10% Karma Banner Up

10% Karma Banner Up

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Although this isn’t a dynamic event per se, I felt it would be good to make this thread in the spirit of “Uncontested temple of Balthazar” in which people can post when and where a 10% karma banner is up. I believe it fits best in this subforum, where it can grow and not get immediately get buried by general game discussion.

My reason for creating this thread is that when you have hundreds of thousands of karma worth of jugs or drops, that extra 5% karma increase over a normal karma banner makes a huge difference, but given the rarity of these banners (due to the 3 merit cost) it is often a painful waiting game when you want to cash in on your karma consumables.

So without further ado, post away! Looking forward to see if this thread can gain some momentum and help folks out.

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