When will people learn that 5,000,000 false reports will take longer to find the botters in than 50,000 legit reports not based off of “He was in my zone and didnt respond when i cussed him out”.
The teleporting groups that make getting bloods, fangs… or anything for crafting to get legendaries impossible will be untouched in the mess of false reports to every player ingame who is “caught” farming for even a few minutes. Anet even says they read reports on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS. I promise you, 1,000,000+ false reports will not lead to quicker bans. It’s easy to see… from any logical view anyways/
PS: Someone not in local chat != bot,
PSS: Someone who is in the same area in you doesn’t automattically mean its a bot
PSSS: Just because you can prove you can get more reports with friends, does not mean they’re a bot.
PSSSS: Just because they don’t fight with you, doesn’t make them a bot.
PSSSSS: People who afk stacked in a group of 20 unpronouncable names could even be human, but they teleport too, so if anything they hack.
“But I know it’s a bot” means you’re also a botter, because from my point of view, I’ve never used a bot, and I only assume the teleporting people are bots (because their teleports are too accurate to be human in my opinion) But those of you with this “in depth knowledge” Well, let’s add you to the list millions long. Seriously if you see people flaming “bots” that arent being supremely obvious (a player running around silently is NOT obvious botting), report them too, its verbal harassment, and theyre likely real bots covering themselves
Unless anet stops flaming, I will personally be getting all my rl friends, guildies, and everyone else i can to join in on this. It’s gotten almost as out of hand as botting itself (a friend of mine is called botter by strangers within 5 minutes of logging on, even if he just travels somewhere. Out, Of, Hand) God knows why he won’t server xfer like I tell him to, daily.
Anet, please limit flaming, unless it’s allowed. Ban botting, but good luck… I would not want to even see that list…