Champion risen broodmother

Champion risen broodmother

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ayochak.8293


I tried to solo it.
It regenerates up. Again, and again.

Same goes for Malchor’s or Cursed Shore’s.
They regenerate up, sooner or later.
Impossible to solo.

Also they are incredibly hard.

It’s too hard and bugged for no reward, nobody is killing it.

You need to turn it into something that can be done by small units.

WHY are you turning events into ultra-hard fights with NO reward?!

Well anyway maybe fix the regen and a few weird players like me will kill it.
Until then I’ll do like everyone & just won’t do it.

I’ll just join a zerg, click autofire & go afk, I’ll get more rewards this way.

Champion risen broodmother

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The Broodmother in Malchor’s was changed to make it more “interesting.” This move seems to have backfired, at least as far as seeing the event completed goes. Unfortunately, though there may be servers with groups of players wandering around Orr, I’m not on one. The leashing/out-of-combat-regeneration thing (while I am still in combat) makes it even worse.

Champion risen broodmother

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ayochak.8293


Funny thing is to compare for instance with Southsun Cove Reef drake Broodmother.
I could solo kill a dozen of them in the time needed to kill the new risen broodmother.
And the Southsun Cove one HAS A CHEST.
Well ok it’s a crappy chest, but anyway the idea is there.

Not only these solo champions events need to be fixed but they also need chests.

Champion risen broodmother

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ayochak.8293


I just soloed Cursed Shore’s one to about 50% then it suddenly regenerated up.
In a spot where we fought for about the last 15mn.
It was not too far or anything.
I was not too far or out of reach either.
It just happened: BOOM 100% life!

I wanted to see if it was changed in patch.
It hasn’t.

Ultra-hard events with no rewards and even coding making them impossible.
No wonder everybody is swarm farming.

(edited by Ayochak.8293)

Champion risen broodmother

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: KokoroPixie.3786


I used to be able to solo the Curse Shore’s Broodmother with no problem. Now even with a zerg is it impossible.