Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Egorum.9506



Vet Subjugators and abombs are pretty broken right now, they’re wiping zergs out like nothing. Getting 2 shot with 3k armor? cmon =/

And lyssa’s south seal is completely broken. You can get the npcs up, but if they go down they just stop working on the cannon completely until you get overrun and wipe. Then all the veterans just stay up there and crush anything that comes to them. And that’s if the lag doesn’t shut down everyones computers first, it drops to 1 fps at around the halfway mark on the cannon every time for the entire zerg.

And we get a light show at dwayna, which while neat also causes seizures.

Are the devs looking at any of this at all? Unless you’re doing Orr with a 30 man zerg, you can’t do half the content.

Risen Howl etc?

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941



I’ve not had trouble with these with any size of zerg for months.

As for Subjugators….

Veteran Subjugater vs large zerg (50+) creates many large wells that will degen to death anyone in them. The key traits I find vs large zergs are:

  • Death after the wells are placed is a matter of seconds. For the majority of the zerg. There simply is not time to realize the threat and leave the wells.
  • The only clear tell I’ve seen is the Subjugator uses its horn, and it’s not the only horn sound in the game.
  • The zerg dies all at once, typically killing any NPCs with them. This results in…
  • Immediate and sudden failure of events — there is no warning. One moment the event is moving, the next, it’s done.
  • If the subjugator is an event spawn, he despawns when the event fails…. along with all the wells. There is no trace of what caused the failure – no post-failure clue to learn from (would be nice if the hostile spawns hung around a good 10-20 seconds post-failure) Would be nice if killing/removing a foe didn’t cause it’s AoE effects to end early — players are winding up dead and not knowing what killed them)

This combination of traits has me thinking that the Subjugator is in for an adjustment once the appropriate people at A-Net are aware of the troubles they are giving us players. Let me be clear – it’s such a poor combination of factors that I suspect the top scaling of subjugators probably wasn’t considered. ‘Yeah, we’ll have it throw out more wells that deal more damage the bigger the event scales.’ ‘Sounds great! When can you have it finished?’ With reasonable caps on scaling, it sounds like a fine challenge… I’m not seeing such caps currently.

Anyone have any horror stories from Subjugators? I could relate 3 seperate tales of:
‘Zerg tooling along fine, NPCs at max health. 10 seconds later most of the zerg was dead and the event was event failed. Players asking “what happened?” in map.’
//Portable Corpse

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Egorum.9506


When it’s just one abomb, it’s not bad and the group can take it out quickly. when it’s 4, and a smaller group, they’re completely unstoppable. by the time you get one down, the rest all have huge stacks of frenzy and hit for 10k+ on targets with 3k armor. if they charge they multi-hit everyone in their path and drop everyone.

It wouldn’t be a problem if lyssa’s south seal didn’t lag so badly that you drop to 1 fps until you relog. Can’t even see that they spawned before half the group’s dead, and then they just sit up there and kill anything that comes near them.

Risen Howl etc?

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


Oh… just a guess…
Temple of Lyssa, the southeast seal?

I’ve seen something wonky in the scaling there, where sometimes the defend event starts with like 3-4 abominations and an appropriate escort, which don’t despawn when the defend event fails. With a zerg of 30, that’s nothing, but just 5-10 players and you’re tilting at windmills.

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Egorum.9506


Even 20 players, and if the npcs go down the event might as well fail. you’ll be flailing at it for a hour until you just give up

Risen Howl etc?

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


Is this at the southeast seal of Lyssa?

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Egorum.9506


Yes, the southeast seal with the cannon.

Risen Howl etc?

Devs looking at toning down Orr at all?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


Ok — that seal’s a special case. What I think is happening is you get a large player zerg that opens all the seals, and then forms up on the priestess. WHILE that is happening, the defend event for the Southeast seal comes up, and is scaled appropriate for the zerg at the priestess — multiple abominations and a healthy count of extra supporting undead charge to the seal. However, the players finish tearing down the priestess without needing to defend the seal. Now, this seal is unlike many other events in the game – once events at it end, the event foes do not despawn, and I believe that’s happening for failed defend events as well. I’ll wager if you defeat those abominations with a small team, they won’t respawn. Not until the player count at the seal truly justifies them.

Most events in the game de-spawn the event enemies when the events end (pass or fail). That’s not happening here, nor does any other mechanic exist to scale it down naturally if the zerg declines to fight the undead gathered at the seal.

This, in my book is a bug, not a scaling issue. There’s a forum here special for bugs, go and report the abominations there. Keep in mind: 1 problem per thread. If you are of the opinion that the Veteran Subjugators are a bug, then use a second thread to bring them up. (I’m not saying the subjugators arn’t a problem or not a bug – rather most companies that deal with bugs address a single bug per bug report. No more, no less, so if you want to report 2 bugs, use 2 threads) Screenshots to support the issue (showing a large crowd of abominations with no players in evidence) would help.

Incidentally, while you’ve been trying to take that seal, have you ever had your FPS drop exceptionally low, like 1/15th of what it should be, or lower?
//Portable Corpse