Lack of Events at Sparkfly fen and Maelstrom!
Really? I was just through there on my mesmer and seemed to be lots of things, risen ship to be sunk in sparkfen often champ troll, and of course dragon with risen attacking the research station beside it. Then there is several vet elemetals that guard the portal to the jumping puzzle in maelstrom and several vet events such as the spider in the west of the map. Like I said I had no problem with events there.
I at least agree with Mount Maelstrom is short on DEs. I run this zone from time to time for crafting materials and compared to others, it is way too quiet…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Sparkfly seems to have a cluster around the Hylek village that happen very frequently (it’s where I usually go if I need events to finish my daily), as well as a few to the north (including the Ash Horizon). The main problem is that so many are focused into small areas of the map that other areas are empty of them.
For Maelstrom, I can only really remember the 3 big chains – Mega-Destroyer, Fluffy and Coil. No small individual events spring to mind.
In Mount Maelstrom, other than the big event chain around crucible of eternity, there are several “Keepers of ____” that you can fight. They respawn fairly quickly too.
The Holy Grounds on the uper parts of the map in Sparkfly fen are the ultimate hot spot for events. I go there whenever I want to to do my dailly.
Also the events near Tequatl repeat them selfs way to often.
The area isn’t empty from events, but it IS uneven… and I agree that there are many groupe ones there!
Sparkfly has a ton of events. At the very top you have the defend the camp, escort, kill the lich(never found the lich is it bugged?) and megashark(of doom). In the center area you have 3 camps to protect that get attacked very often, the ash horizon which can chain if you fail to sink it(use the cannon up further on the hill, not at the shore). At the bottom you have tequatl, kraits, quaggan escort, wild hunt, and the risen corridor where the risen have near vet level health.
Maelstrom has events the problem is they are either not solo friendly or have a lot of distance between each soloable event. Of the events I did there the other day most had at least a vet, some multiple vets, and others champions.
In the center area you have 3 camps to protect that get attacked very often, the ash horizon which can chain if you fail to sink it(use the cannon up further on the hill, not at the shore).
Actually you should be able to cheese Ash Horizon from the one spit of land that jets out closest to it. I can do it with pistol on my engy easy as long as there’s >4ish minutes left in the event when I get there. So anyone with >900 range on a skill should be able to do it since engy pistol is notoriously underpowered.