Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Wolfbrand.6523


TL;DR: Hit the DR while casually leveling in Harathi Highlands. Another case of the DR gone awry, or is the system working as intended?

While leveling in Harathi Highlands, my Warrior smacked headfirst into the infamous DR. I was finishing up my map completion when the Kol (champion giant event which leads into a few other events) DE popped. I went over and fought him for a good 5~10 minutes and was met with about half my usual reward (3,000 exp down to 1,500).

Hrm. Weird.

I then continued the chain, an escort. Dropped another 33% in rewards (down to about 1,000 exp). The real clincher here comes from the last chain where I earned a whopping 150 experience for a 10~ minute fight against a champion (about 5% of my usual reward). While I did engage in these events rather quickly, it was as intended — they were a chain after all. Outside of events I was diligently working on my Harathi completion — at level 44 (appropriate for the map). Clearly I wasn’t grinding DEs by any stretch of the imagination.

I stopped dungeoning on my Thief because of the wonky DR resulting in miniscule rewards for my friends (15 tokens per run that shouldn’t be DRed at all). Now my Warrior is blighted by the haywire DR or am I just crazy?

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


Yeah, I havent been in Orr for over 48 hours, then the first thing I do when I login is start the Lyssa chain in Malchor’s Leap, by the end of just that chain it felt like the DR hit me hard, I was seeing nothing but Porous Bones.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NeVeRLiFt.1680


I hope they fix it soon, I had it happen also over in the Cursed Shore zone of Orr and ended up getting 19 karma for a reward at the end of the event chain and fighting the last champion which took 8 minutes or longer I know.

Everyone in the end-game zones of Orr are complaining in the map chat about this, people are standing around in the cities like Lions Arch and also complaining.

Anet has seriously screwed up with these rushed out supposed fixes… they’re not very well thought out and go against the design of the game and it’s mechanics.

At the same time every zone is suffering from stuck npc’s, broke and bugged events and bugged skill points.
Some of these are serious and game breaking like not being able to open the dungeon Arah which has been broken on every server it seems for the past 4 or 5 days now.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Striata.6739


its gotten to the point I’m ready to move on and I played GW1 from release to GW2 release. I thought I’d be playing this game just as long maybe longer but GW2 is just turning into another Diablo III

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: noir.6392


Same happened to me while running around an area and doing some events..Ended up getting 12 Karma/event 12..karma. It’s ridiculous.
Even if I was farming events, so what? It’s what I want to do..It’s how I like to play. The end game Karma armor from Orr costs 200k karma..the legendaries need (suposedly) over 2 million karma! And after 5-6 events I end up with 12 karma.
Yeah..your rushed decisions isn’t helping counter the bots, they’re lifeless grind machines and they find ways around it, instead it’s affecting us players and it’s destroying the game. I played gw1 for 5 years, and I remember very well how I was waiting the monthly skill balances (mainly popular builds nerfs) … but this kind of nerfs are unacceptable. I’ve waited for this game since day one (that’s 3 years ago), but I feel like it’s constantly letting me down. I’ll keep playing, sure, not concerned for my well being, I’m concerned that because of this kinds of things, the game will die before it even gets a chance to rise.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essa.5826


The DR system forces me to play GW2 the way Anet wants, not the way i want.

What if i WANT to spend my saturdaymorning with a big cup of coffee and farm 2h in Orr for gold and karma? Nono, instead i have to get punished for doing this by reducing the gain i get untill the point where i have to switch zone or do something different.

That full set of karma gear you want? Yeah keep farming those events for the full set after DR kicks in, hope you enjoy your stay (or dont mind the wp cost to switch zone for another event).

Same with dungeons. What if i want to put togeather a group for a evening and farm some badges. No we can only do this for about a hour then we have to switch to something else to do if we dont want to feel punished.

Sure we can continue farming and recive 1-15 badges per run. Great! Now to get that full armor + weapon i just have to stay in here for a lifetime! Your dungeons are fun, sure, but not that fun.

Please dont punish regular mmo gameplay because of the bots, you got to be able to solve this some other way.



Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: vespercrown.3408


another boring game

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Strill.2591


Log out.

Log in.

