Lost Shores event compensation?

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


“We have a team looking into disconnection problems that prevented some people from receiving their event rewards.

We will implement a solution so that people who participated will get their rewards, but this takes work on our end, so it will not happen today.

Keep an eye on our forums and social media channels, we will let you know once we have the solution in place.
Thank you, and we apologize that you were unable to claim your rewards."
-Quoted from the facebook.

Did they ever remedy this, and I just missed it? Any help is appreciated.

I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vinny.6924


There will never be a remedy. It was simply a PR spin.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ladypandi.6490


I don’t expect anything at this point. When the game launched I was on the headstart and lost my Rytlock pet, which they assured me would be fixed and I’d get him back. They told me that it happened to lots of people including some of them.
Here it is, months later… no Rytlock.
If they can’t manage that, I don’t have high hopes.
And I waited anxiously for this game for 5 years. That excitement is dying quickly.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thorzilla.9124


I don’t think this is the same ANet from the GW1 days. Such a shame that this is happening. What’s even more shameful is that they are seemingly “open” through their forums, facebook and all and yet they decide it is a good idea to ignore the matter, like they don’t even read these posts. I’m definitely not digging the team’s attitude and it’s seriously ruining the game for me because I feel shafted…and that’s coming from a 2000+hour player of the first.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nayth.2604


Guess there is still no word on this, don’t hold high hopes that this will ever get resolved.

Haven’t played the game since the event. Some of my friends managed to get the event done, and are currently sitting pretty with upwards of 150g from selling their items : /

I had hopes that this would be the be-all and end-all of MMOs, but a few months in and incredibly disappointed with the customer service and non-truths about the game pre-release compared to now.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Quoth.7850


I too have not played since the crash and no customer response. I have started to raise a ticket in regard to lack of response now every day I log in to see if spamming the problem that we all suffered will gain a response. Maybe if everyone who suffered the same issue does the same they might do something about it?

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


i got this in response to my support ticket ,so i do not think it will be long until we receive our rewards

lost shores event

Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (name edited) 11/28/2012 05:55 PM

Thanks again for your patience while we looked into your issue with the Lost Shores event. We have confirmed that we can provide everyone who did not have the opportunity to loot the chest with a reward for their participation. All affected players will receive a reward regardless of whether or not they have contacted Support. We’re working very hard on this, and you should have a reward in your in-game mail early next week.

The Guild Wars Support Team

Customer By Web Form(name edited) 11/19/2012 09:33 AM
i played through all three phases of the event phase 2 was un finishabledue to bugged npcs and phase 3 crashed 3 times during the final anciant battle,it put me back into an overflow where the event had already eneded and i got no rewards……

what can be done about this? i spent far to much time to be rewarded with nothing at all .

i guess i will have to think hard about putting any more time into this game unless the situation is rectified

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Opsfor.2814


Just get over with it guys. lol. Why you all keeps bringing this up for? Anet reserve the rights whether to give or not to give. Yes, it’s Anet fault for causing all the problems, but hey, who doesn’t make mistake?
As long as Anet rectified this mistake and problem, it’s a Huge Reward to us. Small compensation doesn’t solved the issues its gonna have in the future.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179

Seriously Opsfor, did you play this event for hours and get nothing at the end of it due to ANet disconnecting everyone from certain servers? Or are you one of the ones who got the reward or didn’t bother with the event?

I played GW1 and do not play any other games currently as I do not have a massive amount of time, so the time I do put into a game I like to see is worth it and justly rewarded for my efforts. For ANet to say two times now that a reward was coming early in the next week is just not on as far as communication to its userbase goes! They should be updating us daily as many, many people have just stopped playing due to these and other issues. Who would have though ANet spent so long programming this game and then marketing it as the next big thing, only to release what is in effect a Beta version that has known problems and still try to put on one time events with these problems still kicking them in the balls, then not expecting their users to get pissed off, or even if they expected it, to piss them off more by not updating them on what is going on?

If this is your idea of a perfect MMO Opsfor, then I feel sorry for you..

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Opsfor.2814


Lol. Feersum Endjinn, i can see that you are mad. what’s the point? Like what many people said, Enjoy the Game and not care about rewards. True that reward is the movtiation that drives players to play more.

