Mesmers and DEs

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

How do you efficiently farm DEs in Orr? (Plinx chain)

I find I can’t ever loot anything and sometimes I don’t even get gold on the events even though I’ve been participating (or trying to) the entire time.

Every mesmer I’ve spoken with tells me the same thing and I think this is a huge problem. I really don’t wan to have to level another profession just to farm karma. And I feel I shouldn’t have to.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

Guess it doesn’t really surprise me that no one has any advice.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LyricDawnhagen.7803


Sounds like you have the same problem that I have with my Mesmer. What I have seen is that the mobs are dead faster than I can cast a spell. I have found that if I drop my Chaos Storm where the mobs ARE, they are already dead. My friends tell me that I need to learn the exact location and timings so i can drop the spell on top of the spawn point just before the mobs spawn. If there is a DE farming zerg going, everything will be dead long before I can cast my spells if I wait till the mobs actually show up on my screen.

I have spent many lootless hours in Orr trying to do the DEs. I have learned that I am just too slow at casting ground targeted AoE skills to do much good in Orr.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cotillion.7435


I have never had a problem getting gold in even the most populated DEs in Orr. (Plinx chain, Arah defense, Grenth chain). Phantasmal Berserker and Phantasmal Warden + blurred frenzy generally do a pretty good job at mob tagging. I also use sigils of fire for a bit more AoE (albeit random).

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sajuuk.5706


This hasn’t been a problem and I almost exclusively play my Mesmer. Illusionary Persona is an INCREDIBLE trait. I combine that with mainhand sword to basically tag everything in sight. Mesmer swords skills hit aoe so when things group, I hit multiple, and Mind wrack has a 900 range, so combined with the Illusionary Persona, I blink into mobs, tag them all and grab aggro with Mind wrack, and proceed to Blurred frenzy to keep the damage and tagging going. I swap to GS to insta-tag long range mobs, and the GS throw skill with multiple bounces can hit a lot as well. I keep Take Root as my elite so I can drop it as mobs spawn to auto-tag everything that is near me as well.

“Maim. Rinse. Repeat.”

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Ok, plinx is bad for mesmers when it’s on peak, (unless you are specd for illusionary persona), I have found far more sucess in terms of gold farm with the other CS event chain around shelters gate. Can tag way mroe mobs, mostly becasue less people also because I find it easier to repdict when to drop my skills. often the mobs are invulnerable long enough for me to create 2-3 illusions to mind wrack.

Plinx is still overall the best for KArma, with karma buffs ona good plinx run I can get 13,000 karma per hour. Shelters gate only has 5 DEs compared to the 7 around PLinx. Also at shelters sometimes the events happen simultaneously at opposite ends of the run., but defintely more loot at shelters.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


The trouble is, we (mesmers) can do amazing AOE, but it takes time to set up compared to some classes which seem to have quicker more efficient AOE.

The otehr thing is to famr Plinx only when you are palying at odd hours, easier for everyone to tag stuff when there isn’t 1 million pepole doing it.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: supergica.8652


Tagging in the zergfest in CS for mesmers is tougher then for the other classes. You MUST be in a party! Is the single most effective thing that will improve your drops, not because of some hidden mechanic/drop rate but because tagging a mob requires to just do1 point of damage, if the party as a whole can do at least 5% damage total that mob.

Learn where the mobs spawn during the event, go those places before they spawn and just autoattack with the sword a few times(aoe cone) or blurred frenzy then go to the next zone, let your party finish the mobs, and come back occasionally for the loot.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


1h Sword auto attack. Run around without a target swinging. using shatters help too.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Iehova.9518


The best way to farm with Mesmer is to roll a class that can actually tag.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Veltoss.9135


I have never had a problem getting gold in even the most populated DEs in Orr. (Plinx chain, Arah defense, Grenth chain). Phantasmal Berserker and Phantasmal Warden + blurred frenzy generally do a pretty good job at mob tagging. I also use sigils of fire for a bit more AoE (albeit random).

It takes time to summon those phantasms. I don’t know what kind of populated events you’re participating in, but when events are populated on my server, mobs go down before I have the time to summon phantasms, let alone for them to start tagging mobs. Without some kind of instant damage AoEs, we cannot compete in populated events, such as this weekend’s event which had about ~50 some people in it on most servers.


Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Norax.2405


It’s easy.
Log in with your mesmer. Go to LA. Press f12, change character, create a guardian and level it to lvl80. Get full magic find rare equipment and then go CS and auto-attack with GS, hammer.

It can take you a while, but farming will be less anoying. Thats what I made, and if you have time enough, thats what I encourage you to do.