Cross map events

Cross map events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Azuriel.9137


I’m not sure if this has ever been discussed, but it is something I would love to see, if not already in game. I haven’t seen any, so if anyone has, let me know.

I think it would be kinda awesome to have events start in one map, take you across said map and possibly take you through another map or two. Of course this would make for some crazy long chains, but could also be fun. Also, the end reward for doing something like this would have to be worth it >_<

I know it’s not top priority stuff, but for future content, I think it could work especially in the end maps.

Cross map events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

This might be more suited for the suggestions section. Just to add. Though not a true cross map event, a contested temple of name your god in any zone in Orr, makes all statues of that god in all zones of Orr corupted.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Cross map events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DayLight.9603


The Flame & Frost “event/story” takes place in two different maps, although it isn’t really a dynamic event BUT it could possibly be a test to find out if such “cross-map” events could work? Ah, dreams…

Sylvari for life. <3

Cross map events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


I suggested this a long time ago, but the problem with this idea is that the zones are not synchronized with each other on the same server. They are essentially isolated from each other which is why it can be day in one and night in the next. Then there’s the issue of overflow servers.

The example I used was a pirate ship landing off the coast and a world boss pirate and his crew wander around zones looking for treasure and causing general havoc and the events would be to slowly push him back onto his ship for a final boss battle.