6 months in and same problems still present

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Diviner.7405


So the game has been out for a decent while, and yet I still see events bug and then you cannot do them anymore.

On my server (Darkhaven), the temple of Melandru has become bugged and the NPC will not start the event. This has become frustrating as I was doing a temple run (5 temples completed one after another) and on the last one, I could not do it cause Melandru was bugged.

This is not the only event I have seen that is bugged. Southern Cursed Shore has a chain down there where you kill the maggots and escort an NPC through a tunnel, but the NPC is no where to be found and thus none of the events start.

And this is not the only server having issues, I was guesting on a another server today, and I went to do the Maw for my daily, and found that it was bugged out and the NPC was standing at the dragon totem with nothing going on. This is a shame, since the Maw feels so epic for the new players, and doing that event really got me interested into the game when I first started.

Orr was overhauled in the last patch, but some of the bugs still exist. It feels as if nobody at ANet is doing anything about these bugs. These bugs are reported, and you would think it would be quick fixes, but these fixes never come out. It just shows laziness.

I think the main issue is that this game needs regular server resets to fix these things while permanent fixes are in the works. When the game first came out, things bugged frequently, but you could count a server reset every few days to fix it. Now though, the next server reset probably will not be until the big update at the end of the month so that means that these events will not be fixed for a really long time.

Server resets would be good because it allows for temporary fixes while permanent ones are in the works and it also allows for fixes for bugs that the devs might not be aware about.

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: crawlerxp.1536


The only one I consistently see again, and again, and again are those Pact soldiers waiting for an escort to Meddler’s. God bless ’em, rezzed or not, they stand there waiting—and waiting, and waiting, and waiting…

Seriously. Every time I’m in Cursed Shore. (Devona’s Rest)

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Loomlore.2975


Yeah, in Piken Square I haven’t seen any Temple of Melandru’s related events starting up anywhere for the last three days… It’s frustrating, I have only just started working for my Exotic from the vendor there.

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cawesome.1580


lol 6 months and Orr still has broken DE’s? Lololololololololol

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: crawlerxp.1536


You bumped a week-old thread for that?

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: lagermeister.4397


You bumped a week-old thread for that?

Is that not fair enough? A lot of people are sick of it. Keep bumping/ creating threads like its going out of fashion- maybe the devs will get the point

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Musha.4025


I agree. I encounter bugged events all the time. Ever since guesting was implemented, I can usually guest to a different server to get the event on a different server, but there are many events that are bugged on every server. A server reset every 2 days or so would ensure that all the events could run smoothly until they are all fixed.

Aegan – Human Ranger (80)
Leader of the Guardians of Light (GoL)

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nayaru.4716


There is really only one point I can agree on in this thread. That is regular server restarts being a good idea, once a week would be great for clearing bugged events. However it seems a little bit much to have regular restarts just for bugged events, yes bugged events are frustrating but they’re in the minority and they’re not preventing anyone from playing… 99%(?) of the game. They also should in theory be working correctly and almost certainly were at launch. I’ve been playing since launch and I haven’t seen bugged events stay bugged (and even if they do get bugged again it’s more often than not the result of a different error). Game staff have stated countless times that they are working on bugs it’s just even if they do throw a fix in, another problem may arise that could not be foreseen. Not to mention they will roll out fixes in one big go (Usually at the end of the month) rather than small increments.

I’ve played plenty of MMO’s before (Even worked as QA in one) and I’m used to bugs being ignored or put on such a low priority that I wonder if they’re actually not on any kind of priority. Arenanet are nothing like those companies. If we report bugs, they will get looked at and if the problem can be duplicated/identified then it will be getting fixed (at least attempted). If it feels like Arenanet are doing nothing to address problems it’s simply because staff are not posting in every other thread that complains or reports. I’m sure you could find one of the many posts which state the bug forums (amongst other forums) are looked at regularly by the Dev team without too much trouble.

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: helladoom.4317


yes bugged events are frustrating but they’re in the minority and they’re not preventing anyone from playing… 99%(?) of the game

To most people easily 90% of the game is irrelevant once at lvl80. People are either leveling and pretty much rush through most of the content, or they do dungeons, or pvp, or open world pve in Orr.
A few bugged events in Orr comprises a fairly large percentage of unplayable content that is relevant to the latter group.
Add to that apparent lack of incentive to do other high level open world zones (imo a ‘bug’ in the design of the game) , and it becomes quite noticeable that certain event regularly bug out and remain bugged for a good part of the week.

