Feedback: bridge repair in Kessex Hills

Feedback: bridge repair in Kessex Hills

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Norath.9872


So I was leveling an alt and ended up at the brige event in kessex.
Seeing and experiencing the changes i feal some feedback is needed.

list of changes:

  • added 3 catapult’s
  • added veteran’s
  • added Champion’s
  • removed most of the normal mob’s

Now the ide was good but the implementation was horrible


  • are automated and unguarded (mob’s runing by may agro)
    this looks bad : /
  • respawn to fast this looks and feals bad : /
  • are building so 0 loot, feals bad : /
  • are shooting at a brige they are sepose to be repearing… this looks bad : /

*If the champ is killed a new one will come, this looks and feals bad : /


  • 1 player? = 3 catapults. This is bad the number of catapults needs to scale 0-3.
  • When i first got there i did feal like the veterans and champ came at a realy low player number, maybe arund 5-6 ? will need to have a look at this.

So overal it got fixed on one end but the other end looks horrible : /

Feedback: bridge repair in Kessex Hills

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Hello Norath,
thanks for your feedback. This thread will now be locked.