I too speak for those players who unable to attend the event. What about those who wish to attend but unable to attend due to Timezone problem? How you going to compensate them? As i already stated, so long AN fixed up on all their coding for future events, will you think such issue will happened again? And everyone will be able to get their rewards for participating. If they didn’t fixed up, same thing happened again, you will make noise again! Right? See the long term, and not short term benefiting only to yourself and not to others.

Stop pressuring AN, they are trying their best to rectified it. I’m sad to see that there’s so many post that (players who DC)asking for LS event loots but there isn’t any post that speak up for those who can’t attend the event.

(edited by Opsfor.2814)

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lolindir.3518


Lol. Feersum Endjinn, i can see that you are mad. what’s the point? Like what many people said, Enjoy the Game and not care about rewards. True that reward is the movtiation that drives players to play more.

I too speak for those players who unable to attend the event. What about those who wish to attend but unable to attend due to Timezone problem? How you going to compensate them? As i already stated, so long AN fixed up on all their coding for future events, will you think such issue will happened again? And everyone will be able to get their rewards for participating. If they didn’t fixed up, same thing happened again, you will make noise again! Right? See the long term, and not short term benefiting only to yourself and not to others.

Stop pressuring AN, they are trying their best to rectified it. I’m sad to see that there’s so many post that (players who DC)asking for LS event loots but there isn’t any post that speak up for those who can’t attend the event.

I’ve seen tons of people asking for events that repeat during the day. The problem is that if they want to do one time events, they’ll always do them when the most of the players can be online. Even if i don’t have problems with the timezone, i asked myself for instanced events, maybe not repeatable so that each account can do them only once.. so it;s a one time event but without lag etc.

Problem is that it’s way less epic, but if they make an istance for 10 people it can still be fun..

Anyway, about the reward they said it will be sent in the mail this week… i hope it will be the same as the original reward, but i doubt it. I hope at least to receive the 20 slot bag and the back.. the mail can only have 5 items so i doubt we will see 2 rares + 2 exotic + the back and the 20 slot bag.

Also, i hope that all this time was used to be 100% sure that this mail will not be sent to all the palyers, even those who already had the items.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Im not exactly sure how well you guys expect to be compensated. In other words, i wouldnt expect more thsn an exotic and a handful of gold cuz thats what MOST people got out of it.

Im one of the ones who willingly sat out because of the bugs.

Am I mad that I did? Nope.
Would i be irritated that i got DC’d and no reward. Sure………for about a day.

The game has no sub. That should be compensation enough. Sure it doesnt mean they can just slack off in development, but it also mesns that when mistskes ARE made, a simple glimpse at the bigger picture will show you youre being rewarded enough as it is.

So quit beating a dead horse.

Already found/bought 4 named exotics from playing since that whole event for example.

Let it go.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lolindir.3518


Im not exactly sure how well you guys expect to be compensated. In other words, i wouldnt expect more thsn an exotic and a handful of gold cuz thats what MOST people got out of it.

Im one of the ones who willingly sat out because of the bugs.

Am I mad that I did? Nope.
Would i be irritated that i got DC’d and no reward. Sure………for about a day.

The game has no sub. That should be compensation enough. Sure it doesnt mean they can just slack off in development, but it also mesns that when mistskes ARE made, a simple glimpse at the bigger picture will show you youre being rewarded enough as it is.

So quit beating a dead horse.

Already found/bought 4 named exotics from playing since that whole event for example.

Let it go.

Well, it’s not like we’re asking for something they never wanted to give, Arenanet said a little after the end of the event that they’ would have sent the reward for those who didn’t loot the chest. That’s all.. also, the fact that it has no sub is not a compensation, it’s a good feature but it has nothing to do with the error they made with the event

You bought 4 named exotic, good for you.. i can’t play much so i’d really like to have at least the 20 slot bag since it makes me safe a lot of money and everyone has got one from the event.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: JamrilGelantara.9827


I don’t expect anything at this point. When the game launched I was on the headstart and lost my Rytlock pet, which they assured me would be fixed and I’d get him back. They told me that it happened to lots of people including some of them.
Here it is, months later… no Rytlock.
If they can’t manage that, I don’t have high hopes.
And I waited anxiously for this game for 5 years. That excitement is dying quickly.

