Destroy Psylithium Generators in Bloodtide Coast

Destroy Psylithium Generators in Bloodtide Coast

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

I feel like this one is extremely difficult compared to others. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was labelled a group event, but it just appears to be another run of the mill one. Basically, you’re supposed to destroy 6 tanks that power up some Quaggan capturing device. The problem is, there are like literally 50 Inquest in the same vicinity. And before you talk about scaling, there were at max like 5 guys there, and they left after two seconds. I’ve also tried doing this one solo, but there were still the same amount of Inquest, which just swarm you before you can do anything.
End rant

Destroy Psylithium Generators in Bloodtide Coast

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ridley.3691


Ugh, I remember that place, Inquest -everywhere-, not to mention if I recall correctly, the things themselves take ages to destroy if you’re on your own.

Destroy Psylithium Generators in Bloodtide Coast

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: shenhua.2186


I just did this today on my Warrior and it felt fine. But then again, all classes aren’t nearly as good as the warrior underwater.

Destroy Psylithium Generators in Bloodtide Coast

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kierlak.5209


I’m convinced the spawns there are, or were when I did it, broken. You could see several inquest stacked literally inside each other all around that area, to the point where if you engaged anything, you were instantly at 25% or under health. There were 5 or 6 of us, and everything was respawning so fast that we were just plain overwhelmed and only finished the event by throwing bodies at it until all the generators were down.

Destroy Psylithium Generators in Bloodtide Coast

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vick.6805


I remember that area having a crazy-fast respawn rate. When I was doing it, there were a ton of us doing the event, so it actually made it more fun, but with fewer people, I can see why it would be very frustrating.