(edited by Gahzirra.8639)
Chests will get nerfed
yeah, lets reroll to previous chests where you were getting one Rare per 7+ Chests, was so fun and worth doing!!! Cannot wait.
yep, reverting the loot tables is a good idea
Just my opinion, but I feel like they’ll make the chests account bound instead of character bound in the future. I think that is the first step to fixing these lag-fests. Second step may be to do something about guesting to get chests. I don’t think that they will revert to the old loot tables though.
Once again, just my opinion before someone nerd rages about my post.
Actually I managed my playtime around dragon events BEFORE the change. After the change it’s a bit less fun because I find myself with times when I’m getting bored of exploring and have no good reason to run events I’ve already run that day.
So, yay better loot but boo less fun I guess?
They have already nerfed loot in the open world the first month or so of the game due to botting and/or gem store sales. So now anything most rewarding to the level 80 player is strictly directed and controlled game play, such as dungeons, laurels, and the few selected events. If they continue to nerf open world rewards, the game will seem rewardless and not worth playing. What we need are tons of new items added to the game regularly, so that we have something to play for. After level 80 there is only one item to play for: the legendary.
More sandbox type gameplay would not be so strictly directed and add tons of new items to both the player and the gen shop: customizable player/guild housing would be a good start:)
(edited by lisamee.2408)
Revert the loot: Community outrage
Keep the loot where it is: Lag rage
Fix: Allow only 1 character per account to loot chests.
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
the best nerf they can do is to make it 1 chest pr character pr day pr event.
All you need to do now is to guest to another server and you can do the same event all over again with the same character as before. if they remove this part there will be a lot less players getting the chests.
But I dont support the nerf to 1 chest pr day pr account. I rather quit playing than accepting a nerf like that.
they should definitely NOT make the chests 1 per day per account, but they should make it 1 per day per character game wide. This would eliminate guesting to farm more chests, which would greatly help with the lag, as well as somewhat decreasing the number of rares coming into the game.
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
What about guesting to lower population servers?
@ Black Wolf – incorrect.
It was likely an honest mistake but the spread of false information is rampant.
Current Facts:
1. You are eligible for ONLY 1 chest reward per event/per character/per day.
2. The reset is 7pm EST, same as the daily.
3. You can still do the event more than once/day on the same character and can get the medal/xp/gold for participation , but no chest will spawn.
4. Guesting does NOT make you eligible for more than one chest per event/per character/per day.
5. Guesting only allows you to take advantage of specific events starting at different and potentially more convenient times than if you used only your home server.
There are plenty of other things that can be said currently about the event and chest state of the game but in the words of Kevin Bacon:
“These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed.”
My daily game play has dropped 90 % since one chest per char, and waiting till 6 pm , my time to reset, has me only doing the daily in the evening , Rewards for level 80 are slim to none ,
and slim left town…………. They managed to make a good game boreing … It needs fixin…
As to the lion chest keys , they need to increase the drop rate, I only found one since the start of GW2, and refuse to pay the price of keys to get random junk.
The cowapult launch game hardly ever works, to the point of why bother ….
Game changes are supposed to be good , Not disruptive…………..
And even worse is the “boxes of Armor” you buy at the Lion , always a crap shoot as to what you get , and usually are not for the toon you want to buy them for , so I quit buying them .
till then GW2 has become a big Yawn……………………………………….
Making it per account instead of per char would certainly help.
I doubt they would want to remove the incentive for people to play additional characters (and pay for additional character slots) so I definitely don’t see 1 per acct/per day happening.
If anything I could see them imposing a 1 chest/per character/per day rule. It offers the best of most all solutions. They still incentivize having additional characters and people playing the events with more than a “one and done” a day attitude (which they would want considering the time spent creating them and the excitement they are supposed to bring). Also, while promoting an increase in event participation relative to the pre-chest-buff era, it would cut down on traffic during these events by a significant amount. Lastly, it would allow them to keep the newly implemented chest loot buff in place without introducing nearly as many rares/exotics/ectos to the economy.