There is a thread set up to get you Rytlock back, you drop a support ticket and then post the number of the ticket into this thread.

We don’t need no gods! We’re the firing squad!
And if ya don’t want my flail,
better shake that mighty tail! Aw yeah!

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179

Lol. Feersum Endjinn, i can see that you are mad. what’s the point? Like what many people said, Enjoy the Game and not care about rewards. True that reward is the movtiation that drives players to play more.

I too speak for those players who unable to attend the event. What about those who wish to attend but unable to attend due to Timezone problem? How you going to compensate them? As i already stated, so long AN fixed up on all their coding for future events, will you think such issue will happened again? And everyone will be able to get their rewards for participating. If they didn’t fixed up, same thing happened again, you will make noise again! Right? See the long term, and not short term benefiting only to yourself and not to others.

Stop pressuring AN, they are trying their best to rectified it. I’m sad to see that there’s so many post that (players who DC)asking for LS event loots but there isn’t any post that speak up for those who can’t attend the event.

Well, this is nothing to do with those of you who couldn’t attend the event, this is about those that did attend the many hours of the event, put up with about 1 frame per minute issues, got all the way through the event and then got kicked right at the end.

If you didn’t play the event, then that is a different issue and has nothing to do with this thread, start your own instead to complain about the timings of one time events.

Its now Wednesday and still nothing from A-Net. If I was part of their marketing or customer relations department, I would be hanging my head in shame. If I was part of any other department, I would be trying to get the marketing department to do something, a little communication goes a long way you know A-Net!

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Lol. Feersum Endjinn, i can see that you are mad. what’s the point? Like what many people said, Enjoy the Game and not care about rewards. True that reward is the movtiation that drives players to play more.

I too speak for those players who unable to attend the event. What about those who wish to attend but unable to attend due to Timezone problem? How you going to compensate them? As i already stated, so long AN fixed up on all their coding for future events, will you think such issue will happened again? And everyone will be able to get their rewards for participating. If they didn’t fixed up, same thing happened again, you will make noise again! Right? See the long term, and not short term benefiting only to yourself and not to others.

Stop pressuring AN, they are trying their best to rectified it. I’m sad to see that there’s so many post that (players who DC)asking for LS event loots but there isn’t any post that speak up for those who can’t attend the event.

Well, this is nothing to do with those of you who couldn’t attend the event, this is about those that did attend the many hours of the event, put up with about 1 frame per minute issues, got all the way through the event and then got kicked right at the end.

If you didn’t play the event, then that is a different issue and has nothing to do with this thread, start your own instead to complain about the timings of one time events.

Its now Wednesday and still nothing from A-Net. If I was part of their marketing or customer relations department, I would be hanging my head in shame. If I was part of any other department, I would be trying to get the marketing department to do something, a little communication goes a long way you know A-Net!

Heres a question I dont think anyones actually thought of, least not on these boards.


How will they identify who was there and who wasnt? How will they sort through the players who finished, the players who DC’d and the players who didnt DC but left to go do something else?

Lets assume they can.

Thats a kittenton worth of data to look through and even knowing where to start is probably a challenge. If theyre able to narrow down those facts then great.

But its gonna take a loooooooooooong time. At least a few months Id give them.

Realize that.

Also realize that if they cant narrow it down, then the safest bet would be to send everyone, regardless of who was there or not, 1 gold and that 20 slot box because out of all the stuff people got, that was the constant among all of them (at least 1g from selling those exotics).

All this im sure is being worked on but understand that it will take a backseat to more important things:

Bug fixes
Content updates

The game has to keep going. Theyre not just gonna drop everything to work out this Lost shores compensation BS.

They need time and will take time.

So its not a matter of communication in this case.

Its common sense.

Be patient.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Opsfor.2814


Well, this is nothing to do with those of you who couldn’t attend the event, this is about those that did attend the many hours of the event, put up with about 1 frame per minute issues, got all the way through the event and then got kicked right at the end.

If you didn’t play the event, then that is a different issue and has nothing to do with this thread, start your own instead to complain about the timings of one time events.

Its now Wednesday and still nothing from A-Net. If I was part of their marketing or customer relations department, I would be hanging my head in shame. If I was part of any other department, I would be trying to get the marketing department to do something, a little communication goes a long way you know A-Net!

