and moan every time content update doesn’t strike my fancy.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ellesee.8297


To those people who have actually gotten the game to load please spare a thought for those of us who have yet to actually see anything cause we are stuck on the loading screen! Client keeps timing out. I have super fast internet access, I upgraded my gaming laptop and it worked right up till this stupid patch!

I have tried tweeting, I have used google+ and have so far gotten nothing, no response, total silence.

Disappointed doesn’t even cover it.

i’m truly sorry. i hope you get this resolved soon. it was quite fun the first few times i ran it, especially the first time when the miasma came and i followed the dolyaks through the asura gate only to be transported nowhere. i didn’t make it to the real exit.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


i think you have unlocked the secret to personal enjoyment in these recent LS updates. i thought i had it when the patch first came out but i lost it rather quickly. how do you personally play when you’re with 100 other people vying for as many loot bags as they can carry? my method yielded great monetary results but as you can see i’m still disappointed. what can i do differently so that if i decide to go into LA again, i can start enjoying myself?

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, though I have a feeling it is. If it isnt then I apologize. If you want to enjoy the game just go with the “zerg” flow so to speak – pun intended. If you want to play by yourself there is always pornhub. Otherwise dont complain about a multi-player game being multi-player.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Forzani.2584


To each their own. I am glad that some people enjoy this style of play. I don’t enjoy it though. I think my dog is almost trained up enough to follow the blue dorito and spam 1 skill and then press L for loot.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ellesee.8297


my original point was there’s so many people you can just auto attack and win. then you said i’m doing something wrong by just following the zerg and auto attacking. and now you’re saying i should just follow the zerg and auto attack! i’m so confused!

i never said i wanted to play by myself. i love playing with other people, just not when everything is mindless and staff guardians.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I can sort-of see the point.

After getting all the achievements I think it will get old really, really fast.

It will either turn into another massive farm-fest like Queens gauntlet or be abandoned by the end of the week.

It would be nice if the events actually required a little coordination or if there was something worth working towards. But excluding the achievements, it all seems to be about loot.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

i think you have unlocked the secret to personal enjoyment in these recent LS updates. i thought i had it when the patch first came out but i lost it rather quickly. how do you personally play when you’re with 100 other people vying for as many loot bags as they can carry? my method yielded great monetary results but as you can see i’m still disappointed. what can i do differently so that if i decide to go into LA again, i can start enjoying myself?

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, though I have a feeling it is. If it isnt then I apologize. If you want to enjoy the game just go with the “zerg” flow so to speak – pun intended. If you want to play by yourself there is always pornhub. Otherwise dont complain about a multi-player game being multi-player.

Oh I’m certain it’s sarcasm. I hear it in a straight monotone, like an infomercial. “That is amazing… how can I, too, make millions by washing my socks, Bill?”

The correct answer to the question, though, is “Not that.” If the only thing that matters to you is amassing globs of loot to do whatever with, I can’t help you. I’m personally sorry for you that you find so little joy in anything beyond monetary gain, even virtual monetary gain, which is arguably more sad.

If that isn’t the only thing that matters, then how about trying to experience the event for the event and actually immerse yourself into the game. If you don’t know how to do that, I may still not be able to help because it’s just a thing I do, not something I can easily explain.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: SonicTHI.3217


Not really disappointed with the content as i wasnt expecting anything more than another horribly designed zerg fest. Storywise this whole Scarlet thing has been one of the most horribly written stories i ve ever seen and the destruction of LA just crowns this comedy with a crappy pre rendered scene.

ANET has continuously ignored good advice given by players on what to and not to do with mechanics, gameplay and general game direction and i see no further point in wasting my time writing any kind of further feedback. While i really admire some individuals and their works of art at ANET the company itself feels completely dead to me.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


my original point was there’s so many people you can just auto attack and win. then you said i’m doing something wrong by just following the zerg and auto attacking. and now you’re saying i should just follow the zerg and auto attack! i’m so confused!

i never said i wanted to play by myself. i love playing with other people, just not when everything is mindless and staff guardians.

I believe the response from another poster was dont be a sheep. There is nothing wrong with running with the zerg, really thats what the game is – IMO thats what a MMO with a strong community should be, playing and changing the world together as a team, a zerg only fills the role of massive in the genre MMO. The problem I said was that if all u do is auto attack its your own fault. Wait to lay down some fields for when the main group spawns, and go on with the objectives of the event. I have no problem getting tons of drops doing that. Let the sheep clean up the mess while the ones that actually want to play complete the goals.

