Guesting in high population servers issues.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Razor.6392


Lately, it has become a common trend for lesser servers to jump onto high population servers to do boss events. This has caused more harm than good.

List of issues:
1. Lag is unbearable. (not only low fps, ACTUAL lag / delay unrelated to anyone’s internet connection)
2. “Trolls” come in to mess up the timers / events on purpose.
3. Some maps (during world events) reach their cap limits, and then the people from their OWN HOME SERVER, start to get thrown into overflow, while the guests happily stay there doing their thing.

Please, get rid of it or implement restrictions

Suggestions -> Pick one
a) Time limit (can’t guest for longer than 6 hours, resets weekly <- This is only for high population server guesting)
b) Capacity limit (If an overflow is created, guests will be the first ones to be teleported to it)
c) Loot limit (guests cannot loot world chests outside their own home server)
d) Technical limit (guests won’t be first priority when it comes to culling)

Chat delay, skill delay, low fps (the only thing on my end) really do get old after a while. I hope ANet is aware of the problem.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: tamzooka.5637


My non-existent vote goes towards option c. Many guests are farmers. It is BEYOND frustrating to miss events due to getting kicked to overflow on my own home server.

In addition to this, the world bosses have become unplayable & completely unenjoyable. Even with all of these extra people, they seem to take LONGER because of all of the lag involved.

Honestly, most of these fights are now relegated to targeting the boss and allowing your character to auto-attack since you absolutely cannot use any other skills under most circumstances.

It’s really a shame. There are plenty of people on each server that are willing and capable to fight bosses without all of the additional mess of guests.

Eliminating loot outside of home server would be a great start. -OR- if they must stay; make the guests require an invitation from someone on the server and still need some kind of limitation on numbers.

People should not miss content on their own server because GUESTS are there taking their spots. I don’t think there’s an argument in the world that can convince the player-base otherwise.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


To be fair, we don’t know for certain whether or not the huge mass of people there ARE mostly guests, or whether it’s due to the fact that world chests got a massive loot buff and thus lots of players native to that server who wouldn’t normally bother with doing those events are now showing up. The lag is DEFINITELY a problem; nobody’s arguing with that. (Hell, I’ve griped about it myself in a few threads.) We just need to find a solution that will address the real problem and not what may turn out to be not the cause anyway.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Razor.6392


To be fair, we don’t know for certain whether or not the huge mass of people there ARE mostly guests, or whether it’s due to the fact that world chests got a massive loot buff and thus lots of players native to that server who wouldn’t normally bother with doing those events are now showing up. The lag is DEFINITELY a problem; nobody’s arguing with that. (Hell, I’ve griped about it myself in a few threads.) We just need to find a solution that will address the real problem and not what may turn out to be not the cause anyway.

Even if guests were only 10% of the 200+ players that attend those events, it is still an issue.

A good start would be adding some icon to the guests portrait / hp bar to identify them, though I’m pretty sure that they are the problem.

It’s simple tbh, while what you say may or may not be true, the root of the problem comes from the fact that high pop / “full” servers should simply not admit guests. Those servers are marked as highly populated for a reason.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Elentari.9156


Since there’s currently no way to tell if a player is from a different server, we don’t really have any concrete data on how guesting is affecting zerg size. Anecdotally, I do see a lot of new faces at the chest events, but they might just be home server people who previously did not think the chest reward was worth their time. The patch changes increased the expected value of chest rewards by at least 5-fold, so it’s going to be worth the time for A LOT more people. On high-pop servers, I’d imagine there are already enough people to trigger overflow in a zone, given the new incentives.

Also, if you think about it from the perspective of a player from another server, there’s really very little incentive to guest to a high-pop server since you know it’s going to be crowded, and there’s a risk of not even getting credit for the event due to lag or the boss dying too fast. So if your aim was to get chests, you’d be much more likely to choose to guest to a low-pop server.

It would be nice if some official source was able to provide some rough data on how much guesting was happening at these events, to help us better understand the dynamics of the situation. As for taking actively restrictive measures, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to hold off while the player-base absorbs the changes and settles to a new equilibrium. It’s highly possible that this chest-madness will only last a couple weeks, until the glut of goods causes market prices to fall to the extent where doing these events is not worth some people’s time again.

As Zaxares said, nobody is happy with getting hit with lag, and if something can be done about it, it probably should be done. Personally, I’d prefer the solution be technological. Since the exploit to get extra chests by guesting has already been fixed, I don’t feel that guesting for events in itself is unfair in any way. For example, let’s say you’ve got a full-time job and kids to take care of, and only have a couple hours to play each day. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for you to guest to other servers to hit up some dragons so you didn’t have to wait on respawn timers, so that you could do more boss fights in your available play-time. Also, isn’t it common for WvWvW to have far more people in one place at a time than at these chest events? Why is that not as laggy as the chest events?

(edited by Elentari.9156)

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Razor.6392


Also, isn’t it common for WvWvW to have far more people in one place at a time than at these chest events? Why is that not as laggy as the chest events?

I think it’s because the dragons / monsters eat up a lot of resources too.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: fabipm.4359


Happy to have missed 3 world events (Tequatl, Shatterer, Maw) cause I was on overflow server.
Please put some restrictions concerning guests options…

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Since there’s currently no way to tell if a player is from a different server

If you want to stalk someone, you can see what server they’re on by inviting them to your guild. It doesn’t matter if they accept, they will appear as an invited member in the roster. If they were guesting, the next time they logout and in, their last location will appear as whatever server they’re now on.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Altas.9064


Is it hard to give priority to server members and kick guests to overflow? I have nothing against guesting, overflow is nice feature which… Blizzard “stole” and realised much better than Anet. Shame!

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Leths.6751


I’ve missed 6 events today due to Overflow and I’ve experienced rediculous server lag during events. Please fix the guesting feature. Signed.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Proxcel.2596


its hard to tell if guesting was the problem, however if guesting is removed
u can’t even get a secend chance to do the event untill another 2-3 hours.
so i suggest try low population server and do ur events there if you keep
runing to overflow problems.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zerke.4103


I’ve been on my server since release, why should I have to go to another server to do events? For 3 days now it’s been nothing but overflow server and lag on the big events. This needs fixed Anet, no more content, nothing more added in until this is fixed.

I spend time doing WvW for my server but can’t enjoy it’s big PVE events because of so many guesters or whatever else is wrong? What’s the point in playing when you can’t have fun with your friends?

Something else I have noticed is the amount of people complaining of skill delay or non-working skills even while in dungeons now. So what is that? A new feature or a result of something server side? Everything Anet has said was supposed to be fun and challenging is turning into nothing more than a giant hassle.

(edited by Zerke.4103)

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zephyra.9075


I’m getting tired of missing these events on my home server because I’m stuck in an overflow and TIRED of not being able to use my skills during these event. PLEASE fix this soon, it’s getting extremely frustrating.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dralor.3701


Missing events as well, so far three today because of this. Extremely frustrating and (in my opinion) unacceptable.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

To be fair, we don’t know for certain whether or not the huge mass of people there ARE mostly guests, or whether it’s due to the fact that world chests got a massive loot buff and thus lots of players native to that server who wouldn’t normally bother with doing those events are now showing up.

Finally, someone who actually has some sense!

guesting isn’t the problem, how many times do you people have to be told that before you understand? World bosses are worth doing now, so people are coming out of the woodwork to do them. Your own server’s population is the problem, not a bunch of guesting boogeymen.