will you do the new achievements?

will you do the new achievements?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: jihm.2315


they seem like a lot waste of time to me
i stand still like a half hour to find people for spider queen and thinking of quitting them are more people feeling the same way?
also i dont want blade back piece

action combat made mmos better lol

will you do the new achievements?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vol.7601


No one is forcing you to do them, so feel free not to do them.

will you do the new achievements?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: jihm.2315


No one is forcing you to do them, so feel free not to do them.

i know that but something is pushing me to go and retry

action combat made mmos better lol

will you do the new achievements?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Waste of time? I wish they actually took time or effort.
First day within a few hours of patch, I had the meta done; as did a lot of people. This was barely even trying. Many more were done after they patched the knights.
2 week content done within a few hours, not very good.

will you do the new achievements?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: jihm.2315


Waste of time? I wish they actually took time or effort.
First day within a few hours of patch, I had the meta done; as did a lot of people. This was barely even trying. Many more were done after they patched the knights.
2 week content done within a few hours, not very good.

i need to guest an active server then and do them if you can give a suggestion that would be awesome

action combat made mmos better lol