Dynamic Events/OW-Y it failed
Events are just unrewarding if you don’t need the exp to level up. At 80 its just 1,5 silver and 250 Karma or whaetver for 5-15 minutes and even that was nerfed now since we even don’t get a reward anymore when events fail.
So why should we do them when i just need to harvest a tree to get 4,5 silver in 5 seconds ?
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I think you are entirely misreading the end game content of GW2. Orr is the end game open world event area. The other zones provide activities and challenge for level 80 players but they do not provide end game rewards and they were never meant to (exception – world events, invasions, living story).
Events are just unrewarding if you don’t need the exp to level up. At 80 its just 1,5 silver and 250 Karma or whaetver for 5-15 minutes and even that was nerfed now since we even don’t get a reward anymore when events fail.
So why should we do them when i just need to harvest a tree to get 4,5 silver in 5 seconds ?
Because fun? I mean, the whole point of a game is to have fun, not to be the richest. They are catering to the farmers because the farmers complain the most, but they are getting rid of the people who went back to low level zones because they look nice, or they like the story/events there, or they just like it. Now its all “Wheres train?” “Here.” and then silence for the next hour.
I think you are entirely misreading the end game content of GW2. Orr is the end game open world event area. The other zones provide activities and challenge for level 80 players but they do not provide end game rewards and they were never meant to (exception – world events, invasions, living story).
Actually, you’re wrong. The entire world if I remember was the end game. That was the thing at release was doing stuff in the entire world and not just in Orr. When the game was in the early stages of beta, if i remember correctly, there were no waypoints, you had all the skills when you started out, there were no hearts. Pretty sure at one time there was a 100% down scaling too. The problem was, as stated by the first post in response to OP, the rewards didn’t cut it. They weren’t satisfying enough and didn’t properly support the endgame for players. Heck events use to be actually hard too. I think they have to decide right now either between keeping the way it is or increasing difficulty and rewards. The open world is the main draw for this game. It is what sets it apart from others.
Actually, you’re wrong. The entire world if I remember was the end game. That was the thing at release was doing stuff in the entire world and not just in Orr. When the game was in the early stages of beta, if i remember correctly, there were no waypoints, you had all the skills when you started out, there were no hearts. Pretty sure at one time there was a 100% down scaling too. The problem was, as stated by the first post in response to OP, the rewards didn’t cut it. They weren’t satisfying enough and didn’t properly support the endgame for players. Heck events use to be actually hard too. I think they have to decide right now either between keeping the way it is or increasing difficulty and rewards. The open world is the main draw for this game. It is what sets it apart from others.
Indeed. Success in most events is a matter of time, and not effort. It would make sense to increase event difficulty across the board (with the exception of starting areas), while also increasing the rewards for high level players.
I think you’ve got slightly the wrong interpretation. New players have always been able to see and play end game content (world bosses). That is not the same as every bit of content in every zone being end game content. Some zones were clearly meant to be played more than others. Cursed shore is the obvious one with the Arah dungeon relying on a sufficient population running events in cursed shore to open the gates (CoE and CoF can be opened by a group).
In fact, if you spread players across the whole game map by designing every event in every zone as part of the ‘end game’, then major events will be short of players. Many people think the Karka Queen event is broken since it is so rarely done but the only problem is that there are not a critical mass of people to get it started.
I think you’ve got slightly the wrong interpretation. New players have always been able to see and play end game content (world bosses). That is not the same as every bit of content in every zone being end game content. Some zones were clearly meant to be played more than others. Cursed shore is the obvious one with the Arah dungeon relying on a sufficient population running events in cursed shore to open the gates (CoE and CoF can be opened by a group).
In fact, if you spread players across the whole game map by designing every event in every zone as part of the ‘end game’, then major events will be short of players. Many people think the Karka Queen event is broken since it is so rarely done but the only problem is that there are not a critical mass of people to get it started.
That is why you develop a good scaling system for events. Scaling will be a huge part of the open world. It just pains me to see beautiful zones barren while thousands of players sit inside lions arc only coming out to port to dungeons or the occasional world boss. The main draw of this game for me was the promise of making the world feel alive through the living story and dynamic events. Both of these haven’t really delivered on this and I feel like its an untapped gold mine of potential. One of the biggest issues I have when leveling and biggest issues I’ve heard from my friends that I’ve tried to get into the game is how boring leveling is. Zones are barren, you can go hours without seeing another player. Developing and expanding on content in the open world in all zones could do wonders for the games growth, experience, and endgame.
It wouldn’t hurt if they thinned out the red mobs in the mid level maps also. Trying to do events while at the same time fending off rapidly respawning wolves, hyenas, Minotaurs, etc… isn’t challenging so much as annoying. The mid level Charr areas like Fireheart Rise are especially bad.
And just trying to get through these maps to find events while wading through all the red mobs is tedious.