I see people ALL the time doing dynamic events.

I see people ALL the time doing dynamic events.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ptaki.3715


I got a level 80 Ranger. Taking two alts through the game now. Mesmer is level 39 and theif is level 8. When I do events with any of the three in any zone high or low level I see people all of the time when I do DEs. Just today I did the Ettin disguise event, rescue once disguise goes bad event. Clear the dredge out of mine for priory and many others. Beat a couple champions, many veterns. All with plenty of people around.

I don’t know how true these other posts about no people to do events are. Paid panda people to make negative posts? I read that that happens. Or do people have 3 to 20 other people around and don’t think its enough and should be like 50 around?

What gives? I see plenty of people.

I see people ALL the time doing dynamic events.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dookies.2718


Not all servers are highly populated, or some players may not play during the server’s peak time, and in severe cases both.

I see people ALL the time doing dynamic events.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Hello ptaki,
like Dookies said, it depends on server population, peak time, etc.
Thanks for your feedback.