DE Farming in ORR

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

Please make the DE mobs in Orr vets or higher to make it more challenging then just spamming your AOE abilities at their spawn point hoping you will get enough damage on some of em to get loot before they die.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

Also, another thing, I think they should even out rare materials or unique drops between the zones instead of concentrating the rarest stuff in the level 80 zones because now people have no reason to scale down and play through events in the other zones. heck, make some rare drops unique to certain zones

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: crazykhanh.5360


I agree. I noticed the lower areas are getting a little sparse with players compared to when I was leveling up.

A lot of MMO games are like this and I think to keep the game look more alive at lower level zones, you should try to introduce things that would want to make higher level players revisit these areas.

That way new players don’t get the feel of an empty game.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: raxx.8914


If you made them all vets i don’t think it’d stop the bot farming, i was watching the bots and the guardian infront of the train took about 5% dmg tanking the mobs, my thief gets killed by mobs in 8 hits. If they were all vets i would be 3 shot.

The first 2 zones of orr are empty, they should make the entire orr level 80 and all way points free inside it and the chat covers all 3 zones and show all events happening in all 3 zones, as it is right now, i couldn’t bothered with the other 2 zones.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

The entire Guild Wars 2 endgame goes against pretty much everything they set out to achieve in this game.

That’s because 80% of the Legendary requirements come down to “farm Orr like a Bot”.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: frellingfahrbot.7152


Currently on TC these DEs are almost useless for casual players. Engineer and Ranger hordes have a lot of the spawn points camped out so that the mobs go down before they are even rendered in a lot of the cases. You see a lot of players constantly auto attacking at the camp defense DEs trying to score enough hits to tag the mob. It’s really pretty silly looking at this point.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Typicalsloan.8603


The entire Guild Wars 2 endgame goes against pretty much everything they set out to achieve in this game.

That’s because 80% of the Legendary requirements come down to “farm Orr like a Bot”.

This is the absolute truth. Now we get to see what Anet does or doesn’t do and this will determine wether I buy any future expansions or spend any more real money on the gem store.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

Well, the reason i want em all vets or higher is simply because they go down too fast. they do not have the hp to survive the initial aoe, and since they all spawn in a group, they barely render before they are dead. If they were vets and spread out when they spawn, at least people would be able to see em, target em, and get a few hits in before they died. Maybe even give them a buff so that if they get hit while they are spawning it knocks down whoever hit them (like that monk elite in gw1).

And the reason I want the rare materials and items to be spread across all the zones, not just the level 80 zones is because a player can go even to their starting area and do DE’s and get close to the same amount of karma as they do in orr for completing 1 event. However, the loot that drops in that zone is for people in that level range, which is fine. BUT, there is the opportunity to drop rare materials, crafting items, unique looking weapons that people will want to transmute, cosmetic items, fireworks, buff items, etc. that are level indifferent in those zones too so that they are useful for everyone. And, if you make some items unique to a certain zone, people are forced to go to that zone if they want that item.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Skolvikings.5132


I agree with @Typicalsloan. By now, ANet knows about the problem with the Orr endgame of farming the same DEs over and over. Their solution so far was to punish us for doing it, rather than change the way things work such as making more of an incentive to play in other zones too. That’s been disappointing, but they still have time to fix things. We’ll learn a lot about the long term viability of this game by watching what they do.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oZii.2864


The entire Guild Wars 2 endgame goes against pretty much everything they set out to achieve in this game.

That’s because 80% of the Legendary requirements come down to “farm Orr like a Bot”.

Thats your idea of the endgame is the Legendaries and many other people for some reason. Legendaries are not the endgame if you don’t choose them to be.

If my most wanted weapon is a Foe Fire weapon which the recipe was just discovered.

1 Eldritch Scroll, 1 Gift of Light, 70 Mystic coin, 250 orichalcum Greatsword blade

I need the gift of light

250 Orichalcum Ingot
250 Cured Hardened Leather Square
100 Charged Lodestone
1 Gift of Ascalon

Hmmm farming some ori or and hardened leather squre.

Some CoE dungeons in there also for the Chargd lodestones or buying it off TP

And Some AC running. Not much Orr there except to get the ori.

Many people like the Foe Fire bow more than the Legendary so they will go for that as there most coveted weapon and if weapon = endgame. Then farming orr DE’s is not something they have to do.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}