Dynamic Events need to be worth doing

Dynamic Events need to be worth doing

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

So, we’ve had world bosses, dungeons, champions, and other content buffed recently to be rewarding to do. I’ve seen champions that I’ve never encountered in my year of player with the champion chest update.

However, one thing that is ignored that ArenaNet advertised so well is Dynamic events.

Doing most events rewards you with about 1.5 silver, some karma (useless at this point in the game), and some experience, which is only useful if you’re trying to level up.

I’m just wondering if ArenaNet has any plans on buffing up the rewards for Dynamic events, and making them more useful besides the ones that are associated with world bosses or that spawn a bunch of champs. There are a ton of events out there, but roughly 98% of them aren’t worth doing because it lacks rewards.

Maybe some ARMOR skins associated with Dynamic Events would help players participate in them. Maybe have a chest at the end of a dynamic event area that drops something like an armor token that, if you collect enough, can be exchanged for unique armor skins. Please make it armor and not weapons as we have already too many weapon skins that its making legendary owners such as myself feel like it’s missed content since we already have the best looking skins with the best stats.

Dynamic Events need to be worth doing

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Celestial.4381


Thing is, karma ISN’T so useless anymore now that karma rewards across the game have been nerfed, and for relatively new players who weren’t already sitting on a pile of karma from before the patch, every little bit counts now.

Anyway, what I’d like to see are some bonus rewards for completing an entire DE chain in one run. This might encourage players to keep playing in a single area for a while, instead of popping in to run an event or two and then leaving.

Dynamic Events need to be worth doing

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LameFox.6349


My karma will be back to 1 million soon, after I spent it when consumables were re-enabled. I’m not even farming it or saving for anything – I don’t care about it. It probably seems valuable if it’s all that remains between you and a legendary, or you’ve got no other way to get your first set of exotic gear, but those moments pass. It’s not like you don’t receive it for doing things that are also more rewarding in other ways, like clearing temples or following world events that aren’t Tequatl (and that may well end up worth including when people are used to taking it out).

The trouble is, there’s not really any risk in this game. Fair enough, that’s it’s thing, but it means people will always largely seek out time efficient rewards. You don’t get low risk, low reward activities and high risk, high reward activities attracting the people they appeal to. The worst thing that can possibly happen is some spent silver and wasted time. Fail an event? All dead in the process? Doesn’t matter. Now they’re adding ‘difficulty’ via timers, so your final stage of the Te’quettle fight can’t even cost you more than 15 minutes.

It’s too late to change the whole idea of the game now, but it does need to be taken into account. In some cases, they time-gate things. Actually, in lots of cases. Except you can pretty much spend a day bouncing between those time gated things anyway. It gets people out of CoF, but not into smaller DE’s around the world. Spend all day bouncing between those and you might see something interesting, but you’ll be making less progress toward all but world completion (if you don’t have it yet) than you needed to be, and it didn’t even make your reward safe and reliable compared to higher (but riskier) profit.

Unless people can choose between ‘follow specific things’ and ‘wander the world doing whatever I like’ and make as much progress to whatever they’re progressing in either way, we’ll keep picking the profitable thing in huge numbers. When it was ‘farm lots of little things in Orr’ we did. When it was ‘CoF p1’ we did. When it was ‘pavilion zerg’ and ‘gauntlet superspeed runs’ we did. When it was ‘farm aetherblade champions’ we did. We’re forever making overflows of particular zones in a game where most zones sit largely empty.