Norn – Warrior
Yak’s Bend
After participating in the Shatterer encounter and reading some articles in this forum regarding the simplicity of the dragon events, I thought I would create a topic for player suggestions. I feel that dragons have the potential to become a viable end game encounter, possibly even a raid for guilds.
Here are some of my ideas/suggestions:
1. Dragon encounters difficulty would need to be increased dramatically. To the point where the fights require similar awareness and phases as explorable mode boss encounters (air phase?, adds, etc..). The fight would be long and require players to familiarize themselves with the event phases and boss mechanics or risk numerous waypoint run backs and a hefty repair bill.
2. The timer on the dynamic event would be random and the events leading up the dragon fight itself would require a series of solo and group quests to be completed. The participation of individuals for the entire process (quests and fight) would determine overall rank (gold, silver, bronze). The monetary, experience and karma rewards would also be scaled up for a dragon encounter.
3. Dragon Tokens and a gear/item vendor (perhaps dragon bone/scale armor). The tokens are generic for all dragons.
4. Since the events are random, the townspeople in the major cities could announce or give hints that a dragon event is taking place at “X” location. Players would start gathering at the location and begin working on the quests. Guilds could start forming groups to head over and participate.
These are just a few thoughts I had. Please share some of your own ideas on how Anet could improve these encounters. If you feel the events are fine as they are, please feel free to comment.
Thank you for your time,
What you will have is 15-25 guild members boosting 50-100 other people through dragon fight, that is scaled up to 125 players. Eventually, everyone will give up on the fight as the reward won’t be satysfying enough to spend 2 hours on 1 fight.
Not all scenarios would play out that way, especially if the events are random. Guilds would need enough players online at the time who are willing to drop what they are doing to participate in the event.
I am making these suggestions in the hopes that the dragon events could serve as another viable form of end game. Right now, they are too easy.
What cisza said.
Also, the environment in which these world bosses are presented make it feel just like a raid in my opinion.
They could definitely make the Dragons more difficult and raid like. The Fire Elemental from the Asura starting zone says, “Hi”.
Seriously, its kind of sad to see these Dragons go to waste, beaten and disposed of like a level 1 mob. I would even be for instancing the event once 25-40 people are in the area and it would just be seemless. So much wasted opportunity for solid PvE.
I just did the Shatterer Event for the first time since GamesCon…2008 iirc.
And god was it a let down. Hell, I even recall it being more interesting back then than it is now. It was litterally an auto-attack spam fest, nothing else.
I mean it looked visually impressive, no doubt, including great animations etc. but there seem to be zero actual encounter mechanics. He was invulnerable for a few seconds and I think he spawned some cyrsitals but that didn’t last long.
I’ve had more of a challenge vs. some Veteran mobs than fighting that dragon.
Not to QQ but any MMO player here will know what a reasonably challenging encounter looks like. Why don’t the developers?
(edited by Dee Jay.2460)
they should spawn champion adds that have massive /attacksaoes with conditions and when they die, they explode dealing more aoe damage with conditions
I agree with Dee Jay. Visually, the fight is amazing and most if not all Champion/Veteran mobs are tougher than the dragon fight.
The build up is also done very well with the dragon flying through the sky, hearing the roar and seeing the shadow as you traverse the map. I was anticipating an epic event when the battle began…
Agreed the dragon events are rather lack luster in difficulty. The visuals themselves are amazing and wouldn’t change anything there but like what Dee Jay said, the Shatterer event was waay to easy compared to how the dragon its self looked like.
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