See, you are selfish, you just want the rewards after all. The way you kept asking about show how desperate and important VIRTUAL items means to you. Quit the bi t ching. You know how tedious to found out who participate and got DC just before the chest spawn, and who had looted?

Like i said, rather than one time event (to some seems EPIC, but it’s not), make it spawn a few times so that those lag out can come back again another time. After looting chest, you would be able to loot the chest again.
I do lag out, but i’m not like you bi t ching to AN like a little girl. Rewards? Do i care? lol. It’s only a virtual item. I Post just because there are too many posts Asking For LS rewards!

I’m not going to argue with little girl. Give AN more time (have you wondered how many employees are actually working on this issue, don’t expect fast if they assign only 1 or 2 LOL).

(edited by Opsfor.2814)

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CheapGamer.3691


Did anyone notice that they deleted the post about it in the News and Announcements section?

Engineer Cheapgamer [TRON] Magumma

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179

See, you are selfish, you just want the rewards after all. The way you kept asking about show how desperate and important VIRTUAL items means to you. Quit the bi t ching. You know how tedious to found out who participate and got DC just before the chest spawn, and who had looted?

Like i said, rather than one time event (to some seems EPIC, but it’s not), make it spawn a few times so that those lag out can come back again another time. After looting chest, you would be able to loot the chest again.
I do lag out, but i’m not like you bi t ching to AN like a little girl. Rewards? Do i care? lol. It’s only a virtual item. I Post just because there are too many posts Asking For LS rewards!

I’m not going to argue with little girl. Give AN more time (have you wondered how many employees are actually working on this issue, don’t expect fast if they assign only 1 or 2 LOL).

So, why bother coming onto a thread that isn’t anything to do with you as you didn’t even take part in the event. Seems you enjoy trolling, so go do it elsewhere.

It is not that hard for A-Net to work out who was DC’d, they have the server logs of who was on and they also know who got the 20-slot bag, so they know who did and who did not get the reward, it really is not that difficult.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lolindir.3518


Did anyone notice that they deleted the post about it in the News and Announcements section?

I still see it, if you refer to this


Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CheapGamer.3691


Oh, they moved it down below the line

Engineer Cheapgamer [TRON] Magumma

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Opsfor.2814


@Feersum Endjinn
little girl, you still don’t understand? The log is HUGE, it’s not only your server, there are 52 servers(including euro)! You think the log is small ?
aaa.111 hit Ancient Karka
bbb.222 hit Ancient karka

Can you see how much they need to parse each and every individual line? And some more its over few hours of combatlog !

I’m not trolling. I’m just amazed by how greedy people are over a Virtual Item.

I can see people want rewards aka compensation, just becos alot of people got the 20slot bag, with exotic and even a precursor! WHAT IF the chest only reward Master, Rare items, WILL you still QQ and asking for compensation ? LOL. Think about it. Read the line.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: grizzlebizzle.9371


Since they sent out the “early next week” message last week I would say they have already missed their own deadline there. An update would be nice.

As for the troll, everything in the game is a “virtual item” so the fact that they are not physical items hardly makes them trivial. People play the game to get virtual items. People even trade real cash for gems to get virtual items.

Also I am pretty sure they doing all their logging to a real DBMS not some huge text file somewhere, so it is a matter of writing and executing one or a handful of queries to determine who matches whatever criteria they come up with.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Syn.6987


Can we get an update from a Dev/Moderator?

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Is this related to people in the event, then dc’ing and can’t get back into the event? Are we getting rewards for that, I thought we just got unlucky (and snooze you loose bud)? I’m sure anet will post more events in future, hopefully similar to give a chance to get some of these forsaken precursors. I mean, wow … I heard some guildie talking on vent that some guy linked 2 as a reward in 1 chest, a dusk and something else on his map. I can see why the people on my map were right pissed when we got punted. I thought the event would complete before they drew the axe down on our necks.

Either way it was still a fun event that was very popular. Hopefully my luck changes in future.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


looool yes thank you anet ;DD

all of a sudden the rage and sadness i had from 1000+ rares in forge has disappeared


(edited by Ulquiorra.6903)

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CforKat.8701


Congrats bud, lol I love how a few days ago people were complaining and saying how they have given up on any compensation at all, and how it was all just a PR spin, we are never going to receive any rewards at all. Now that we do receive the rewards people complain about how people who did not participate in the event got rewards.
Human nature, sad.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dand.8231


I just got and immediately opened my chest. No luck getting a precursor from mine, but thats RNG for ya!