DR is gone.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Airia.4605


DR for dynamic events is completely crazy. I keep hitting it in every zone I try to level in. They also just completely over-buffed the farmed DE in Kessex.

Their choices make little sense, and more and more I’m losing my desire to log in. They continue to repeat the mantra of “We don’t want the game to be grindy”… Well, repeat that mantra to those responsible for the design choices please.

Want to craft anything, go grind (oh whoops, you can’t because you will hit DR within 30 minutes of playtime).
Want to level, go do DE (oh whoops, you can’t because you hit reward DR within 30 minutes of playtime).
Want to do dungeons in Lieu of crafting (oh whoops, you can’t because their DR systems in Dungeons are completely broken, despite items costing ton’s of trophies).

What is it we are supposed to do with our time in game? Play in 30 minute blocks?

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aaron.4807


Yeah, I just hit it doing the balthazar meta events in Orr. Seriously, Anet, are you really going to punish people for playing the game the way you freaking designed it?


Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: sanadin.8317


“Log out.

Log in.

DR is gone."

Wrong. You can’t reset it anymore as of this patch. This is ridiculous. I hit the DR 40 minutes into my 1 hour karma booster, of which I just bought 10. First I can’t run dungeons for a week without getting **** rewards, now I can’t grind for my legendary? Please, arenanet, do you NOT WANT me to play the game???

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NeVeRLiFt.1680


After the patch tonight you can no longer logout and login and the DR go away….
Very disappointed with Anet as this DR goes against the very design of the game.

Not very well thought out dev’s, you know you have only one level 80 zone that is crowded to hell and being run full on by the ZERG!!!!

Please tell me how to play Guildwars 2 end-game to get karma and proper level 80 drops when the game is the way it is right now?

You force people to run around AOE tagging at the events and when it’s so crowded the mobs are invisible or dead before they even show on the screen because the massive amount of AOE damaging being thrown around.

This can not be how you envisioned the end-game for GW2.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: sanadin.8317


“This can not be how you envisioned the end-game for GW2.”

I feel the same way. If they don’t want us to grind DE’s for karma what ARE we supposed to do? When they removed dungeon token speed runs they gave incentive to players to explore all aspects of the dungeon every day. This makes sense, they are encouraging players to play the way they want. Where’s the new karma incentive? All I’m seeing is, “we want you to take longer”

Well kitten that. I juggled a challenging full time job and relationship along with this legendary quest and there’s no way I could’ve completed this in 1 month like some others did. Why should I be punished for that?

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Essa.5826


“This can not be how you envisioned the end-game for GW2.”

I feel the same way. If they don’t want us to grind DE’s for karma what ARE we supposed to do? When they removed dungeon token speed runs they gave incentive to players to explore all aspects of the dungeon every day. This makes sense, they are encouraging players to play the way they want. Where’s the new karma incentive? All I’m seeing is, “we want you to take longer”

Well kitten that. I juggled a challenging full time job and relationship along with this legendary quest and there’s no way I could’ve completed this in 1 month like some others did. Why should I be punished for that?


Please tell us how you want us to play your game? I enjoy GW2, alot. I want it to become sucessful and that we can keep a high number of players so we dont end up with ghost servers (SWTOR anyone?). But as of right now i feel punished for playing the game the way i want.


Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sunset Skye.6087

Sunset Skye.6087

What kind of floors me in all this is that the DR system is actually punishing us for playing the way the game is telling us to play. We’re supposed to “see events out just happening in the world” and events are supposed to “cascade out in a chain that we affect,” but if we see events and do them, and follow the chain through to its conclusion, by the time we get there we’re no longer rewarded reasonably? That’s a bit like.. Well, beating a game and being rewarded with 3 vendor items worth 5 silver total.

Oh wait..

Seriously though, i’m just really lost right now. I feel like this company which i’ve stood behind, believed in, went to bat for to people in my life, is now telling me that my time is not worth anything. That if i invest more than maybe 30 minutes at a stretch in -anything-, i’m doing it wrong. And i’m truly worried too that out of all of it, we’re either going to get a very generic, PR, damage control-esque response that’s a way of saying “we hear you, but get used to it cause this is how it is” or just no response at all.