I think it is good this way, is a rare weapon not a good reward for dragon fights ect. I know before this patch I had to inclination to participate in any of these events because they simply weren’t worth it, I only ever did them once or twice just for the ‘experience’ of fighting a dragon.
Bad, bad idea. Then the Orr temples will all go back to being continually contested. You need to make events rewarding or people just won’t go unfortunately.
Quick solution: You can only claim DE chest on your home server.
No need to change guesting due to overflow outrage. No need to change loot tables because of people doing Sunless and Shatterer five times in 30 minutes. It screws the people who are legitimately trying to guest on other servers but the waters have been dirtied by this abuse. People on the home server will still do the events for the Rare and Exotic loot.
(edited by GoZero.9708)
Account bound chests
Actually I managed my playtime around dragon events BEFORE the change. After the change it’s a bit less fun because I find myself with times when I’m getting bored of exploring and have no good reason to run events I’ve already run that day.
So, yay better loot but boo less fun I guess?
This sums it up for me, too.
The dumb thing is, I actually was beginning to suspect the loot gods were against me (despite the fact I enjoyed the will-they-or-won’t-they gamble). It was a bizarre fun for me, to be on dragon rotation (plus the Maw, because I always found that fun), just for the odd chance of getting a rare – and I certainly did alright out of it, because I’m not sniffing at the greens and blues I mostly ended up with, simply because they pay the bills, so to speak. Waiting around for the events was fun, as there seemed to be a happy campers mentality. It wasn’t in the least bit stressful, which is nice when one does actually have real life stress. I suppose you could look upon it with a glass half full, and enjoy the experience rather the reward. Well, I did, anyway.
Then the Patch occurred (and yes, I feel it should be a proper noun). Now every time I do the event, I’m almost virtually guaranteed a rare. Sounds promising, I thought, but if this is the case, perhaps the word “rare” is taking on a new meaning, which is actually the opposite of its original meaning. Maybe the loot should be seen as green items, and I ponder this only because I suspect the economy may crash due to the reduced worth of the “rare” – that in itself will eventually solve all problems. And then we will certainly know the price of everything, but the value of nothing, whilst having a little gamer rage stress on the side in the event of lag (many, many puns quite intended). I’m happy to be wrong, of course.
I think anyone who wanted to make cash had myriad other ways of doing it before The Patch. I’m not sure why anyone would do dragons (or other large events) to make money – if not for loot, the events can then retain their purpose (lorewise) – because even if events are on timers, there are still chances for missing events as the spawn inside is more or less random, and if the Pact is camping out, we could arguably be doing the same in readiness based on their opinion that something bad could go down soon. Look upon it as a compromise between real life and the game.
I certainly don’t think guesting is the issue. I suggest such an accusation is lowest common denominator thinking, and not in the mathematical sense.
In the meantime, we just have to lag it out, and honestly, sometimes I don’t even know where or what I’m shooting at (but that actually amuses me. Doesn’t make it right, though!).
I’m sorry for my ramble, but I sort of get the impression that posting this in any of the associate threads works. To sum up, though: chests will get nerfed was the title of the thread. I wonder if that hasn’t already happened (albeit in a sick, somewhat masochistical manner).
Bad, bad idea. Then the Orr temples will all go back to being continually contested.
You need to make events rewarding or people just won’t go unfortunately.
Perhaps a little from column A and a little from Column B.
I’d agree the Orr temples are in need of looking at (not least the chains need to be bolstered and less likely to break). They are hard, they can be very long, and they can be easy to screw up. It stands to reason they should be, and that the reward for success should be great.
However, Orr is a completely different cookie to the rest of the world. It needs to be handled as such.
