DE's not as common as they used to be.

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Syndic.8375


Is it my imagination or are dynamic events in the lower level zones not as common as they were when the game first launched?

I have a feeling that DE’s seem to base their triggering on the number of players around. When I leveled my first character he managed to come across a lot of events, he is currently at 90% world complete. I found he was easy to level events seemed to be happening where ever he was or not far away from his current location. I am going through my second character and yesterday I completed over 50% of a zone, and only came across 2 events, and the only reason was because they were both broken and had been there for hours.

I find that to complete my daily achievement list I play on my low level character, complete all steps but the events (usually with 0 done), then log onto my 80 and go do events in the high level areas where events are happening a lot more often, even taking into account broken ones.

Now I’m not sure whether this is just a case of events being broken or not, but even going through say Queensdale I notice events are just not triggering as much as they did in the first 2-3 weeks.

I’m really hoping they are not zone population based because it is going to make it a lot harder to level alts as time goes by because even with level scaling the zones under 30 are already starting to get very empty.

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: urtv.8791


its because the npcs ran out of rewards

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Celestea.4105


They have removed some of the dynamic events in lower level areas. This is what I have heard and could be completely wrong.

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: arvind.9753


I have recently encountered lots of buggy events so it can be the case that your zone was bugged. Yesterday i went to lvl 50-60 area and found 3 bugged event and 2 bugged quests out of 6 i tried(one completely bugged and in the other some part was bugged and it took 15mins to move 5% quest bar). At that point i had explored only 40% of the zone and got only 5 bar xp in 3 hours.
It were only low level zones that got tested well during betas and were stable for long time after release but high level zones got bugged as soon as more people started exploring there after release.
From your post it looks like low level zones have also started becoming unplayable(not good enough for taking you to appropriate levels after completion).

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Syndic.8375


Very much so arvind, with DE’s being broken and not seeing many I find myself going through a whole zone and only getting 2-3 levels in a 10 level range zone. Not for a lack of trying just a lack of DE’s.

I’m just wondering if there are other factors other than just bugged DE’s that could be the result of lower active DE’s around, or is there something else in the equation (like population) affecting how many I see around.

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kaz.5430


Some DE’s require someone to actually initiate them by speaking to a specific NPC. Earlier when all zones were so full they went to overflows, there were more people interacting with NPC’s and triggering DE’s. This lack of triggering, combined with some DE’s being bugged makes it ‘seem’ like there are less. The game is still new, I’m sure that over time people will work out how to trigger every single DE, and when that happens a quick trip to the wiki will help.

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DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’ve noticed this too. At launch, I couldn’t move 20 feet without a DE triggering nearby. Sometimes there would be 2 overlapping an area. I figured population density would thin out after launch, but this is ridiculous. I’m the same as the OP, having everything but DEs for my daily achievement and then having to hunt down skill challenges in hopes that they’ll count. Plus all the bugged DEs are annoying. In a 35-45 area I came across probably 4 bugged DEs last night.

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DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yup, I started leveling my character after the initial launch-zerg and I am currently barely finding any events at all. Unfortunately this is really hurting my leveling progression and enjoyment of the game since the event system is the core of the GW2 leveling experience. Without it you have… a bunch of heart-quests?

I basically have to do every zone in the entire game, craft, gather every node, repeat lower level zones and then hunt for DE’s to repeat A LOT in order to level and it’s still super-slow. Half the events in a zone are either broken or not triggering and the hearts don’t give nearly enough XP to get you by.

The notification range of events need to be much bigger as well so you don’t miss so many of them.

(edited by Zzulu.5489)

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tondrin.7806


The pace of leveling was brought up in beta, it’s sad to see that it persists now that the release zerg has quelled. Hell I just blew 5g crafting to keep in line with the level of the zone (Should not have tried a 5 day old reddit guide.)

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Some DE’s require someone to actually initiate them by speaking to a specific NPC. Earlier when all zones were so full they went to overflows, there were more people interacting with NPC’s and triggering DE’s. This lack of triggering, combined with some DE’s being bugged makes it ‘seem’ like there are less. The game is still new, I’m sure that over time people will work out how to trigger every single DE, and when that happens a quick trip to the wiki will help.

This is a bad mechanic because it makes it NOT a dynamic event but simply a talk to NPC trigger quest event.

No different than many other MMOs, but MUCH worse because there is nothing to indicate where they are unless you happen to run right into them.

But yes the number of DEs feel like they are much less and leveling alt low levels is SLOW and grindy.