Sorry I misunderstood your origonal point, and I agree the over use of staff gaurdians and auto attack spammers is too much and can ruin the fun. Unfortunately the majority of people are selfish and only want their achievments and dont want to actually have to do anything to get them so all they do is dodge and auto attack.

which leads me to believe that it is not the game that is disappointing, it is like in real life it is the community that is disappointing.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: TurtleofPower.5641


As far as gameplay, well yes.

They really could do to stop with the conga line style of running around the map, zerging. That might be nice maybe once or twice a year but they’re reusing it very frequently at this point.

It’s sad too coming off stuff that required coordination like the Marionette. Here we are in a much more serious stakes and yet the gameplay requires nothing of anyone. Part of the reason people game, Anet has to remember, is they WANT some requirement of them, some challenge. Yet they seem to either go extremely hardcore (wurm) or extremely softcore and we’re missing a balance besides say a jumping puzzle or something.

I think that’s the main issue is they need to find a way to get all difficulty levels in EVERY patch. That doesn’t sound fun logistically for them to handle, but it’s true if they want people to not get mad every other patch that there’s nothing for them.

(edited by TurtleofPower.5641)

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: digiowl.9620


As long as the loot is DPS based rather than event completion based, the aggro is pretty much RNG, and the mobs pretty much pop in around the edge of the event area, zerg is the only way to fly.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Not at all. I for one wanted to see a world shaking event whereas scarlet’s actions actually did something of note. I would say having LA turned into ground zero of an air raid suffices.

The events may be zerg fests, however I prefer to think of them as a strength in numbers strategy myself. There are a few bugs too, but I for one am very happy with this update as we can at least feel threatened this time around knowing nothing is sacred.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


The main reason I am not disappointed though is to be honest, even with as big and drastic and awsome an event that this is, I believe this is really still just the tip of the ice burg. There is still so much for us to know and see. No military story especially during a siege has much dialog, this shouldnt be any different, the fighting and the chaos is the part of the story that is important right now. Also no game has ever put each of their years in play in the term of a season. The only thing we have to base a season off of in comparison is a TV show. In the shows the last few episodes are always intense, but usually still compare to nothing as the way a finale leaves it. At least in any decent action type show, take SOA for example. That shows has rarely ended its season off on a good note. It is always the beginning of the next that hope actually starts to come back. That to me would be a great format for a game story to follow. But mark my words, we have still yet to see the actual big world changing finale.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


Not at all. I for one wanted to see a world shaking event whereas scarlet’s actions actually did something of note. I would say having LA turned into ground zero of an air raid suffices.

The events may be zerg fests, however I prefer to think of them as a strength in numbers strategy myself. There are a few bugs too, but I for one am very happy with this update as we can at least feel threatened this time around knowing nothing is sacred.

Well said Tommy

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Zylonite.5913


All the 5-15 years old love it. All the 20 and above are sick of zerg’ing. But at the end, you need to shove the LS stuff to sell gems store items. What can you do…

Betrayed by the gods of ANet

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hobbs.9260


All the 5-15 years old love it. All the 20 and above are sick of zerg’ing. But at the end, you need to shove the LS stuff to sell gems store items. What can you do…

Im 31 and I love running with the pack. Thats why I play games like this for the community. If I wanted more time with a story I would just play single player games.

80 ele Deaths Misstress [DEAD] – Blackgate NA East Coast

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: miriya.8496


All the 5-15 years old love it. All the 20 and above are sick of zerg’ing. But at the end, you need to shove the LS stuff to sell gems store items. What can you do…

Well shucks, I’ve apparently gone back in time by … wow, half my age.

Best. Update. Ever. Thanks, Anet!

Seriously though, there’s plenty of folks digging this update; sorry that you don’t, but generalizing like that is pretty silly.