I sincerely hope they don’t nerf anything. I haven’t had this much fun in the game in awhile, and one my biggest peeves about the game was that you didn’t feel adequately rewarded by actually going out into the world and doing things. Maybe it’s because I love the world exploration so much. Now it feels at least on par with shelt/pen (or whatever the current farm spot of the month may be at any given time). It also puts it on par with dungeon running CoE/CoF and then salvaging rares bought with tokens. Basically, it gives options.
The patch was only a week or so ago. I’m guessing the excitement will die down after a bit, which should help with the lag. I also imagine that the servers will get looked at.
I don’t think it’s entirely a guesting problem either. It may be partially to blame, but early on in the game I did dragon events where there were enough people to cause or almost cause an overflow, and it didn’t lag this badly. Also, as it has been mentioned, you cannot guest to circumvent the “one chest per char per day” rule, so please stop using that as a reason to blame/kill guesting.
In the end, I’d say give it a couple of weeks to see how things eventually settle down. And in the meantime, go get rewarded for playing the game.
Ummei – Asura Ele
Do something with guesting and the amount of people that can be allowed at big events ( increase the number) no need to lower the loot back to what it was.
Lower chests per account will just make people leave the game.
80-Guardian /80- Mesmer
Just my opinion, but I feel like they’ll make the chests account bound instead of character bound in the future. I think that is the first step to fixing these lag-fests. Second step may be to do something about guesting to get chests. I don’t think that they will revert to the old loot tables though.
Once again, just my opinion before someone nerd rages about my post.
I hope they don’t change guesting. I spend all day working, I want to come home and spend some time playing and getting these chests too, but if I cant guest it makes it too hard to get them all on 1 server. Making it account bound is 1 step forward, but I feel like not being able to guest to get a lower spawn timer and have to sit around for 3 hours for a dragon is too harsh on people like me who only get chance to play in the evenings.
Honestly the best thing they can do to solve this problem is to put a cooldown on guesting. Make it so you can only guest to a server once every some-odd hours, like 5 hours. That would solve the problem of people right when they complete their world event chest (dragons, maw, ect.), that they guest to whatever server has one of those events up right now (say going strait from Claw of Jormag to Shatterer).
This way you COULD still be able to guest to a server that has the events active that you want/neein additionon to your home server, but not be able to so easily spam them.
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf
Rare items should remain…….Rare.This is why we call them “rare”,if those are not rare,then give them another name,like “slightly rare” or “mildly rare” or “somehow rare” or “rare ButItDepends”
Anyone from the server should have a reserved slot in every map of the world,regardless of where or what he’s doing,as long as he is “online” he should have priority in his home world,that’s the least you can do.
Since when your guests kick you out of your home?The guy who came up with this fantastic idea has ruined the guilds ,the game is not worth playing after 6 pm.
It’s not rare,it’s Guaranteed.
(edited by TucoRamires.1582)
My vote goes for account bound.
Also make it so no chest drops while guesting.
Two simple things would solve a world of problems.
They better not mess with guesting by stopping chests from dropping. That’s just ridiculous. Guesting isn’t even the problem. It’s the new loot tables. The problem happened when that changed, not when guesting came in. Nothing should change if you’re guesting. I enjoy doing stuff with my friends and I have friends from several different servers. I’d be pretty upset if I didn’t get my chest when I hang out with friends.
People complain forever that guesting isn’t in the game. They give it to us and now everyone’s complaining that it is in the game.
People complain that the dragons aren’t worth it because of the loot. They give us better loot and people complain about it.
what if guesting will need 50 gems per guest?
Honestly the best thing they can do to solve this problem is to put a cooldown on guesting. Make it so you can only guest to a server once every some-odd hours, like 5 hours. That would solve the problem of people right when they complete their world event chest (dragons, maw, ect.), that they guest to whatever server has one of those events up right now (say going strait from Claw of Jormag to Shatterer).
This way you COULD still be able to guest to a server that has the events active that you want/neein additionon to your home server, but not be able to so easily spam them.
