Locked on by mob even after aggro reset

Locked on by mob even after aggro reset

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


Veteran Risen Scavenger and Veteran Risen preserver, for some reason, seem to have a penchant on me.

Scavenger on Shelter, Preserver on Penitent

I’ve noticed quite a few times that some of them explicitly always attack me no matter how many targets are around, even after I aggro reset by running inside the tunnel

The scavenger one is the worst, because Shelter do not have shelters like penitent’s walls, they can chase me all the way to the tunnel’s mouth, and stops there, only to quickly attack me again the moment I’m in range. I’m practically shut out of the event, because their persistence quickly erodes my health (I play ele)

Does this only happen to me?

Locked on by mob even after aggro reset

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ayochak.8293


GW2 aggro system sucks big time, this is not an issue specific to events.
Players should complain more about it, it’s really awful.
Your testimony adds another example.

Locked on by mob even after aggro reset

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raine.1394


I think the mobs in question largely spam hard-hitting abilities generally as the number of downed players would suggest. There’s nothing quite like getting hit for 20 or 30k from an unknown source—unknown, that is, until you review the combat log.

Aggro continues to be a mystery and problem in the game. I first noticed this on my ranger when mobs began ignoring my pet and making a bee-line for me sometime around level 35. I did an experiment: I remained at max range (approx. 1200) and sent my pet in to attack the mob while I performed no attacks. The mob still attacked me. Bizarre how I could end up higher on the aggro list than my pet who was actually attacking. But, this actually happened. Through further experimentation I found that adding points to beast mastery seemed to solve the problem of non-existent pet aggro, but that was the beginning of noticing general anomalies in the aggro mechanic in the game.

But, yes, I’ve noticed inexplicable locking on of mobs that normal measures of aggro (proximity, damage done, etc.) would not seem to account for.

Locked on by mob even after aggro reset

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


you should have seen my thief in the harathi meta event: every centaur and his dogs would attack me. Even with swarms of wars and guards around them in melee and me with shortbow.

Oceanic [LOD]

Locked on by mob even after aggro reset

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


I’m not sure if I should be glad this isn’t a specific case or sad that I’m not the only one with this problem