@Anet: Thanks for keeping your word, and resolving this issue. It certainly too longer than I’d hoped or expected, but I’m quite happy with the end results.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179

Still got kitten all, glad for all of you that did get a mail, but ANet seem to have given them out randomly, maybe they need to check their query..

Opsfor – I am a DB Developer/DBA by trade, so I kind of know what i’m talking about.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179

Yeah, I have a support ticket open as well. I am not letting that close, I will keep opening tickets and posting here until it is sorted!

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Drauger.2158


I’m not trolling. I’m just amazed by how greedy people are over a Virtual Item.

I paid real money for the game, you did not?

I just wanted a ‘fair’ game and ANet failed to provide that to me. Even some people had their rewards at the event, they got the mail too. I have proof of being there with screenshots but no reward, no mail, nothing.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: huebers.4150


I supported multiple tickets and havent received anything yet.
A-Net ?
Any word on this ?

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Arachnodite.2014


I logged in tonight and found a chest in my mail! I just wanted to give a “Thank you” to ANet. I was aggravated when I got DC’d at the end of the event, I admit, but knew that a ticket was really all I could do. I eventually moved on, accepting that I may not get compensated and hoping that this would at least help the team plan the next dynamic event, and then I got this! It is a very appreciated surprise. Thank you for listening to us!

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179


Thank you for updating us regarding the recent delivery of the Lost Shores reward chest. We are currently investigating some reports that some reward chests were not properly distributed. Once we have completed our investigation, we will update your ticket with more information.

Thank you,
GM Alura
Guild Wars Support Team

This is their latest reply..

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Drauger.2158


I hope i will get my chest someday too ^^

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Opsfor.2814


@Feersum, So are you happy with the compensation?

since you are working as a database, you should know the huge amount of data going on. So, why are you pressing AN? Give them time. See, the more pressure you giving to AN, the more screw up the job going to be. Get it? Give them More Time to sort out everything.

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Valkery.6125


Dear guildwars2 team,

My friend and I wanted to log in with the big main event on Sunday,
but we both got an error that we couldn’t log in.
Is this also counting for the refund?
We hope it does ofc, because we wanted to participate in that event!
We even came back earlier from or holiday weekend…

Friendly greetings,

Lady Valkery and Sir Stuggel

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ashteera.4918


Thanks Guys!!

After all this time,I never expected anything from this event except for the enjoyment of doing it.

I did fill out the survey and was honest as to what happened. But I guessed it was one of those things which helps them more than you or at least allows them to say they’re doing something without really doing anything ..

I actually enjoyed the Zergfest and was loling all the way through the wipes etc. Maybe because I was a warrior and had specced for defence and survivability I actually made it fairly well through almost to the Ancient Boss Karka Queen (I was 60 lvl and had crappy stuff). I was near naked by the end though and as the event went along I started getting calls and texts from my daughter that she wanted me to edit an essay she had written and she was on a time limit, she had to submit it withinn the next hour!. As she is a Biology Major away at University I was flattered she thought I might actually know anything… so reluctantly I left (I thought I would leave then come back to the zerg).
When I left we were just entering the last phase of the Nest and after reading about Thyroid receptors and going ? I sent the essay back with few changes and went back to where I left off. Only to find myself ALONE with a whole pile of angry Karka around! So I ran away really fast .. and joined another group which went through to the nest again (This time it was #3 as I had done it the night before as well) well it was pretty obvious that this time wasn’t so epic but I figured I’d get something from the chest .. but lol I didn’t get a thing. I didn’t think anything of it until I heard the next day
of the loot ppl had gotten. So I was disapointed but…oh well that"s life.

Last night I was killing Freshwater Crabs on an Island, it made me laugh because the were so small in comparison to the nasty Karka. I am at lvl 70 now, so still can’t go back. And I got mail .. and the mail said “please accept this chest to replace the one you lost…”

So thanks Guys, I never expected that !!!! And I got my first exotics which was nice too.