There already is a limit, you can only do it twice a day.
They better not mess with guesting by stopping chests from dropping. That’s just ridiculous. Guesting isn’t even the problem. It’s the new loot tables. The problem happened when that changed, not when guesting came in. Nothing should change if you’re guesting.
Guesting is the problem, yes guesting in and of itself, was not initially a problem but that’s only because there wasn’t a huge reason to guest. People are not guesting en masse to play with friends they are doing it to get better event timers or to clog up the less popped servers cause theirs is maxed.
I am on a lower population server, first week of patch I was fine could do all the events, now that guesting has become more widely known, I have yet to do a event I always get stuck in the overflow. Is the reason why we have SoS and JQ people by the boatload because they are guesting to play with friends?? NO, they are for the better timers.
This needs to be fixed
Perfect solution: You only get chest from your home server. Keep the 1 chest per character method.
I believe the main issue is the lag & overflow – which would be reduced if guesting didn’t allow you to loot world chests.
Also, do you guys not like reduced ecto prices?! I just don’t understand…
In my guild we can barely do guild missions, DURING ORGANISED TIMES, because all our members are too busy killing dragons… I honestly find that rewards aren’t worth all this madness..
well i did have fun this week before they change something in the code…
not sure if its true that they reduce the amout people per zone… which is
creating this over flow problem… since i didn’t expereience this the first 3-4 days.
the best solution is to add gurantee rewards to dungeon end chest so people
can choose to do DE or dungeons so we don’t all gather only in 1 place.
however if they did that.. not sure if people will stop playing those events? or not?
They should at least make the last dungeon chest have guaranteed rare or smthng and don’t give out guaranteed rares for such bosses as the maw/fire elemental ones, as they drop in 30 seconds and there’s 0 challenge involved.
Instead of nerfing chests why don’t they buff the dragons?
You could train a monkey to kill these dragons.
I don’t have any charts, only what I remember.
Pre-Patch / Economy Effect
- “Reach of Zhaitan” had climbed to around 16g
- Ectos were selling around 32s-37s
- There were people in Orr and around different maps doing the big events regularly, not religiously
- Dungeons paid out a tiny amount of cash upon completion and the risk vs reward didn’t match the market
Post-Patch / Economy Effect
- Bought “Reach of Zhaitan” for 1g 80s yesterday
- I think Ectos are selling around 25s-28s. I’m crafting more and selling less
- Very few people mention there’s a website that has event timers. Why bother? Someone on the map already has the time, just ask.
- There seems to be a train running through Orr regularly. A tour of Orr used to be an exciting thing. I’m waiting for perfectly-spaced Road Markers for speed buffs…
- Dungeons are paying out more funds to go with what the economy used to be, not what it is now.
The spark in rares and slight spark in exotics was fun. As far as guests not being able to get chests…I think that’s a cruel way to punish people using the system for the intended reason. (Before someone jumps on me, it is called becoming a “Guest”, not a “Loot-Monkey” or even a more respectable “Treasure Hunter”. I wonder what the intentions were…) I think a better solution would be diminishing returns.
- 1 rare on the first chest from that event with the possibility of an exotic.
- Second chest of the day, regardless of character or server, gives a CHANCE of a rare, and maybe an even lower chance of an exotic.
When running a dungeon, there’s full rewards for the 1st completion of a path on that day. Doesn’t matter what server you’re on or what character you’re on. So there’s only one “path” or “course of action” for an event. There’s enough of them that it isn’t a problem.
There are some definite pros and cons to the what the patch has done, but some of the cons need serious rectifying.
This was fun the first few days…but it’s not a party if it happens every night.
There is a lot to do bout the world events. The recent update has brought good things but also controverse.
There are a few issues at the moment with the events.
a: lag on prime time, due to people not waiting for it on their own server but guesting for this.
