Causual player getting hit with DR

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


I consider myself casual. I just checked my /age and I averaged 16 hours per week since release. Last night, I didn’t have much time to play so I just wanted to do my daily. I head over to Wayfaring Hills with my lvl 18 necro and the following occurs.

TLDR version (10 events in 35 min and I hit the DR. I log out, not sure if I want to return)

I log in and the Maw event is under way. I am able to kill some portals(1) and kill the final boss(2). As soon as that event finished, Ravi needs some help gathering armor. I help him out(3). I need to gather for the daily so I head to the crafting town, gathering on my way. The wolfmaster champion is in progress so I join in the fun and beat him down(4). I head to the crafting town and the ‘escort the beer along icesteppes road’ event is waiting to be started. I start it. While escorting, I’m able to heal up some refugees on the side of the road and gather some more. After that event is done(5), I follow the gathering nodes and I see another event to rebuild the statue and the NPC needs to be healed! I head up that way, revive and finish the event(6).

The town up north usually has some dead bodies so I check it out. Yup, 3 dead people to revive. I only have the healing, 50 kills, and laurel vendor dailies left. The wurm cave some times has some dead people so I start that way. The wurms are beating on the inn door. I help fight them off and finish the healing daily along the way(7). I only need 10 more kills. I head back to the crafting town, killing along the way. I get to the town and the beer escort quest is going. I help them out again(8). Along the way, the Maw is starting again so I protect the supplies from the grawl(9), escort the Norn to the totem(10). At this point I’m having a blast with the game and glad that I’ve been able to hop from one event to another.

When I kill the totem(11), as a reward get 58 xp, 6 karma, and some copper. I was severely confused at this point. I kill the elite guard and get the same reward(12). After I kill the portal(13) and get the same reward I realize that I hit the DR. Really? As a non-farmer and casual player, I actually hit the DR?

I finished the event(14), got all blues from the chest and headed back to the crafting town to unload stuff at the bank. The beer escort was ready to be started, but no way I was going to do it for nothing. I finished the daily and logged out, deflated. If not for the DR, I would have probably stayed around for a few more events.

The message you sent me with the DR was to log off. Nope, you can’t have too much fun playing the game, so we punish you. Since the only reason I play this game is for the events, and the event become useless after 10 of them, my desire to continue playing the game has been diminished. Instead of playing the actual game tonight, I’m writing a post instead. I hope this is a bug. I think your DR needs adjusting.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You do know that event rewards actually ARE effected by DR right?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You do know that event rewards actually ARE effected by DR right?

I’m not talking about chest loot. I’m talking about the little medal you get on the top right with exp, karma and gold.

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You do know that event rewards actually ARE effected by DR right?

I’m not talking about chest loot. I’m talking about the little medal you get on the top right with exp, karma and gold.

Yep so am I. I am willing to put a rather large wager that DR does in fact effect how much exp, karma, and coin one receives when it is triggered.

The whole dragon chest bugged issue dealt with this.

edit: Just found this and it is a perfect example

Serenity now~Insanity later

(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You do know that event rewards actually ARE effected by DR right?

I’m not talking about chest loot. I’m talking about the little medal you get on the top right with exp, karma and gold.

Yep so am I. I am willing to put a rather large wager that DR does in fact effect how much exp, karma, and coin one receives when it is triggered.

The whole dragon chest bugged issue dealt with this.

I’ve farmed shelt/pen numerous times over 8 hours straight. I never hit DR in terms of those rewards. Always the same amount.

There USED to be DR in terms of exp/karma/gold. But they removed that a long time ago (November)

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


And that link you provided – karma rewards are always low when you bring a higher lvl main to a lowbie zone. You do not get ‘scaled’ event medal rewards.

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Want to wager then?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


I don’t have time to waste on petty bets

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Won’t take any time at all I’ll do all the leg work. All it’ll take from you is a yes or no.

We can up the value on said bet to remove the pettiness, if that’s your concern? Say 300g? 400g? 500g?

Serenity now~Insanity later

(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


Yes, let’s both get banned over this by exchanging large sums of gold

How about stick to the topic and provide proof.

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This is very much to the topic….about dr on event rewards. You contend that it does not, while I contend that it does.

I am willing to bypass the gold and use a precursor of choice to avoid possible false positives resulting from sending large amounts of coin. Heck I’ll even bypass the item reward completely and wager posting on this forum….if I am wrong I’ll stop posting period…you’ll nvr see me again on here.

