Game doesn't revolve around Champ rotations.
Yes, experienced this.
Have explained how Queensdale (in particular) is a starter zone, and not only are there new players who can’t be aware of this trend, but hearing that garbage in map chat sets a bad impression.
Not only that, but also explained how a single 80 could effortlessly screw up their rotation. And would be more then happy to demonstrate if they persisted.
Yes, of course it’s great if everyone could maximize their efforts and rewards, but this isn’t Wonderland. Like OP said, they really need to get over it and move on.
Queensdale is a bit ‘special’, it’s best not to pay it too close attention.
Queensdale is a special place for special people.
Part of being a superior train conductor is ADAPTING to the changing landscape quickly and achieving efficiency on the playing field that IS, rather than some theoretical vacuum where all champions are perfectly spherical and of uniform density and other players don’t exist.
I’d be bored out of my mind running the show if I didn’t have a few people mugging the bandit or chopping down the oak before the zerg arrives.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Actually it does now considering the means by which they have made the system require champions to gain the most of these materials just as dungeons will be a new focus again as some of the mats will be noticeably easier to get from there as well.
There’s not a single material available for example from rich veins of either T5 or T6 materials for any of these things. People are rushing to get geared as they always have and this is not new, they should know that this type of player exists and how they’ll react it’s been like this since the power creep started in this industry. It’s no mystery.