This can be solved by closing a map for guesters early on. e.g. if a map is 75% full of people, guesting people are only allowed in if they are with a non-guesting person in the same party. initially they will be sent to overflow.
b: eventfarming. There are alot of events that reward a chest, but most people only do the ones on gw-temple. Limit it to once per account per day.
These two measures would in my opinion solve everything. I do not expect them to nerf the chests again.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Please no more loot nerfs. Killing incentives is the last thing they need to be doing right now. Buffing the Dragons isn’t a bad idea though.
Unless Anet is planning to remove BLSK from the shop all together I’m confident that this will be nerfed with the next monthly update because with ecto prices at where they are at the moment no one in their right mind is going to buy BLSK anymore. Doing so would be foolish for they’d only loose money.
The intention was to get people travelling around the world more.
While it has certainly worked, once an event has finished that massive influx of players has no reason to stay in said map.
They need to look at doing something to make people stay, such as buffing loot rewards for jumping puzzles.
I would say that they should also buff normal mob drops and the drops of the various non-event champions, but this may cause a botting problem.
Maybe they need to look at the rewards you get for mapping, so that they’re scaled rather than set.
I’m sure that there are plenty of level 80s out there who can’t be bothered to map low-level areas as the rewards aren’t relevant to their characters.
Scale those rewards, and you’ll have a lot more people exploring.
Hell, guaranteed 2 exotics for map completion? Awesome.
Of course, this also ties in to my other suggestion: that downscaling should be a lot more harsh. Being level 80 should not give the huge advantage it does now. It should only offer a minor power boost rather than than indestructibility it does now.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
I would say that they should also buff normal mob drops and the drops of the various non-event champions, but this may cause a botting problem.
Will also make it so there are even more rares in the game. I think that buffing the drops will devalue the rares even more than they have been already
I’m sure that there are plenty of level 80s out there who can’t be bothered to map low-level areas as the rewards aren’t relevant to their characters.
Scale those rewards, and you’ll have a lot more people exploring.
Hell, guaranteed 2 exotics for map completion? Awesome.
The map areas are relevant for the levels they are designed for. Why should a level 80 get better rewards for putting off completing a low level map area? If they had of done it when they were the appropriate level, the rewards would have been appropriate. Not to mention adding more exotics to the game will do not much else other than devalue them further.
If Sir Isaac Newton had been a gamer, he might have said, “Every developer action to address a player complaint produces an equal and opposite complaint.”
I expect something will happen, be it reduced chances, limited guesting or something no one has thought of yet.
It’s nice to get decent rewards for once, and it’s good that people now do the Temple events. Just fix the guesting issue and make Maw, SB, Wurm harder.
The “limit of one chest total per character per day” idea is really stupid. Good luck finding people to do most of the events. People will always take the easy option and that means killing Maw and ignoring the other events.
Rule of thumb: Better to have a lot more than a lot less.
People not getting anything will get discouraged, frustrated, ticked off, and possibly quit..
People getting too much have a lot more options at their disposal
Look at D3 as an example, give the players basically nothing in loot and look how many people left.
Case and point, if anything buff loot across the board, because not everybody plays everyday, all hours of the day. I’m venturing that most of the player base falls into this category. These players will have a lot more incentive to play the game if they can pick up a guaranteed 1-3 rares a day with the possibility of an exotic.
They will not have an incentive to play or even make their way to the map itself for a world event if it costs more to way point there than what would be returned in gear.
and so it was written 3/26/13
“In the next release we will adjust the way that world mega bosses award their loot. The current chests will stay lootable once per day per character, but each boss’s guaranteed rare item drop will be moved to a separate chest (visually similar to daily achievement reward chests) that can only be acquired once per day across an account.
Our intention with this change is to keep providing rewarding loot for world mega bosses while avoiding overwhelming participation in boss fights (and overwhelming the economy with rares) from players cycling through each character slot for each boss every day."
(edited by Gahzirra.8639)