Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: chris E.4917

chris E.4917

So I’ve been playing since early access and levelled a Norn Ranger to 80. A week ago I decided to try something different and rolled a Human Guardian. During the cause of my personal story I came to Harathi Hinterlands for the first time.

I just want to say that the Dynamic Event chains against the Centaurs in this area are absolutely epic. They really make you feel like you’re making a valuable contribution to an ongoing war effort on a constantly changing battlefield. I haven’t had this much fun in GW2 before and I have actually been having a lot of fun since day one. Just as I thought the game couldn’t get any better it blows me away yet again.

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


I always have a good time in this zone. It’s one of my favorite zones.

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: chris E.4917

chris E.4917

Indeed, it is one of my favourite zones now as well. It is beautiful and has a lot of atmosphere.

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: douceline.2741


I hang out in this zone an awful lot because it’s one of my favourites. Totally agreed. I love the big epic battles leading up to the champion fight.

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Loxias.2375


I love ‘the Goonies’ style pirate’s lair with jp & chest. =P

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MobMama.5648


So I’ve been playing since early access and levelled a Norn Ranger to 80. A week ago I decided to try something different and rolled a Human Guardian. During the cause of my personal story I came to Harathi Hinterlands for the first time.

I just want to say that the Dynamic Event chains against the Centaurs in this area are absolutely epic. They really make you feel like you’re making a valuable contribution to an ongoing war effort on a constantly changing battlefield. I haven’t had this much fun in GW2 before and I have actually been having a lot of fun since day one. Just as I thought the game couldn’t get any better it blows me away yet again.

Ditto! Played there extensively today and wholeheartedly agree with what you said about the event chains being epic and the battlefield changing and really feeling as though your character is having an impact. Super fun too, though a group of us tried several times and never could quite vanquish the champion spider, so … That poor captain is still trapped in a cocoon in the cave.


(edited by MobMama.5648)

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dookies.2718


I really love the events here. Always fun, just wish there was more incentive to go here when you’re 80. But that doesn’t stop me from an occasional visit.

In general I wish there was more incentive to go to lower zones. Love the artwork put into some of the zones, and the music usually matches up so well.

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Indeed, i loved the hinterlands (and also orr’s) “ongoing war effort” that the event chains form. I really hope we see new zones that take this idea and replicate or improve upon it

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Harathi Hinterlands Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Wahaha.7938


The first big zone event that I experienced was Harathi Hinterlands and I was really impressed. Very fun. Multi-stage boss fight. Need more of those.