Hish Tulla | 80 Necro | [STYX]

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Sina.3904


So, overall I do really like this update. Yes, it is sorta zergy, but isn’t war kinda like that too; and isn’t that basically what this is?
Yes, Anet has created a lot of zergy events lately, and I’d love to see some more events that are better for groups of 5-10, but nevertheless, it can be a lot of fun running with a zerg, and a lot of people enjoy it.
My only real concern with this patch is that I love Lion’s Arch as a place in the game, and I hope we get it back (although likely a little different) in the end

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


The fact that they are willing to burn down LA, a capital city, deserves praise. I don’t think anyone else in the history of MMORPG ever did this. This is a bold move and finally the living story is living. History is indeed moving forward.

The game play is, indeed, a bit disappointing. It is a laggy zerg feast. The old problems with these types of game play remains. We have mobs spawning all over the map, so players spend more time running around like headless chickens than fighting. And when the timer runs out (toxic level, in this case), the game is over and players lost without actually losing.

Tactics involved here are zero.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: arKRazor.8654



I cede the rest of my time to my opponent.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Naetell.3815


I think a lot of you disappointed people, patch after patch after patch, need to get your facts straight.

What is you’re actually disappointed with? Another zerg? Spamming autoattack and being rewarded for that?
Those are just symptoms of a much deeper problem.

These issues you see aren’t problems of the patch, or the story, or the experience as current design intended it. They’re problems of the underlying combat and reward systems. The PvE in the game is entirely based on DPS, and nothing else.
No, you don’t have a trinity. No, you don’t have roles.
You’re DPS. You’re spamming skills that deal damage, stuff dies, you get loot. That’s what being a DPS player means. That’s what it has always been.
Tactics? Deeper combat?
You’ll need more than a single role fits all to achieve that. If people actually had to think what their place and role on the battlefield is, you’d get less “boring” zerg gameplay as a result.

In the end, Arenanet can deliver exactly that, if that’s what you want. Look at GW1 and its encounters.
But GW2 was not designed like old MMO’s.
Mechanics-wise, it’s almost as if it has been designed by an elistist DPS player of old.
“Tanking, yuck, who wants to get hit in the face by a dragon? I sure don’t. Dead players don’t contribute to the battle after all.”
“Healing, booooring. It’s just watching bars go up and down. They’re not even interacting with the dragon. We’re doing all the real work here, dodging dangerous AOE fields, tail sweeps, wing buffets, while making sure this thing actually dies!”

But it could be more. Pretty much everything they need for that is there, in a raw, unsculpted form. We could have a game without a “holy trinity” that delivers deep and meaningful gameplay. But we’d need to accept the added complexity as well. The moment you have more than 3 roles, and roles that are harder to define, is when we’ll lose the “boring” zerg and replace it with something awesome.

I will say this: It looks like the game is evolving away from the DPS trumps all kind of PvE design. But it’s still a long road.

Until we reach that goal of revamping combat to be MORE than a trinity, not LESS, judge a patch for what it really does. Don’t blame it for problems it didn’t cause, or problems it wasn’t meant to address.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Palador.2170


It a siege…did you expect all her armies to come in one at a time in order to not overwhelm us? Of course there is allot going on, that is what a siege is. Anything else would have been rediculous. That is why there are zergs, in a real life siege zergs=life while solo=death.

Nope. As I said, I expected to be disappointed. I find the zerg stuff disappointing for personal reasons, and (let’s be fair here) this is something that lends itself well to zergs.

Even if there were small encounters out there to be had, zergs could form and roll right over them before I would get to most of them. It’s just the logical way to play. Humans form armies for a reason, after all.

I’m okay with an occasional update that doesn’t fit my play style. It’s still disappointing, but I realize they can’t please everybody all the time. I’m willing to accept that this was my turn to be disappointed and move on. But, I still feel a bit disappointed. It’s only natural.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


I like this update, I like zergy open world content (tho my favorite was the tower of nightmares).
However this is what disappointed me from this patch: I still know nothing about what Scarlet saw and what she is looking to do.
There is only 1 more update on this “season” (?), and I am really worried that Scarlet is not going to be vaporized, desintegrated or something like that

anyone else disappointed?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


All the 5-15 years old love it. All the 20 and above are sick of zerg’ing. But at the end, you need to shove the LS stuff to sell gems store items. What can you do…

24 here. I love this iteration of the story!

Also — your logic doesn’t even make sense because any 5-15 year olds (which according to surveys are a very small portion of the players.) aren’t the ones who are going to be buying stuff on the gem store.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows