Can DE farming last atleast 1hr b4 DR hits

Can DE farming last atleast 1hr b4 DR hits

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


It’s pretty stupid that I can’t use the gem-store Karma booster for its full duration while I farm Dynamic Events in Cursed Shore

This is ridiculous:

45 min in and bam DR, 19 karma for Gold event, 16 karma for Silver.


[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

Can DE farming last atleast 1hr b4 DR hits

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


they have to get rid of this crazy DR.
not hurting the bots all that much but frustrating for all legit-players.

what if i WANT to farm DEs for 3 hours straight with my guild because it is fun?

Can DE farming last atleast 1hr b4 DR hits

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


oh here’s another one, i hit DR in 40 min, got 20min remaining on my karma booster.


[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

Can DE farming last atleast 1hr b4 DR hits

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Elentari.9156


Based on my personal experience, DR is applied based more on the frequency that you finish events, and not so much on how long you’ve been doing events. The trigger point seems to be somewhere around 8 or more events within 20 minutes.

I used to grind DEs in Wayfarer Foothills for xp, and noticed that I tended to hit DR if I finish a couple events immediately before or after the Frozen Maw chain, which is a set of 7 events. During the Maw chain, which takes about 5 minutes, I usually get credit for 6 events. If I do a couple events immediately before the Maw chain starts, I tend to hit DR on the last step of Maw. If I keep doing events after I hit DR on Maw, they stay DR’d; but if I take a break for 10 minutes or so, I go back to full rewards. In the end I started consciously spacing out events and I was able to avoid DR that way.

I can imagine that perhaps the devs did a rough calculation of how long events on average should take, and set a threshold value that defines what they view as how frequently a normal player should be finishing events. If there wasn’t some sort of limit, in theory you could run around the map and do minimal contribution to every event you come across, so you get the rewards when the event finishes without actually sticking around to help finish the event. But there are lots of reports of non-exploiting players hitting DR, so perhaps the threshold is set a bit too low for the intended purpose.

Anyway, next time you go do DEs, try to keep track of how frequently you are finishing them. Perhaps the route you take has a cluster of events midway through that causes you to hit DR before your planned hour is up. If you are careful with pacing your events, you should be able to do DEs for the full hour without hitting DR. I do agree with you that the current DR system could use so fine-tuning, but maybe my experience can help you avoid getting hit with DR while on your boost