Idea for dynamic event reward?

Idea for dynamic event reward?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: hensatri.9104


This is based on a complaint I read that dynamic events are fun, but not rewarding.

Here is an idea

Maybe have some sort of barter reward for dynamic events? As in doing events in Kyrta gives you a currency that can only be spent in Kyrta for cosmetic stuffs? Lets say you only get the currency for the first time you complete any given dynamic event in the region, and it resets once a week?

So a couple weeks of questing in Kyrta would net you a full cosmetic set to dress as a seraph, which would make lore sense right? You could also have some other unique stuff, maybe pets, emotes, stuff like that, which would appeal to all levels.

Or how about a consumable that is like “rally the seraph” where anywhere in open world PvE you can call up a trio of seraph for 5 minutes to help you. Basically cashing in the favors they owe you. Of course each region would have their own appropriate version.

These are ideas that would incentivize event participation without changing anything in PvP of WvW, appealing to all levels, and not really doing anything to balance.