If it’s the intent of the game for exotic items to be the “legendaries” of other games because earning 4 or 5 gold takes a few months, and the real legendary items are so impossible to earn that only a few dozen in the game have them, then i think this DR thing makes sense. But right now i’m just not seeing a way for us to play the game like i thought we were supposed to. Maybe we’re all just doing it wrong.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: raxx.8914


It shouldn’t effect leveling zones, that is a silly way to deal with bots, stuff over the majority for the minority, how about getting some gm’s. I see bots all the time, i would have banned atleast 90 by now.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Replect.3407


I understand your points here and I would be happy about constant good rewards as well, but if you can’t enjoy the game just because of this effected loot table, than… You know what I mean!

I actually didn’t realize that my rewards were effected that much, I just played the game.
I’m more concerned about things like dynamic events being no-brainers with many players, but the loot? That, what I get AFTER I should have had fun? That’s a bonus for me, so… If I can’t enjoy my actual playing-time (not the reward in the end), then I question if something is wrong with the game (like the missing challenge within 95% of all events).

So, I don’t disagree with you guys here! I just question your words like Why I’m playing the game with that DR, it’s wasted time!?

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sunset Skye.6087

Sunset Skye.6087

I understand your points here and I would be happy about constant good rewards as well, but if you can’t enjoy the game just because of this effected loot table, than… You know what I mean!

I actually didn’t realize that my rewards were effected that much, I just played the game.
I’m more concerned about things like dynamic events being no-brainers with many players, but the loot? That, what I get AFTER I should have had fun? That’s a bonus for me, so… If I can’t enjoy my actual playing-time (not the reward in the end), then I question if something is wrong with the game (like the missing challenge within 95% of all events).

So, I don’t disagree with you guys here! I just question your words like Why I’m playing the game with that DR, it’s wasted time!?

I think it’s because a lot of us have goals in this game aside from just the heat of the moment. Yes, the journey is supposed to be an enjoyable one, but we have a destination too. Some of us are eying a certain armor set, one that either costs X gold (119, T3 cultural), or maybe X karma (the exotic sets of those are what, 240,000ish?). Some of us are looking at rare weapon skins, some of the ones out of the mystic forge running almost into the triple digits of gold for the materials (there’s a greatsword that needs 250 orichalcum hilts to make and 250 ecto i think, do the math on that one, ouch..). Legendaries top out that list as astronomical time and effort sinks across every area of the game. Hundreds of hours of our time -before- the DR cap.

So yes, the loot, the gold, the experience, and the karma do matter to many of us i’m afraid. They are a big part of the fun, because we’ve found a goal and there’s joy in attaining our goals. Furthermore there’s an implicit understanding that our time is valuable, i think. I mean, we could be working a second job or spending time with the family or any number of other things, but we’re choosing to be here right? That time is worth something, even if you can’t put a number on it. It has value. And i’m sorry to say it, but 15 karma and 10 copper after following an event chain to its conclusion over the course of an hour or so, and opening the final meta event chest to get blue and white quality items is the equivalent of telling me my time is worth very, very little. We do enjoy the journey, but it’s like setting out on an epic quest and falling in a mudpit at the end instead of hauling away the treasure chest.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Widowmaker Z.4802

Widowmaker Z.4802

Yea it’s kind of messed up how this is set up, you do a chain of events, this is how the game was designed, and before the chain ends you get hit with the DR.

I was planning on buying $10 worth of gems every month or two since there’s no sub, (already spent $120) but with this DR thing, I might as well pay a sub and play a game that doesn’t have DR. I do know I won’t be buying any more gems as long as this is in place.

(edited by Widowmaker Z.4802)

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Paniol.3049


Lets spam all forum with topics like this, maybe then someone will anwser from anet wtf are they gonna do with this….

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Strill.2591


Lets spam all forum with topics like this, maybe then someone will anwser from anet wtf are they gonna do with this….

Agreed. I managed to get a lot of farming in before the patch, but I still need 330,000 karma and this is totally screwing me.

Dynamic Event DR? WAI?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

Thanks for the discussion all. In order to keep this topic focused, please direct your discussion to this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Let-s-Start-the-Karma-DR-Dialogue
