Issue with suppressed messaging
A friend of mine ran into this in Mt. Maelstrom over the weekend. Couldn’t /map or /say but hadn’t said anything for 20 minutes or more…seems like something that cropped up after the patch last Tuesday.
I’ve never run into this myself and I can be quite ‘chatty’ sometimes.
I don’t know how their filter works but have you tried varying your messages to a greater degree so it doesn’t think you’re spamming?
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.
Just happened to me, I was messing around as an insane RPer, and I used the phrase “Beee the leaf.” about 3 times in a minute, now my messages are suppressed due to excessive messaging. >.<
I’ve never run into this myself and I can be quite ‘chatty’ sometimes.
I don’t know how their filter works but have you tried varying your messages to a greater degree so it doesn’t think you’re spamming?
It has little to do with varying your messages. This happens to me even when I haven’t said a single word for an hour and then for no apparent reason I’m suppressed. Not after spamming. Not after repeating the same lines or selling gold. Not saying something for an hour and then trying to talk and getting the suppressed message.
This has been going on for months and still not fixed. This is ridiculous that you can’t communicate with people in a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game. WTF is the point of this? I mean this is basic, basic, basic. If people can’t talk or communicate it’s not much of a multiplayer game now is it?
It suppresses you not only in chat but with emails also. I used to send mats to a guildie and after about the 3rd or 4th send, it would stop me and say “suppressed due to excessive messaging”.
this realy sucks as a commander when you have to tell people where to go
I’m not sure where to put this gripe… I don’t think it’s a game bug even though it needs improvement, it kind a fits with players helping players, and it’s definitely a suggestion. I’ve been getting the “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging” warning most when I try to announce dynamic events, so I thought I’d put it here.
Anyway, I first got this a few days ago when I was trying to get a group together for dungeon, so I thought at first that it was because I was saying the same string every 5 minutes or so (“LF3M CM Story Mode” or something like that). It’s been happening most, though, over the last couple days when I’ve been looking for help with an event or just trying to help other players find dynamic events.
It seems that when on a quiet map where I am pretty much the only one saying anything, I tend to get this notice. It happens even though I’m not repeating a spam message or messaging too often (usually every 5-10 minutes, sometimes 10-15). It gets really annoying when other players start asking for a waypoint for the event, and I can’t give it because my messages are being suppressed. What’s also really odd is the messaging gets suppressed even in party chat. I can see map or main chat, but party chat??
I understand the point of this, you don’t want the chat window cluttered with spam advertisements, but it seems to need improvement. Trying to get help with a dynamic event or help other players find dynamic events shouldn’t be suppressed as it helps with game play, especially when the ma kitten parsely populated and there isn’t anyone nearby to notice the event.
Maybe a function could be added for a player to quickly send out a game generated event notice when in an event. Perhaps add something similar to the CTRL+click on a way point or maybe a “/event” tag. This could then be separated from whatever criteria is being used to determine excessive messaging.
I am having the same issue – can’t speak at all in map chat or any chat for that matter – and I haven’t “said” a word for over an hour.
If players are being suppressed, how about telling us why – if it’s a bug, please, fix it – apparently the bug didn’t take notice of the last fix – bad bug!
I got hit with that stupid suppression while announcing Southsun Cove events.
From now on, I’ll add random characters before/after the message (just like some of the bots were doing) while announcing events.
I posted the same issue here a couple days ago in another area and I agree it needs to be addressed ASAP. Here is link to my post with replies; Perhaps a dev should merge the two?
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger