(edited by Dru.6214)
Gate of Madness (NA) - Temple of Balthazar Event
Hopefully this will take off.
Just keep letting everyone know in-game too.
Oh, and don’t forget the northern escort :X
For anyone that is not familiar with the event, here is a quick guide:
Aye, I’m hoping it will too. We went at it twice today and nearly got it done both times.
I believe our biggest area to improve on to be handling player death. It happens to all of us… but laying there dead hoping someone can take their time to slowly rez you in combat is silly. Go to Sentry, Rally or whatever the nearest waypoint is and run back. It only takes a moment and ensures both of you can resume dps-ing.
I have notified LA prior to the event as a reminder & will continue too. Hopefully people tell their friends & guild to come get loot & part-take in the events as a community. I’d like a proud, friendly, and teammwork-oriented Gate of Madness.
[Edit: Oh, and thanks for the link Crimson]
(edited by Dru.6214)
any luck getting it open?
today was a bust, but we did get it yesterday. On a good note: both times today were close. just gotta get people up from dying and push that dps
will you guys be running this today at all, it’s sunday 11/4
Its bugged atm, just need to get shards to finish my legendary. Hope theres a server reset soon.
Files tickets and make ANET as aware of this as possible. It’s bugged on 90%+ servers right now, and its really annoying. The louder the voice, the more likely we are to get a response.
Temple of Balthazar is opens right now.
I’ll try to do this often, I need that temple open for some of my armor.
Since it sounds like you’re attempting to massively zerg the temple…
fyi, events scale. The easiest Temple of Balthazar I’ve ever done was late a night with around 5 or so random people. The worst was with a zerg of 50+, where more than 1/2 died in the first few seconds.
yeah, i know it scales (and won’t spawn champion etc) but I’ve had successes with more people myself. Been successful two nights running and hopefully they will tonight too (i can’t be there tonight). thanks for the insight/reminder. Perhaps when future attempts have few people, they’ll remember it’s still quite possible.
Are you guys still doing this on a daily basis?
Officer of Warriors and Rebels [WaR]
Gate of Madness
I haven’t been able to due to college but I was hoping some momentum would carry over. I will be leading it as often as I can & hopefully Crimsonrellik (Stargate/Psychic Failure) can too, though that’s up to him/her. After this week’s end and especially Nov’s end, I’ll be on with near certainty.
Until then, feel free to get people together and I’ll be there as much as possible.
Yeah definitely. After this semester I’ll try to be on as much as possible to help out. I’ll friend you if you’re ever on we can maybe try to do the event sometime.
Officer of Warriors and Rebels [WaR]
Gate of Madness
5pm PST tonight ~30min we are taking balth down, be there!
Please post if you get it uncontested, im currently pushing a group on Blackgate to try.
Its all bugged on blackgate, so please let me know if yall complete it.
Its all bugged on blackgate, so please let me know if yall complete it.
I with you there, literally. So buggy, I really do not want to transfer this week on our new WvW match-up… But yeah let us know, thanks.
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok
Didn’t get it done.. Last attempt was close, under 1% ><.
Will be leading it again tonight @ same time, 5p PST/8p EST. Yesterday surprised me with how the first half of his hp went so slow, second half ramped up hard. The time before that I had tried to announce the acolytes, but couldnt due to chat suppression. Unluckil, several spawned right next to him & he nomnomed one else it would have succeeded then.
oh well. be there tonight if you can.
1) rez the downed only
2) run back ASAP if you die
3) ignore the champion
4) burn those vet acolytes mobs immediately when they spawn
5) ranged weapons can help keep you from dying to stomping attk & make seeing the red circles of death easier.
See you tonight team.
is it not bugged on your server? southern invasion is bugged on mine, if its not ill be more than happy to switch over for a week, if you dont mind alittle companionship ^.^ because ill be lonely but yeah i just need to buy obsidian shards to finish my legendary. i also have commander status and will help lead if required. just let me know that it is infact working on your server and ill help out tonight if your still trying to get it to work
Will be leading it again tonight @ same time, 5p PST/8p EST. Yesterday surprised me with how the first half of his hp went so slow, second half ramped up hard. The time before that I had tried to announce the acolytes, but couldnt due to chat suppression. Unluckil, several spawned right next to him & he nomnomed one else it would have succeeded then.
oh well. be there tonight if you can.
1) rez the downed only
2) run back ASAP if you die
3) ignore the champion
4) burn those vet acolytes mobs immediately when they spawn
5) ranged weapons can help keep you from dying to stomping attk & make seeing the red circles of death easier.See you tonight team.
yes, if you can confirm that this is not bugged, (southern escort) I would be more than happy to switch servers to help out
I’ll be there again tonight Dru, I’ll help with /m in LA and calling acolytes cause that chat suppression sucks.
30 more minutes then we need all the help we can get, we will beat this shrine, we need as many people as possible so come on over to the server – Gate of Madness
Got the bugged crap to reset =) on our way to kill him!
Balth is now open! Ty everyone who helped and especially Dru for leading this.
Tell me when the next organized attempt is happening. I’ll make time for it.
is Temple of Balthazar going to be up today at GoM?
Anyone want to get a group together tonight to open Balth?
I will be leading this event tomorrow night, providing RL doesn’t intervene. It is my intention.
And yes, south is bugged. But we get it unstuck consistently.
Glad I/we can help so many people get their Legendary
Downed and open as of 8:30 EST on Friday, 11/23/2012 – if any of you need shards.
Much appreciated Dru, got another step closer to my legendary and around 450k karma spent. I’ll be your servers visitor for a week now.
Cheers from Gandara.
Downed and open in 5 minutes flat as of 8:30 EST on 11/24/2012. Gate of Madness server. Last night it closed after 1.5 hours approximately FYI. Good work team.
[Glad we could help Psybunny Holler if ya need something or feel like it.
Thanks Dru. Finally got this done.
I went a bit overboard and now have 167 clovers and counting
Hah, awesome Glad to have helped
Balthazar temple open as of 8:54pm EST on 11/25. Supposed 1.5 hour open time.
This latest post is responsible for my new Bolt, via a server transfer at that. So certainly a big thanks to you all for doing this!
Is Balthazar still up on Gate of Madness server?
Woo hoo! Grats WhiteFoxToy And we’ll be going for it again tonight at 8p EST. I’ll let ya know if we succeed.
Welp. Got to SoD at 8p and it was already open O_o Wasn’t expecting that. Karma train had done it about an hour before I heard. So you may only have 30 min open window. We’ll try again tmrw.
Yeah FaDe opened it up today. If I wasn’t so tied up in WvW and keeping our last keep in EB safe I would have been there. Oh well next time.
Alright, got it at 8:46pm EST. Should close around 10pm or a little after. Good work guys.
Downed and open for around the next hour. Get your shards if ya need ’em.
when is this net going to be done?
Downed and open as of 8:35pm EST on 12/5/2012. Get yo’ Legendary.
Dark, we do this near daily at 8p EST. Meet up at Rally and assess where things are at and progress from there.
Downed as of just before 9pm EST on 12/6/2012. Come get yer shards
Reported approximate 1.5 hr open time
(GJ GoM, downed stupid fast and great turn out!)
[GoM] downed and opened it at roughly 10:45pm EST. Get yer shards if ya need ’em.
A huge congrats to Ninjuvy, guild leader of Guild of Madness [GoM], for his enormous amount of gold, time and effort in crafting his SECOND Bolt. A big accomplishment… Grats!!
ok when next i swear i just keep missing when you guys get this done!!!!
are there certain days off the week you guys do this cause i’ll run with you when you do it…
this is open now.. come get ur shards