(edited by plasmacutter.2709)
Bronze? REALLY? I killed 2 vets here!
Oh, so you got even less than me..
I saved 6 villagers from the harpies all by myself with my engineer and I got silver, killed countless harpies on my way to them and while escorting them out.
This was the first time I saw this event working, but the reward I got was really disappointing.
Maybe because you did not do a lot of damage as a Support character? Just wondering.
I used to feel a bit let down as an Elementalist getting bronze on some Events which I assumed at the time was because I was using my healing skills more than most other things.
Server: Gunnars Hold [EU]
I have gotten bronze on an event where I personally killed 2/3 of the enemies. I think it is just buggy.
The way GW2 seems to recognise contribution is quite random. Like you guys, I’ve been in DE’s where I’ve been throwing in healing fields and reviving downed people, only to get Bronze or Silver at the end, and other DE’s where I came in at the last minute, cast Confusing Images on the boss 3 seconds before he died, and gotten Gold.
Does not compute!
Last night I got silver for an event I soloed. That’s when you KNOW the game doesn’t like you, lol.
Last night I got silver for an event I soloed. That’s when you KNOW the game doesn’t like you, lol.
You had to have been hitting the wrong mobs or something.
I am currently only level 62 on my mesmer, but I have never not gotten gold on dynamic events with groups, barring ones I came in late for or ran through. Does this suddenly stop being easy to do at 80?
Last night I got silver for an event I soloed. That’s when you KNOW the game doesn’t like you, lol.
You had to have been hitting the wrong mobs or something.
I am currently only level 62 on my mesmer, but I have never not gotten gold on dynamic events with groups, barring ones I came in late for or ran through. Does this suddenly stop being easy to do at 80?
How do you hit the wrong mobs and finish the event? I was literally the only person there.
I have an idea for this... maybe its the timeit took or that it shouldent be done solo.. maybe those r taken into account?
Tis only what you can do for all
No, there is no timer for DE unless it is one of the kill x waves before y completes. I can tag an event in lower levels while doing exploration and get gold event completion message an hour later.
The dredge mortars event south of Slough of Despond waypoint in Frostgorge Sound is one of the buggy ones.
The event goals are destroy three mortars. I solo two mortars myself, all the adds, all the trash that spawns after a mortar is destroyed, and do half the damage to the third mortar. Some warrior comes in and hits the third mortar a few times to finish it off, and never kills a single trash mob.
I get silver, he gets gold. This has happened TWICE at the very same event.
For every event I get don’t get a gold when I probably should I get free silver or gold for an event I didn’t even participate in. The bugginess seems to cut both ways.
Don’t know what its like later, but at lower levels I’ve found it difficult to get Gold on events with my Mesmer when using a Staff. Staff damage is pitiful, so it makes makes me think the events ignore the damage from my phantasms, explosions, and such. Or maybe it ignores the bounced effects caused by the staff.
If I switch to something else, I don’t seem to have the problem nearly as much. But then, just about every other weapon does more damage than a Staff for a Mesmer.
Not sure if that is it. I don’t know what the problem is exactly. But something seems off about it. None of my other characters have had trouble getting Gold credit. With any weapon. Not played Engineer yet though.
I also had bronze a few times even though I am the only one doing the event.
One of the case is an escort event. There was a level 80 (probably) around (on the other side of the hills) who were killing irrelevant mobs at tremendous speed but he is also in the event area, while I killed all the event mobs assaulting the caravan. I ended up as bronze probably his damage outweighs mine terribly.
The other one I remember is also an event that I soloed, but I arrived when the event is already halfway but all defending NPCs were down. I revived them and finished it solo and I only got a bronze. For this one, I think the NPC kills is outweighing mine.
There are also some events that killing trashes do not count, so if some level 80 kills the boss quickly while you tried to help by killing the trashes around, you can only get a bronze.
And there is the OP’s case too. You killed veterans or tons of mobs when the event objective is to destroy some structures or return some items. If you are doing the part of helping those to complete the event by clearing the area, sometimes you can get a bronze or silver. I think it is a balancing issue though.
I think we deserve a Gold if we are the only one involved in the event and killing event mobs should have more weights than killing irrelevant mobs.
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
I got a gold for killing 1 mob yesterday.
I got a gold for being in the vicinity – but suspect my jaguar sliced one or more of the mob. I was busy gathering at the time.
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
cry me a river you know most of the time i usaly just hit amob once or 2x and still get silver or gold for almost all events so you ran into a bug go report it so they can fix it really god
I’ve done events solo from start to completion, no one around to wander in – and still received bronze.
I guess the non-combat event npc received gold rewards by escorting me?
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
I’ve gotten gold for a single unload and bronze for soloing events.
Maybe it’s the ratio between damage (+healing?) and the time spend on an event that determines the reward.