I think perhaps the difficulty level for a player in Malchor’s Leap is currently far, far greater than I suspect the developers intended. Perhaps this only applies to non-max population servers (like mine) or maybe it’s across the board, but it is extremely common for this region to have a grand total of 1 uncontested waypoint in the far east of the map and for it remain that way for hours if not days. I don’t think I’ve seen the Cathedral of Eternal Radiance or Cathedral of Xephrys under pact control any time in the last…um…at least a month, probably longer.
As I’m sure was intended, the Pact can never capture any of the waypoints or Cathedrals without substantial help from players. There are a few where even one or two players might be enough to turn the tide and allow them to accomplish it, but many waypoints require at least 5 or 10 to capture (the one just NW of the Theatre of Delight is a prime example) and the minimum to have a decent chance for the Cathedrals is probably closer to a dozen. Trouble is, there are rarely even half a dozen players in the entire region, let alone all grouped together and willing to try to accomplish it.
Then, even if you do get enough people together to capture one, the Pact will lose it again as soon as the next counter-attack comes from the Risen. In most cases, even having one or two players who happen to be there when the attack comes will not be enough since those events tend to be “medium” level ones that usually require at least 5 or 6 people to have much chance of holding out.
The bridge that’s a little north-west of the Theatre of Delights is a good example. I got a handful of guildies to come and help me when I was levelling through this zone and the five of us, plus a couple other people who happened to to join us, we just barely able to liberate the waypoint (the spawn rare of Risen there is…very high and any of the 15-20 dead Pact NPCs you rez get pretty much one-shotted by even the trivial mobs so all they do is provide a momentary distraction). Our little group of 5 moved on and within 10 minutes I noticed that the waypoint was lost again.
To help me get the PoIs and skill points, the other 4 members of the group ran interference just long enough for me to ninja them, but in most cases we didn’t bother trying to achieve anything there (no chance we could do a cathedral).
All of this makes me feel sorry for a new player who wasn’t around in the first month or two of the game when this zone actually had enough people in it to do these events…they were pretty fun and a new player is never going to get to see them (other than to unwittingly attempt one and be ripped to shreds within the first couple minutes).
It also means that for new players (and people levelling alts) this region is now essentially a “run for your life from east to west, don’t stop to kill any mobs because you’ll be overwhelmed, and make sure you go through the portal to Cursed Shore and get the waypoint there, otherwise you’ll have to run across the entire zone again to get there because none of the other waypoints will ever be in Pact control” and anyone going for 100% map completion will be ninjaing it, not “playing” it.
Again, I’m sure the difficulty level is intended…the developers probably felt that it ought to be a group of players that liberate those places and establish the foothold in Orr; and that premise would work fine if there were enough players to contemplate doing that on a somewhat ongoing basis. Even at peak hours, though, Malchor’s Leap is deserted on my server so that’s simply never going to happen. Nobody stays there for any length of time…they do the absolute minimum and move on to Cursed Shore because at least people farm there so there’s a chance of being able to complete those events.
I feel like the developers put a lot of time and effort went into creating this zone — all the artwork, some very cool medium level dynamic events, and a couple “epic” large events — and it’s a shame that a new player is never going to be able to see, enjoy and appreciate that effort because they’ll be too busy running for their lives, and existing members will only be able to look back and fondly (?) remember how they did it back in the beginning. Perhaps that’s not the case in max-pop servers, but even then I somehow doubt it.