Favorite DEs to farm?
The Champion Cave Troll is Queensdale, I don’t really farm it but whenever I’m in the area I go check if I can trigger it or if it’s already going on so I can jump into the fray.
The Archmage —> Lyssa —> Genth —> Giant —> Chopper —> Melandru chain in Straits of devastation.
After a thousand years of oppression let the berserks rise again,
Let the world hear these words once more
“Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Norsemen”
Let the world hear these words once more
“Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Norsemen”
By far this DE makes me chuckle whenever I start it off. Kill the Alpha Drake. I love how you can hear the fisherman struggle inside the drake’s belly.
First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) : http://bit.ly/1lWH6T8