Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off. This is ridiculous. Basically we’re only allowed to use a Karma Booster for 45 minutes and not 60. Karma should not have a DR. I can see a DR on the exp from these events but the Karma DR is too much when you want us to farm 1million for a Legendary weapon.

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dmorin.9543


yep this needs fixed asap it is very misleading not too mention false advertising same goes for the Magic Find Booster " buff that increases your magic find chance by 50% for one hour"LOL the DR and anti bot crap kick in way before your hours up

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jujube.4981


What would be really evil is just keep DR the way it is, and have the boosters temporarily remove DR for the duration so that they become required for farm or grind. Anet if you want to sell gems get on this.

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Striata.6739


This is pure crap i log in this morning pop a karma booster play for 40 minutes in Orr and I’m only getting 28 karma with the booster and after only playing 40 minutes ridiculous!! (I was farming 5 different events in fairly close proximity to one another).

When I noticed I pretty much wasn’t getting any more karma from all 5 DE I logged out (hopefully will save the remaining time on my booster), now that right there is a problem. It’s Saturday morning and I want to play, farm karma to get better gear but alas I’m on here kittening which I shouldn’t be I should be playing the kitten game and working towards the loot I want and enjoying my time spent in game!
I find it ridiculous that I have to move to other zones just to keep getting karma rewards form DE.

I had no problems with this game while leveling 1-80 but after hitting 80 and trying to get karma gear I find this game in its current state not overly fun anymore, don’t get me wrong I love doing DE however I do not love the diminishing returns on karma

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I agree with all the above. This is hitting way to hard on regular players. I can understand DR on DE Money and Exp but Karma is taking it to far. Thats our ONLY source for Karma and your punishing us for trying.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Strill.2591


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