Edit: I need to afk for a while…..I’ll bbl to see if offer is accepted or rejected and if accepted to agree on terms

Serenity now~Insanity later

(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It’s a bug. I was farming exp on my level 59 necro in Wayfarers. I normally get level appropriate exp but on one quest I only got level one exp. I jumped to another part of the same zone, did an event and got level appropriate exp. jumped back to the previous spot and got level appropriate exp.

I didn’t report it as a bug at the time because I was confused. Lol. It’s a bug. You should get level appropriate rewards. The DR is only for material rewards. If it happens again I will report it so the Devs will know.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


It’s a bug. I was farming exp on my level 59 necro in Wayfarers. I normally get level appropriate exp but on one quest I only got level one exp. I jumped to another part of the same zone, did an event and got level appropriate exp. jumped back to the previous spot and got level appropriate exp.

I didn’t report it as a bug at the time because I was confused. Lol. It’s a bug. You should get level appropriate rewards. The DR is only for material rewards. If it happens again I will report it so the Devs will know.

Thank you. That is what I was hoping to hear. I’ll report it next time as a bug.

As to the other discussion going on, I was referring to event rewards. I did 10 event with a normal reward around 500 xp, + karma, + copper and it was significantly reduced for three additional events. I was not referring to chest rewards.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Yeah that’s what we were debating. A while back there was a rather long thread about dragon chests being bugged. Turns out that it was the result of DR as verfied by Robert Hrouda. In correlation to the chests not spawning……diminished experience, karma, and coin rewards were seen.

The devs noted that the chest contents however are not effected by DR, just the appearance of the chest itself.

The DR on events happens regardless of it being a chest event. So the the diminished experience, karma, and coin are a result of that. Now whether or not the DR itself is bugged is a whole other can of worms, which I doubt we will ever get any insight on from the devs.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


I did about 14 events in a 40 min period and no DR. I’m hoping it was a one time thing.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

As long as you’re changing events you “should” be fine. Now if you do one event, log out (maybe to another toon, maybe out all together) then log back in to repeat the same event, then continue that pattern, then we have be informed that DR will take effect and we have seen that result via timed events.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: sostronk.8167


DR seems to be a really random thing. I can only confirm with certainty that I have experienced DR on one occasion. I am an “extreme gamer”who plays over 60 hours a week. Alot of my time has been spent in the same area farming my 8 level 80s up (on my eigth one now).

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Shadow.3671


LOL! You expect to have fun playing this game? According to Anet only WvW and PvPers are allowed to have fun, for everyone else this game is supposed to suck.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tenoh.2305


love the game but yeah,some times in a few ways it does suck very much.

kitten you anet! I hate you!

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: fishball.7204


As long as you’re changing events you “should” be fine. Now if you do one event, log out (maybe to another toon, maybe out all together) then log back in to repeat the same event, then continue that pattern, then we have be informed that DR will take effect and we have seen that result via timed events.

Changing events and even relogging doesn’t work.

Same situation as the OP for me. Further testing suggests that if you run events in an area and logout then play in the same area the next day you get hit with a DR. This was probably to prevent people parking characters at dragons but they fail to consider those people who log out and wish to complete an area the next day.


Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: xWESTsidex.4980


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You’re wrong. You do get hit with DR with the exp, karma, and coin.

Here is proof.


Lvl 80 Ranger. Lvl 80 Necro.
Officer of Warriors and Rebels [WaR]
Gate of Madness

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: GimpCent.9268


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

That is completely false, they sure are

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: GimpCent.9268


I hit DR this morning and I wasn’t even doing the same event or anything. Just normal running around hitting up events as they came up exploring the world.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You’re wrong. You do get hit with DR with the exp, karma, and coin.

Here is proof.

That shows nothing.

Show me another screenshot of that same event on that same character and level with different reward amounts for the gold medal.

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Grayblood.9281


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You’re wrong. You do get hit with DR with the exp, karma, and coin.

Here is proof.

That shows nothing.

Show me another screenshot of that same event on that same character and level with different reward amounts for the gold medal.

Here is my level 80 in Cursed Shore after only playing for 2-3 hours this morning. To make matters even worse I had karma booster going with almost half the time left on it by the time I noticed. I was not just farming the same events either, I was doing a loop going around with the R&D Camp tar elementals, Jofast caravan escort, Jofast defend event, Fia escort and gorilla vet, Penitent defend event, Shelter’s Gate defend event, Scholar Zepa & the vet risen chicken, Graveborn’s Landing defend event, the vet spider near Graveborn’s Landing, and the Rakkan events (not in that order obviously).

DR on event rewards needs to be fixed or just completely removed. It is not fun. 889 XP, 19 karma, and 9 copper is just insulting and a waste of time. I’m not even sure how many events I had completed before I even noticed, for all I know that could have been happening from the moment I logged in.


Aeryn Grayblood – Guardian – [GASM] – Dragonbrand
River Grayblood – Thief – [GASM] – Dragonbrand

(edited by Grayblood.9281)

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: sostronk.8167


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You’re wrong. You do get hit with DR with the exp, karma, and coin.

Here is proof.

That shows nothing.

Show me another screenshot of that same event on that same character and level with different reward amounts for the gold medal.

That event at his level gives around 1.5-2k XP. It does show DR.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: xWESTsidex.4980


You do know that event rewards (the exp,karma and coin) are not affected by DR right? What did you expect? More gold for each event completed?

And what do you want? Guaranteed rares in each chest?

You’re wrong. You do get hit with DR with the exp, karma, and coin.

Here is proof.

That shows nothing.

Show me another screenshot of that same event on that same character and level with different reward amounts for the gold medal.

Need anymore proof?


Lvl 80 Ranger. Lvl 80 Necro.
Officer of Warriors and Rebels [WaR]
Gate of Madness

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


I stand corrected – I don’t know what is wrong with the system but I do not hit DR at all when farming in Cursed Shore. I’ve done 8-12 hour grindfests and I have never fallen victim to DR. It’s been like this since November. I’ve also asked a few friends I grind with and they do not notice any DR in terms of the medal rewards.

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Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I posted earlier and said this was a bug, but now I’m not so sure.

I got hit again with this in wayfarers where I was leveling my necro. I went from about 4k exp per event to less than 100exp. I reported it as a bug and switched toons to a different area. But not sure now if this is a bug or they actually ding you for staying in one area and doing events there multiple times.

I’ve noticed it seems to happen if you stay in one area for more than an hour, farming the same events for exp or karma. I thought that the DR was only supposed to be for drops, not exp or karma.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Pretty sure DR is broken.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I now constantly move my char around before I log out. Normally, I run to rata sum from LA. It’s bad when you feel paranoid about a game’s reward system.

I don’t know if this helps for sure, but my drops in fractals went from 1 rare a run to an average of 5 for the last 3 days. (7 rares and an exotic on the first day I started doing it. These are lv 30 and above fractals so I’d expect more like that.) I don’t know if it is just luck or if moving is actually doing something.
Logically, I think it was just luck. But without knowing all that the DR system takes into account, who knows.
Either way, it cost me nothing to walk through the gate to Rata Sum.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Darkwolf.6291


This explains what happened to me this morning. My Ele is parked in Queensdale for running events when I only have a few minutes to play, so he typically doesn’t leave the zone. This morning I noticed my xp rewards were hugely reduced after doing 6 or so events in a short period.

Guess I’ll have to leave him in Divinity’s Reach. The DR code shouldn’t persist across logins, that’s just stupid.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: anemoneko.8345


It’s quite serious issue. Some people never step in dungeons, disliked any form of pvp and don’t see a point in making legendary. What else we have here? Roaming around with friends doing events, sounds good, legit and correct. Wayfarer foothills, map with tight packed DE simple to do 11 events in blink of time, nearly without breaks, again and again, still legit no tele hacks no mind control or tinfoil hats. So, You make that region that way, put DE and set timers and now what? Its a “No, no”? A wrong way to play your game? I’ve play’d more than 700h get “been there, done that” title and now i can’t been where i want and doing what i want? It’s sad, just sad.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reaver.9256


Really hoping the patch today fixes all these crazy dr issues. Between not getting chests to getting totally random dr it’s been a bad month for my 8 characters…..

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Churchmouse.4639


well patch is done and DR is still very much there seem this isn’t a really big issue for them i think….myself i don’t like to be told how when or how long to play i prefer to play my way and this stupid DR isn’t letting me do that…almost like there saying hey take a break go play another game or something….well i don’t wanna so please fix your stupid broke DR system

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


Got hit again this morning. I hadn’t played in 12 hours and didn’t even play much then. I log on this morning and check one toon to see if Shadow behemoth is up. It’s not, so I log into a 2nd toon in Wayfarers hills. I do an plug up the hole quest (1) and fight back dredge invasion (2), then start the maw. Protect supplies(3), escort scholar(4), kill totem(5), kill group of svanir(6), kill portals (7), kill champ (8) and I hit DR. This probably took 15 minutes. Please fix.