If we report bugs, they will get looked at and if the problem can be duplicated/identified then it will be getting fixed (at least attempted).

Attempted alone is not good enough. Sure it takes time to fix, but at some point to much time has passed.
I know i will not be buying GW3 as soon as it is released, but give it at least a year to get sorted, and then wait for the opportunity do a trial account (which may be never).

If it feels like Arenanet are doing nothing to address problems it’s simply because staff are not posting in every other thread that complains or reports.

I think it feels like that because after half a year still quite a few DE’s remain bugged or otherwise inaccessible.

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nayaru.4716


If it feels like Arenanet are doing nothing to address problems it’s simply because staff are not posting in every other thread that complains or reports.

I think it feels like that because after half a year still quite a few DE’s remain bugged or otherwise inaccessible.

Not that many actually. Almost every bugged event that I encountered when I was 100% worlding my first toon in september was no longer bugged when I 100% worlded my second toon in december/January. There were bugged events but reeeeeeally not “Quite a few”, certainly less than my first 100% world, and almost never the same ones.

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: lunawisp.2378


We still have problems with some npc’s becoming unresponsive for long periods of time when attacked by mobs.

Like Jaklan in the trading post in Queensdale. When the trading post gets attacked by centaurs, he ceases to be usable till (some arbitrary event occurs – probably a reset of some sort). He’s there in body but is completely useless. I’ve reported that one over and over.

Found pottering around on Desolation (EU).
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.

(edited by lunawisp.2378)

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: helladoom.4317


If it feels like Arenanet are doing nothing to address problems it’s simply because staff are not posting in every other thread that complains or reports.

I think it feels like that because after half a year still quite a few DE’s remain bugged or otherwise inaccessible.

Not that many actually. Almost every bugged event that I encountered when I was 100% worlding my first toon in september was no longer bugged when I 100% worlded my second toon in december/January. There were bugged events but reeeeeeally not “Quite a few”, certainly less than my first 100% world, and almost never the same ones.

Events that are bugged eventually get reset and are then not bugged until they become bugged again. No-one said bugged events are bugged all the time or that certain events are bugged at specific times.

But more importantly – as i said previously: enough events are either bugged often or are group events that are being ignored by the player base (making that content in effect unplayable, eg certain temples in Malchor’s Leap) – that it is noticeable to the many end-game players who spend a lot of time in Orr.

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nayaru.4716


If it feels like Arenanet are doing nothing to address problems it’s simply because staff are not posting in every other thread that complains or reports.

I think it feels like that because after half a year still quite a few DE’s remain bugged or otherwise inaccessible.

Not that many actually. Almost every bugged event that I encountered when I was 100% worlding my first toon in september was no longer bugged when I 100% worlded my second toon in december/January. There were bugged events but reeeeeeally not “Quite a few”, certainly less than my first 100% world, and almost never the same ones.

Events that are bugged eventually get reset and are then not bugged until they become bugged again. No-one said bugged events are bugged all the time or that certain events are bugged at specific times.

But more importantly – as i said previously: enough events are either bugged often or are group events that are being ignored by the player base (making that content in effect unplayable, eg certain temples in Malchor’s Leap) – that it is noticeable to the many end-game players who spend a lot of time in Orr.

My post was just basically describing an example, I haven’t only ever played PvE during the times I 100% worlded those two toons. If I have to go into detail, I do Orr stuff a lot amongst other things including low to mid level range areas for whatever reason (helping friends/guildies/whatever). There’s been a NEW issue with Balthazar on my server this month but the Temples and other events in Malchors and Cursed shore have been largely working correctly. At any rate, problems you are seeing are almost certainly not the same issues that were there 6months ago. I don’t know why people are so convinced in believing game staff don’t care and don’t want to fix these problems when there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary… I think I’ll just leave this sort of thread alone from now on. Going around in circles. :P

6 months in and same problems still present

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

Yes that pact group surely is running on empty stomachs by now…

P.S. It is still bugged!

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

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