Forced to group to get mob credit

Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Luxrin.3871


I don’t want to have to group with other players to do events but that is the only way to get credit on a mob. It’s absurd that I can hit a veteran for a lot of damage before it dies and receive 0 mob credit because the few groups in the area did more of a percentage of its health. I understand they’re trying to stop players from hitting mobs once and getting loot, but to get literally 1 mob tag out of an entire events worth of mobs when I’m attacking everything is ridiculous.

Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


“I don’t want to mouse turn…”

“I don’t want to rebind WASD”

“I don’t want to build this way…”

Welcome to the art of questing, where you’ll need to learn certain things to maximize your results. The game involves situational awareness, and it’d be great if the game had a raiding group system so the entire zerg can get loot instead of groups competing for it.

Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Thats odd, I never have any problems tagging mobs on any class, while not being in a group. What class are you playing, what skills are you using etc?

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


If you landed several hits on mobs and never even got exp for them, there’s something wrong and I would report it as a bug. If you got exp for the kills but just didn’t get any loot, that’s just a string of bad luck … we’ve all been there.

Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jam.4521


I have a similar issue often, most noticeable is the Orr events, ok I understand it helps to group for the trash, but I will stand and attack a veteran risen from 90% to 0, lvl 80 warrior, rare lvl80 gear with power and cond damage, sword and axe in hands, and get no experience or loot. Its not like those things go down fast or anything, so i did plenty of damage.


Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aldred.9345


I haven’t paid much attention to the exp actually, but I notice a vast difference between the amount of loot I get when doing dynamic events while in a group and doing them outwith a group – but still with others participating.

I’ve never seen an official post about that, but it’s certainly common knowledge that you get loot way more often while you’re in a group for these things than not. That’ll apply to veterans/champions just as much as trash.

I suspect you also need to do a minimum amount (or percentage) of damage to a mob before it gets tagged for you as well, although I wouldn’t know what that is. But to me it seems as if putting a couple of hits on trash rather than one makes loot more likely.

Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Awesome.6120


I did plinx for the first time yesterday and didn’t get why people were constantly “lfg” and spamming me with random invites. Then I got basically no loot as an engi spamming grenades. Not fun to have to group with randoms to do events so I will probably just avoid it.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Forced to group to get mob credit

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jam.4521


When you are grouped it appears to take the group damage into account when tagging for you as long as you manage to at least hit the mobs once, so often you will get loot for every mob you even touch when in a group which makes your rewards much greater.